“Not bad…”

Mok couldn’t help but praise, and then added: “You are now heading to the Golden City, and you will be stationed there in the future. While assisting in the governance of the Golden City, you are also the chief of intelligence for the Mok Pirates.”

“By the way, Mr. 1 Daz Bonis and Mr. 2/Von Clay have also performed well, and their strength has improved rapidly. The bounty has reached 200 million… Let them go to Wano Country. They can officially show up and become a formal member of the pirate group.”

He paused here: “And Mr. 3 Gal Dino, this guy has a pretty good brain. Moreover, his strength has changed dramatically now. He is a bit like Charlotte Perospero, and he has awakened his armed color. Let him go to Wano Country, from now on, he is the chief of the Mok Pirates’ Intelligence Group 2.”

Robin couldn’t help laughing when he heard this: “I think Daz Bonis, Von Clay, Gal Dino and others will be very happy if they know about it.”

After saying this, Robin hesitated slightly.

Then he immediately said: “Captain, Daz Bonis’s partner Pola, as well as Beb and Dorophy, have made great progress in their training these days. They are now qualified to take charge of the first half of the Grand Line. Therefore, I plan to hand over the Grand Line to them. Especially Pola, not only has his strength improved, but his brain is also useful.” Mok was a little surprised when he heard this. Because he had already forgotten about these three people. After all, they were just supporting characters in the original work. Unexpectedly, they have grown up. Not bad… If you want to fight against the World Government, the more people like this, the better. However, Robin unexpectedly said, “There are also Mr. 5 Jem and Miss. Valentine Michita. These two people have been following Daz Bonis and Pola to carry out missions. Their strength has improved the fastest among us. Especially Jem, his strength has been catching up with Daz Bonis. He is already comparable to Von Clay and Gal Dino. Although Michita is a little worse, she also has a strength of over 100 million. I personally think that these two people have great potential and deserve to be cultivated.” “Oh?” Mok was surprised again. He had an impression of these two people. One of them was a superhuman explosion fruit ability user who often used snot explosions to attack others. He made a strong devil fruit disgusting. Michita is a superhuman-kilogram fruit ability user. Don’t underestimate this fruit. It can change its own mass and thus change its own weight. If this devil fruit is developed to awakening and then falls from the air, its power will be absolutely extraordinary. And more importantly, with the change of mass, its own defense will also become stronger. If he remembered correctly, he had these two people practice physical skills.

So he asked: “How are they practicing now?”

Robin: “Captain, you taught me the six styles. Jem has learned shaving, moon steps, finger guns, and storm kicks. Mickey has learned all six styles, and has been able to combine the six styles to develop many derivative moves.”

“Ah? In this case, Mickey’s strength is not as good as Jem’s? It seems that his devil fruit has been developed quite well!”

Robin: “Nodded, his ability is close to awakening. The power of the explosion is very terrifying…”

“Then their bounty should be over 100 million!” Mok is a little confused.

Robin: “They and Daz Bonis and Pola are carrying out missions in secret. And all the credit is given to Daz Bonis and Pola. Therefore, their bounties remain unchanged. One is 10 million Berries, and the other is 7.5 million Berries.

After all, they are intelligence personnel, and there is already a very outstanding killer combination of Daz Bonis and Pola. It is impossible for all senior intelligence personnel to be so high-profile! That will cause trouble…”

Mok laughed when he heard this.

It must be said that Robin considered it very comprehensively. Then he had an idea: “Find a way to send them to Hancock’s Kingdom of Daughters. Remember… They must have traces along the way so that there is no fault to find.”


Robin looked puzzled.

Mok did not hide her meaning: “Virgo is recovering there! Let them rescue the people, and it is best to have some conflicts with the people in the Kingdom of Daughters.”

Robin’s face changed when he heard this.

She was a very smart woman and immediately understood what Mok meant: “Captain, are you going to plant them in the navy as spies?”

Mok smiled: “It’s too limited to have only Vergo. With them, we will get more information from the World Government and the Navy.”

Robin was silent for a moment after hearing this: “With VergoVergo will escort them, plus their strength and devil fruit abilities. It won’t be long before they will be the rising stars of the navy… not to mention the vice admiral, even a major general can’t escape.”

Mok: “At that time, let them move away from Vergo to other places. In this way, we can get intelligence from three points. At that time, we can use their intelligence to verify each other, and the probability and accuracy of the intelligence obtained will be greatly improved.”

Robin: “I understand, I will arrange it now!”

Mok nodded with satisfaction, and then talked to Robin for a few words.

He hung up the Den Den Mushi, his face became solemn.

The Knights of God have about 20 people, each of whom not only has powerful strength, but also has rare fruit abilities. Take one out alone, it is at least at the level of a star. .

Even some of them are strong men at the vice-emperor level.

Perhaps one or two of the leaders have reached the emperor level.

This is the biggest reliance of the Celestial Dragons, except for the “cheating” guy Im. This is also the Celestial Dragons, who do evil everywhere, but still stand at the top of this world and look down on everything.

Then Mok’s mouth corners could not help but rise slightly. He had expected this, so he was prepared. But he didn’t expect that the people who came would be the Knights of God… Anyway, they would face each other sooner or later.

Why not kill some of them first.

In this way, when he leads the team to the Holy Land, the pressure will be less.

So, he took out the Jingzi.

Walked in and entered the Jingzi world. This time, he brought a total of several Jingzi, which were given to Cavendish, Bastiyou, Tucha, and Yuchimura respectively. So, he is not worried now.

With these three mirrors, he can return to Wano Country even if he has returned.

If there is something in the North Sea, he can also quickly support this side through the Jingzi world.

“Captain? ”

As soon as he entered, he saw Monet, Sucrose, and Otama looking at Mok in surprise. Because of the special nature of Sucrose and Otama, Mok didn’t dare to let them run around.

Especially at this special time.

So, when he left Wano Country, he let them stay in the Jingzi world. This way it would be 100% safe. Of course, Otama had to go out from time to time to hook out all the fish…

However, even if he went out, he was protected by Shiryu the whole time.

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