This lesson is really unforgettable.

Then, Ata looked at Brook again. The living skeleton is also a great spectacle!

Just now, Ata was kneeling on the ground, and Brook had not seen Ata’s true face. Now Ata has stood up and looked at him, and Brook was stunned.

He has never seen such a beautiful and moving beauty.

After coming back to his senses, with a red “face”, he approached Ata shyly: “Can I see your underwear?”

Ata: “!!!!”

For a moment, she didn’t react. But immediately, a raging fire emerged in her eyes.

“Sexy skeleton, die for me!”

Brook was kicked out directly.

“Tsk tsk…”

Moke couldn’t help but laugh strangely, the two idiots of the Straw Hat Pirates, Sanji and Brook… The former has no bottom line, and the latter is completely a “man’s curiosity”.


When the opponent is a woman, he will also act mercilessly. Unlike Sanji, he will be weak when he sees a woman.

To be honest, Brook’s strength at this time is a bit weak. But no matter how weak he is, he can still reach the level of Doflamingo’s senior cadres.

And he is much stronger than some of them.

The most important thing is that Brook’s potential is still good. The speed of improving his strength is not slow. Two years later in the original book, his strength is barely acceptable.

In addition, he also needs manpower now.

In addition, he and Ata are both swordsmen. Isn’t it easy to improve Brook’s strength?

Beat him up in turns, and I don’t believe that his strength can’t be improved.

After thinking it over and over again, Mok made an invitation: “If I guess correctly, you are here to take back your shadow! How about this, I help you take back your shadow, and you join my pirate group?”

Brook, who was knocked to the ground, stood up immediately: “Yo roro roro roro ~ OK!”

Brook has come here many times, and each time ended in failure. Therefore, he knows in his heart that it is almost impossible for him to take back his shadow alone.


Ata was surprised. He really didn’t expect that the captain would take in this color skeleton in front of him.

Mok: “This guy is a good swordsman… He is only one step away from being a swordsman. After he joins, you teach him well. I think his strength will improve quickly. When the time comes, when we deal with Doflamingo, we will have another fighting force that can be shown off.”

After these words came out, Kota, who was still a little emotional. He immediately entered the sage mode, and the look in his eyes when he looked at Brook also became a little different.


Brooke laughed his signature laugh again, but this time the laugh was a little weak. He instinctively took two steps back… Because, Ata’s eyes.

gave him a not very friendly premonition.


Perona in the castle has also come back to her senses, and she can’t care about anything else at this time.

Run out and release all the zombie generals under Absalom’s command.

The zombie generals are definitely the strongest in Moonlight Mori’s zombie army. So, he is very fast.

When Mok, Ata, and Brook had just arrived at the castle gate.

They were already blocking the door.

The two leading the group were Ryoma and Captain John. They were the strongest among the zombie generals… but there was one less Jigoro than in the original book.

However, these two guys were enough for Brook now.

Turning to Kota, he said, “The two zombies in front are Ryoma and Captain John. They were both great figures before, and now even though they have been turned into zombies, they still have good strength. It’s a good opportunity for Brook to practice, so you watch from the side.”

After that, he added, “As long as you don’t die, don’t attack… Even if this guy has a broken bone, he can recover by drinking some milk.”

Brook: “…..” Listen, is this what a human says?

Hearing this, Ata nodded seriously.

Brooke: “Actually, you don’t have to be so serious…”

Moke chuckled, and then said: “You guys play here, I’m going to meet Moonlight Moriya.”

As he said that, he turned into a cloud of mist and floated in the air.


The next second, the dragon on the opposite side felt his hand loosen. He looked down and saw that his knife was gone.

Ata also happened to see this scene.

Her eyes lit up: “So the captain is interested in his knife! I’m really curious about what kind of knife it is!”

Then her eyes fell on Captain John. The two people in front of her were both chosen by the captain, and it was said that they were extraordinary figures when they were alive.

These two people really use knives.

The knife in Longma’s hand is a good knife, and the knife in John’s hand must not be too bad!

So, she asked JohnHan also became interested in the double swords in his hand. Although, she couldn’t use so many by herself. But they can be used for collection!

Who doesn’t have a hobby!


Mogko Moriah seemed to feel that something was happening, and he actually came out from the center of the castle.

He just bumped into Mok who entered the castle.

Both of them were stunned. No one expected that they would suddenly encounter each other.

After coming back to his senses, Mok looked at Mogko Moriah and shook his head. This Mogko Moriah was also a figure at the time.

23 years ago, he was only 27 years old.

Dare to challenge Kaido… Unfortunately, after being defeated by Kaido and losing all his partners, he was directly hit to doubt his life. After that, due to depression, he also doubted his own strength, and only thought about using external objects, so that his own strength continued to decline.

He has completely lost his original ambitions, and there is only… a fat body.

Mogko Moriah’s pupils shrank slightly, as a member of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. New members joined the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and they were naturally the first to get the news.

So, he recognized Mok right away.


He was not stupid. Mok came without notice, and he definitely had no good intentions. His eyes narrowed, and he sneered, and then asked: “What did you do to Absalom?”

Absalom had not replied yet, and this guy had already broken into the castle and came to him, and he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Hearing this, Mok said lightly: “Kill him!”

Moonlight Moria’s pupils were shaking, and finally roared: “Boy, you are looking for death!”

It must be said that Moonlight Moria was angry.

“Shadow box…” Moonlight Moria turned his shadow into flying bats, and then surrounded Mok with these bat shadows.

Mok’s mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a sneer. The whole person turned into mist and scattered. The next second, at his original position, those bat shadows formed a cube like a black box.

If he had reacted a little slower, he would have been trapped immediately.

I have to say that Gekko Moriah is still quite good. And his superhuman-Shadow-Shadow Fruit is also very awesome. What a pity…

The dispersed mist regrouped into a human form on the left side of Gekko Moriah.

Then his eyes fell on the shadow under Gekko Moriah’s feet, because Gekko Moriah’s attacks were basically made of shadows.

He looked down at his own shadow, thinking…

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