This is not just talk, like Charlotte Katakuri, Charlotte Perospero, Mr.3. The first two are the parahuman-mochi-mochi fruit and the parahuman-licking fruit, and the latter is the parahuman-wax-wax fruit.

It can be said that these three fruits are very similar.

Especially Charlotte Perospero and Mr.3, the way of developing fruits is very similar. But the strength between the two is very different.

So, except for some individual devil fruits.

It mainly depends on the person.

Moreover, in Mok’s opinion. This parahuman-slippery fruit is much stronger than these three devil fruits.


“Bughi the Clown? This is a big pirate with a bounty of 15 million berries!”

There are only a handful of pirates in the East China Sea with more than 10 million berries, and as a pirate in the East China Sea, Alrita is naturally well aware of these big pirates. She recognized the pirate flag of Bughi the Clown at once, and her face immediately sank.

To a certain extent, the bounty is also a proof of strength. So, at this time, Alrita became alert.

Then she looked at the island in front of her, and then looked at the pirate ship of Buggy the Clown that was heading here quickly.

Now she had to make a dilemma. If she went to the island… then the two sides would inevitably fight for the treasure. But once the battle broke out, it would most likely end with her failure or even death.

But she was very unwilling to give up the treasure right in front of her.

However, Alrita made a decision immediately. She waved her hand and said with a bit of ferocity: “Go full speed ahead, land on the island as quickly as possible, and find the treasure before Buggy the Clown.”

Not only him, Mok also became nervous. Although Buggy the Clown is a small pick in One Piece… but he is far from being able to match him now.


Under Alrita’s command, the pirate ship immediately headed towards the island. And successfully landed on the island before Buggy the Clown….As soon as she landed on the island, Alrita immediately followed the route on the treasure map and rushed to the center of the island.

The pirates, including Mok, followed her. Soon, a huge cave appeared in front of them.

“This is it.”

Alrita’s eyes flashed with joy, and then she waved her hand, and all the pirates followed her into the cave.

But when they entered the cave, they were dumbfounded. Because in front of them were six forks… Obviously, which fork to take should be on the half of the map she was missing.

At this time, she no longer had time to look for them one by one. So she immediately divided everyone into six waves and walked into the six forks respectively.

Before entering, Mok walked at the end without leaving a trace. When entering the cave, he took advantage of everyone’s inattention and dodged to one side outside the cave.

At the same time, he paid attention to everything that happened in the cave. When he saw all the pirates divided into six waves, Mok’s face showed joy.

Because, the current situation is too favorable for him!

Now all he has to do is wait… As long as the one who finds the Parahuman Devil Fruit is not Alrita, he has a great chance of succeeding.


Time passed little by little.

Until he saw Buggy the Clown and his gang had also landed on the island. There was movement in the cave….

“Captain, we found it… There are a lot of treasures inside.” A pirate rushed out from the third fork.

Mok’s eyes lit up, and then, in the surprised expression of the pirate, he walked into the third fork in the open. Because he was one of them, he didn’t have any doubts, but thought that he was just like them, eager to get some benefits!

After all, pirates!

Who doesn’t love money.

What’s more, there are seven or eight brothers guarding inside!


Mok rushed into the third fork quickly, but before he reached the deepest part, he heard a scream. His face changed, and it was obvious that something had happened inside.

This was not what he wanted to see, and Mok rushed in quickly.

“Tsk tsk… Devil fruit, it was actually a devil fruit.”

When Mok rushed to the deepest part, he saw a pirate standing there, holding a devil fruit in his hand, laughing wantonly…but the smile on his face at this time was very hideous.

The most terrifying thing was that around him, six pirates were lying in a pool of blood. Four of them were stabbed in the back, and it was obvious that this was a quick sneak attack while the other party was not paying attention…and then they directly killed the other two.


Mok didn’t even think about it, he raised his gun and shot.

Hit the other party’s chest…The pirate only felt a pain in his chest, and subconsciouslyHe looked down, and then turned to look at Mok. He was stunned when he saw Mok.

“It’s you…”

At the moment of being shot, many people appeared in his mind. Only Mok and other rookies were not among them…

Then he slowly fell down.

At this time, there was reluctance in his eyes. Don’t think that he is just a small captain in the Alrita Pirates. He is one of the few people in the East China Sea Pirates who knows the devil fruit. He knows that as long as he eats the devil fruit, he will immediately become a strong man in the East China Sea.

So, he killed the men around him without hesitation.

Because this is his only chance to become stronger. After all, he is just an ordinary person who can’t be more ordinary. He has worked hard for more than ten years, and he has only become a small captain in the Alrita Pirates, managing seven or eight people.

How can he, who is ambitious, give up such an opportunity?

But he didn’t expect that the devil fruit was already in his hand, but he didn’t have the chance to eat it.

Mok quickly walked over, snatched the devil fruit from him, and ate it directly. Then he cursed: “Idiot….Just eat it when you get it, what a complacent ass!”

For devil fruit, eating it right away is the best choice.

Captain: “…”

He closed his eyes completely, but before he died, he was stabbed in the heart.


What a complacent ass! I should have eaten it right away…

But Mok ignored him and carefully experienced his changes. After a while, Mok couldn’t help but widen his eyes.

“Fuck…Shouldn’t it be the Parahuman-Slippery Fruit? How did it become the Parahuman-Absorption Fruit?”

“Did I grab the wrong fruit?”

“Or did his arrival cause a butterfly effect? ​​Did the world change?”

But immediately, Mok got excited. Because compared with the Parahuman-Slippery Fruit, this Parahuman-Absorption Fruit is even more awesome.

No, it’s super awesome.

What Tremor-Tremor Fruit, what Dark-Dark Fruit, what Thunder Fruit, they are all weak.

Because the ability of this fruit is to absorb all the substances it touches, and then assimilate the body into the same substance.

Touching iron, it becomes an iron man.

Touching lightning, it can also release lightning like Enelu.

It can even transform into an element like a natural ability user.

If the Dark Dark Fruit is the most special existence in the natural system, then this absorption fruit is definitely the most special existence in the superhuman system.

The Nika Fruit has to stand aside.

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