
Charlotte Katakuri and Garin Shuang shouted at the same time.

The two of them almost simultaneously burst out 200% of their strength. Such a terrifying collision of power also formed an extremely terrifying power.

A powerful shock wave swept around them with them as the center.

This shock wave scraped away seven or eight meters of the ground within a hundred meters.

A circular pit with a diameter of one hundred meters and a depth of seven or eight meters suddenly appeared in front of everyone.


Everyone present couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

Even if they were all people of the same level, they were still shocked by the power that Charlotte Katakuri and Garin Sheng had burst out.

And Charlotte Katakuri and Garin Sheng were blown away by the reaction force.


Finally, the two masters crashed into the soil layer at the edge of the pit. The edge of the pit was collapsed by them, pressing them all underneath!

For a moment, dust flew up and vision was blocked.

He used the power of the Mochi Mochi Fruit to turn his arm into a glutinous ball and surround the trident, then made his arm rotate and thrust forward, with extremely powerful power.


This time, Garin Sheng rushed out of the soil first, and the whole person was as fast as lightning.

Fast, too fast.

I’m afraid that in this world, except for Enelu, Kizaru, and Shiryu, no one is faster than him…

The dust has not yet dispersed, and he has rushed to the other side of the pit. And locked Charlotte Katakuri, who was still pressed down, with his observation Haki. With a sword, everything, including the ground, was cut open.

It was simply invincible… The most important thing is that the speed of this slash was also abnormally fast.

The corners of Garin Sheng’s mouth could not help but rise slightly, because of his sword.

So far, no one has been able to block it.

Because it was really too fast.

Just as difficult to dodge as Kizaru’s laser!

This is his ability, the superhuman-speed fruit. It can increase his own speed or the speed of the attack by multiples. Now, the sword he swung is his limit.

Ten times the speed.

This is a sword with ten times the speed!

He believes that except for Enelu, Kizaru, and Shiryu, no one else in this world can dodge this sword.

“Such a fast sword…”

Enelu and Yixiao, who have the strongest observation Haki, can’t help but change their faces. Because they have already captured the sword of Garin Sheng just now. So, they can’t help but worry. .

If, when this sword ends, the corners of their mouths can’t help but rise slightly.

And murmured: “I almost forgot that Katakuri’s observation Haki is not inferior to them at all. No… In some ways, it’s stronger than them.”


When the dust cleared, Charlotte Katakuri stood there intact.

“How is it possible?”

Garlin Sheng couldn’t help but exclaimed. In that attack just now, he even used the power of the devil fruit. Moreover, he exerted it to the extreme.

Before, even if he was at a disadvantage, it was useless.

The purpose was to find an opportunity to burst out suddenly and succeed in one blow.

But the result was greatly unexpected.

How could this happen?

Charlotte Katakuri’s mouth corners slightly raised, but she was also secretly shocked. If it weren’t for his observation Haki, he had reached the level of foreseeing the future. He really couldn’t avoid the sword just now.

There was even a layer of cold sweat on his forehead.

You know, in the future he saw, he was hit by this sword. The slash itself was very powerful, and at ten times the speed, it was extremely terrifying. Even at the last moment, he reacted.

He was still hit.

Although he avoided the vital point, his arm was cut off.

“Unparalleled Rice Cake Blade Bullet…”

The next second, Charlotte Katakuri counterattacked, and saw him transform his arm into the shape of a machine gun and harden it with Armament Haki, and then continuously fired a large number of glutinous rice ball bullets combined with Armament Haki at Garin Sheng.

The speed of the attack was very fast, and the frequency was even faster.

The bullets were very dense.

Seeing this, Garin Sheng narrowed his eyes. His observation Haki was used to the extreme, and then he was seen swiftly shuttling among the dense bullets. Easily avoiding all the bullets.

Because he had accelerated ten times.

So, the bullets shot at him seemed very slow.

It did not pose an effective threat to him at all.

“Sure enough…” But Charlotte Katakuri seemed to have expected this a long time ago.

Not surprised at all.

In this case, then it can only be like this.

The next second, Charlotte Katakuri entered the awakening state. I saw that with his feet as the center, the ground… and even the surroundingAll non-living things are being assimilated by his ability.

Becoming a part of him.

In fact, after awakening, Charlotte Katakuri’s superhuman “Momo Momo Fruit” and Doflamingo’s superhuman string fruit.

What they get is a kind of ability “field”.

In this field, he is God. A God who can control all non-living things!

And this field is very large. Within a thousand meters, everything is within it.

“Flowing glutinous rice balls!”

This is the trick used by Charlotte Katakuri in the awakening state. After he assimilated into a glutinous rice ball, the ground surged towards Garin Sheng like a wave.

This trick is very suitable for capturing opponents at a long distance.

If you are fast, then limit your actions and make you unable to speed up!

This is Charlotte Katakuri’s plan.

Garin Sheng’s face changed slightly. Although he had learned from the intelligence that Charlotte Katakuri’s devil fruit ability had reached the awakening level.

But, he never thought of it.

The awakened superhuman system is actually like this.


Puk Saint and Ode Saint sighed together. The number of awakened superhumans is far less than that of animal systems, and it is very rare. Even in the World Government, there is no one.

There are many awakened animals.

So, even if you see the description in the intelligence, you can’t really experience it.

But now, they really experience it.

After the awakening of the superhuman system, it will only be more terrifying than the animal system.

“Swish, swish, swish…”

Within the range of the awakening “field”, Garin Saint can only rely on speed to dodge. However, he is not a person who easily admits defeat. Moreover, in this situation, there is no such thing as admitting defeat.

If you lose, there is only one result, that is death.

So, while hiding, he stared at Charlotte Katakuri, he was looking for flaws.

As long as there is a chance, he can make a powerful counterattack. Thus breaking this unfavorable situation…

Charlotte Katakuri naturally saw all this, so he deliberately revealed a flaw. However, Jialin Sheng didn’t know it was a trap, thinking he had seized the opportunity, he exerted force with his legs, and the whole person jumped directly into the air.

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