However, now there are only two top fighters in the Navy Headquarters, him and Vice Admiral Garp.

If Garp leaves.

Then he is the only top fighter in the entire Navy Headquarters.

If it was before, it would be nothing. After all, no one would dare to make trouble in the Navy Headquarters.

But now it is not the past.

There is a new Mok Pirates in this world.

The Mok Pirates not only have a lawless captain. His captains are also not afraid of trouble.

They are more arrogant than each other.

The most troublesome thing is that the strength of those guys is stronger than each other.

Therefore, if the Navy Headquarters really leaves him alone to guard, he is really a little unsure.

Because, if Mok knew that he was the only one in the Navy Headquarters. It is really possible to take him away and fight.

After all, this guy dares to kill even the Five Elders.

What else in this world is he afraid of?

But if you don’t send people.

The situation in the North Sea is likely to collapse directly. What will the situation be like then?

The various kingdoms, various forces, and those pirates in the North Sea will all think that the navy has been completely contained by the New World.

They will have no time to care about the affairs of the North Sea.

If this happens, Cavendish’s capture of the branch where Bastiyou is located will become a fuse.

The North Sea will fall into chaos.

Everyone will target the navy. Even those kingdoms are the same. After all, no one wants to pay a large amount of taxes to the World Government.

And also give a lot of heavenly gold to the Celestial Dragons.

Wouldn’t it be nice to keep these properties in your own hands?

In the past, it was a last resort. After all, the strength of the World Government and the Navy is there. No one can really shake it.


At this time, the World Government and the Navy have been at their lowest point in 800 years.

If something goes wrong, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Therefore, the more this time, the more you can’t show your weakness. Otherwise, it’s not just the North Sea that will collapse.

The other three seas will follow suit.

Especially the West Sea and the South Sea…

Among the four seas, the only one that can really make him feel at ease is the weakest East Sea…


Aokiji exhaled deeply and tried to calm himself down. Then, he made a decision in his heart.

Then, he dialed Sengoku.


Sengoku, who was in the holy land, looked at the Den Den Mushi beside him and thought about it.

His eyebrows raised.

His face changed slightly and he hesitated.

“Answer it! What are you looking at?” Vice Admiral Tsuru asked with some doubt.

Sengoku smiled bitterly: “To be honest, I’m a little scared now. I’m afraid to hear the Den Den Mushi ring, because every time it rings, nothing good will happen.”

After saying that, he added: “It seems to be like this since Mok appeared.”

Hearing this, Vice Admiral Tsuru’s mouth twitched.

At the same time, he subconsciously glanced at the Den Den Mushi on the side. It would be better if Sengoku didn’t say it. After saying this, she also had a bad premonition.

Finally, he smiled helplessly: “Hurry up and answer it!”

Zhan Guo also smiled helplessly: “Yes, whether it’s good or bad. You have to answer it…”

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand to answer it.

The Den Den Mushi immediately turned into Aokiji’s face: “Moses Moses… I’m Aokiji.”

Zhan Guo couldn’t help but look at Vice Admiral Tsuru, and Vice Admiral Tsuru also looked at Zhan Guo at this time. The four looked at each other, and each of them saw uneasiness in each other’s eyes.

It turned out to be Aokiji! ! ? ? ?

The bad premonition in the hearts of the two people became stronger.

Because Aokiji shouldn’t have powered him up at this time.

But at this time, there was no other choice. Zhan Guo couldn’t help but ask: “Tell me, what happened?”

Aokiji told the story of Beihai in detail.

“Branch 06, one of the three major branches in the North Sea, was occupied by the supernova Cavendish from the past two years?”

“T. Pengen is missing? Bastiyu has joined Cavendish’s army?”

Warring States and Vice Admiral Tsuru exclaimed in unison, and then they looked at each other.

I have to say that their premonition is really accurate!

Here comes trouble!

And both of them are people with super IQ. They immediately knew the reason for Aokiji’s call?

Warring States: “So, you want me to go?”

He also knew that there were only Garp and Aokiji in the Navy Headquarters now. It was naturally impossible to send Garp away again… Otherwise, the Navy Headquarters would be in danger.


Warring States sighed.

He was also a former admiral of the Navy, so he naturally understood Aokiji’s embarrassment and helplessness at this time.

To be honest, he really didn’t want to go.

He had already retired…but he couldn’t refuse.

After all, this mess, strictly speaking, was still his own hand.To Aokiji.

At this time, Vice Admiral Tsuru spoke.

“I do have a suggestion… Isn’t Zefa going to take a new batch of students to experience in the near future?

Just let him change his target. Go to the South China Sea…”


Sengoku’s eyes lit up. If it weren’t for Tsuru, he would have really forgotten about this person.

Not only Sengoku, but also Den Den Mushi, Aokiji on the other side, was slightly stunned. Then he couldn’t help laughing: “I understand, I’ll call Zefa teacher now.”

Sengoku said: “Let Tsuru and I talk to Zefa!”

Vice Admiral Tsuru nodded: “Yes… Zefa, since he accepted that guy as a Shichibukai, his temper has become a little twisted. If you speak, maybe… it won’t work. Let Sengoku do it!”

Hearing this, Aokiji’s face showed a bit of embarrassment.

Because, this order was still given by him… Although, he also chose such a guy because of pressure from all sides.

After all, at this time.

It is necessary to fill up the Seven Warlords of the Sea as soon as possible, and at the same time, ensure that their strength must be at the level of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

But, such people.

Where is it so easy to find?

In a year, in addition to Hancock, the Seven Warlords of the Sea who is in name only.

It also brought Bakir Hawkins and Urouge, two of the eleven supernovas in the worst era, into the ranks of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

In addition, it is the one who cut off one of Zephyr’s arms.

The pirate who killed many of Zephyr’s students…Animal-Ancient-King Kongkou Dragon Fruit Ability User Aiden.

This is an old strong man.

He has been rampant in the New World for decades… The bounty is as high as 1.2 billion. And he has three colors of domineering, otherwise he would not have the strength to cut off one of Zephyr’s arms.

In other words, in a year, only three of the Seven Warlords of the Sea were confirmed.

It’s not that there are no people in the remaining four positions. But, they are still under investigation. Although now, because of the situation, it has been relaxed a lot.

But Master Yu also needs to confirm… These people have no connection with the Mok Pirates and the other two Emperor-level Pirates.

After all, Mok has infiltrated the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

But it really slapped the Navy in the face and dealt a heavy blow to the Navy. He doesn’t want it to happen a second time…

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