Niji and Yongji, who were originally leisurely, stood up instantly, their whole bodies tensed.

And, they put on their team uniforms at the first time.

Reiju did the same.

The three of them stared at Mok, and Mok was also looking at the three of them. Especially after they put on their uniforms…

You really have to say.

This uniform is really very desirable!

Especially Sanji, that guy’s uniform. Just thinking about it makes people envious!

It’s simply the dream of all men!

“Excuse me, what are you here for?” Reiju put her attitude very low, and also used a respectful title for Mok.

At the same time, she was a little flustered.

There was also a little shyness.

You know, her father, Judge, wanted her to marry Mok, so as to carry out a marriage between the two sides.

Originally, she was a little reluctant in her heart, but she couldn’t say no to her father.

But the moment she saw Mok, her heart was a little throbbing. Because Mok is not only the world’s first-class in status and position.

He is also very powerful and stands at the top of the world.

The most important thing is that he is very handsome.

However, he is handsome and heroic. He does not make people feel feminine because of his handsomeness.

On the contrary, he gives people a kind of domineering aura.

Especially the look of contempt for the world, which is really fascinating. If you really want to marry him, it seems not bad.

If this guy, why is he here?

Reiju was very confused.

Mok seemed to have come to his home, walked towards the three people step by step, and found a seat by himself and sat down.

Then he smiled and said: “I’m looking for you, of course I’m curious. What’s wrong with us? Why do you jump out for the navy?”

Reiju: “Ah?”

Niji and Yongji looked at each other, their eyes were full of confusion.

When did they stand up for the navy?

There is no connection between them and the Mok Pirates. Even if there is, it will be later. Wait until daddy formally proposes marriage…

But now…

Reiju frowned, her mind raced, and then she reacted.


Reiju looked at Mok, her eyes full of horror. Because, she didn’t dare to imagine, if her guess was correct.

Then the North Sea would usher in an earth-shaking change.

Moreover, her father’s wish to dominate the North Sea would probably be extinguished.

In order to confirm whether her idea was correct. Reiju asked tentatively: “Is Cavendish your man?”


Before Mokdy made a sound, Niji and Yongji exclaimed on the side.

Then his face changed drastically.

If this is true, everything makes sense.

From this perspective, isn’t it that they, Germa 66, stood up for the navy to deal with Mokdy?

A head of cold sweat.

The two clenched their fists together, alert, as long as Mokdy made a slight move, they would not hesitate to attack.

“We, Germa 66, didn’t know that Cavendish was your man before.” Reiju explained immediately, because she understood.

Once the man in front of her gets angry.

If he has the strength to wipe out the three of them, plus the three thousand soldiers.

So, she was very tactful in her words.

She didn’t want to piss him off. Then they would probably have to die here today.

Mok couldn’t help but laugh at this: “Now you know!”

After saying that, he looked at Reiju meaningfully.

“I know, now we will…” Reiju answered immediately.

But halfway through the words, her face changed again and again. Because she thought of the key point, that is, Cavendish was the person pushed forward by Mok.

Mok did this, obviously not wanting anyone to know.

He was the mastermind of all this.

And the very bad thing is that now she, Niji and Yongji know about it.

Put yourself in his shoes.

If it were her, she would definitely choose to kill all the insiders. In an instant, Reiju also took a fighting stance.

“Hey, hey, hey… Don’t be like this… I don’t mean to fight you.” Seeing this, Mok waved his hand, his tone was very calm.


Reiju was confused.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems to be true.

If Mok wanted to take action, he would have taken action as soon as he appeared. Why bother talking nonsense with them?


Reiju exhaled deeply, and at the same time, her heart that had risen to her throat also fell back.

Finally, with a bit of awe: “What do you mean?”

“I came here this time to talk to your father… To be honest, I want to cooperate with him. Control the North Sea together…”

“Control the North Sea together?” Reiju couldn’t help but exclaimed.

Because of Mok’s words,It was beyond her expectation.

With the strength of the Mok Pirates, it is possible to cooperate with them, Germa 66.

Control the North Sea together?


Anyway, she didn’t believe it, because if Germa 66 had the strength of the Mok Pirates. It would be impossible to control the North Sea together with a force that is far less powerful than itself.

Unless there is something… that they don’t have, but it is very valuable to exchange.

But what kind of thing can make the Mok Pirates exchange for half of the North Sea?


Yes, it is technology.

Bloodline factor, cyborg, clone soldiers, combat uniforms.

Reiju thought of this instantly, because in front of the Mok Pirates, they Germa 66 can show off. And these are the only things that Mok values.

But these are the foundation of Germa 66.

How could Dad Judge let go?

Not to mention half of the North Sea, even the entire North Sea, it is impossible to hand over these!

Reiju took several deep breaths and tried to calm herself down. Then she asked Mok what she thought: “You don’t want to exchange half of the North Sea for the technology of Germa 66!” Mok’s eyes lit up when he heard this. I have to say that Reiju is really a smart person. Many things can be thought of immediately. To be honest! The strength of the people in Germa 66 is quite good. Judge, Reiju, Iji, Niji, and Yongji, each of them has at least the strength of an elite admiral of the navy. Especially Iji, Niji, and Yongji, they are definitely at the level of general stars. If these five people are taken in, I think his power in the North Sea will be basically stable. The most important thing is that he is the most famous scientist in the pirate world. Vegabank, Quinn, Caesar Clown… Among them, Quinn and Caesar Clown are already under his command. If Judge is also taken in. Then he can form the strongest scientific trio besides Vegabank.

But then again, Vegabank is worthy of being the world’s number one scientist. The same thing, in his hands, can exert a stronger power.

For example, bloodline factor…

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