The corners of Mok’s mouth have involuntarily risen, because this time he tried to confirm that even his own shadow can be absorbed and transformed into ability.

Then what else can’t be absorbed?

It must be said that this attempt gave him a new understanding of his ability to absorb fruit.

In his mind, there is another idea.

If this idea can succeed, he will have another ability that is very against the sky.

However, it is time to go to the new world now. His goal is M. Caesar Kulang. The intelligence system there has not been established yet.

Therefore, he can only go to the intelligence system of the underground world by himself.

This is also the reason why he asked Ata and others to go to Champion Island first.

Therefore, he can only temporarily separate from Ata and his group. This will save time….

And why go to M. Caesar Kulang?

Because there is a dragon fruit there. Look at the original work. Momonosuke ate the dragon fruit and mastered it. It is almost equivalent to Kaido’s blue dragon fruit….

Such a fruit must be obtained naturally. At that time, collect Gizas Bajes and let him eat it.

Gizas Bajes’s strength immediately increased greatly, reaching the level of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and became another capable general in his pirate group. At that time, he and Weeble will be the two vice-emperors in his pirate group.

Therefore, he is determined to get this artificial devil fruit.

Mok turned into a beam of light and headed for the windless zone. Yes, he chose to cross the windless zone and directly reach the new world.

Then, he found a small island and landed.

And quickly found a tavern, a tavern full of pirates.

When the waiter saw Mok, he immediately greeted him with a smile: “Guest, what do you need?”

Mok: “Do you have any information about M. Caesar Kulang?”

“M. Caesar Kulang?”

The waiter was slightly stunned, and then he understood that people didn’t come to drink, but to find someone.

This is a big business!

So he immediately said: “Please wait, I’ll check it out.”

Mok nodded, and then found an empty seat and sat down.

“Hey, hey, hey… That guy seems to be the newly promoted Shichibukai Mok!”

The entrance of Mok immediately attracted the attention of some pirates in the tavern. And some of them have recognized Mok’s identity.

There was a bit of shock in his eyes, but the shock immediately turned into awe.

Although the Shichibukai is not as good as the Four Emperors, it is also a symbol of strength and status. However, some people looked at Mok with a bit of provocation.

Some people even looked eager to try.

In the New World, there will never be a shortage of powerful and arrogant people. Of course, there is also no shortage of stupid people who can’t recognize themselves when they have a little strength.

However, in the corner, there was a tall, tough, muscular guy. He paused in his eating…. turned his head and glanced at Mok, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

Even the sunglasses he wore couldn’t cover it up.


Mok seemed to have a sense and turned his head to look at the man. But he only saw a side face with short black hair and lightning-shaped sideburns on both sides of his face.

Mok’s eyebrows could not help but raise, because for some reason, this guy gave him a familiar feeling.

It seemed like he had seen him somewhere.

Then, Mok shook his head. He didn’t have any acquaintances in this world.

So, he didn’t take it to heart.

Soon the waiter came back, but there was an extra box in his hand: “Guest, this is the information about M. Caesar Courant. This guy’s identity is not ordinary, so it’s a bit expensive.”

Mok just asked lightly: “How much?”

Waiter: “Two million Baileys!”

Mok didn’t talk nonsense at all, and directly took out a jewel of almost the same value and handed it over.

The waiter took it with a smile on his face, and after a careful inspection, he handed the information about M. Caesar Courant to Mok.

After Mok opened the information and read it, he chuckled to the waiter: “Then give me an eternal pointer of Sicily.”

Yes, at this point in time, Punk Hazard has not yet become an island of ice and fire!

Therefore, we can only find M. Caesar Courant, not Punk Hazard… and the intelligence shows that M. Caesar Courant is in Sicily at this time.

The waiter took out another box from his arms and handed it to Mok: “This is the eternal pointer you want, 100,000 Baileys!”

Mok couldn’t help but smile at this, and nodded with satisfaction: “Your service is really thoughtful!”

He gave him 100,000 Baileys and rewarded him with another 10,000 Baileys.

The smile on the waiter’s face immediately became sincere: “What else do you need to eat, sir?”

Mok: “Three dishes of meat and vegetables!”

Waiter: “Then I’ll serve you the most famous dishes in our restaurant!”


After eating, Mok walked out of the tavern and headed out of town. When he walked seven or eight miles out of town, Mok stopped and turned to look behind him. The corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a sneer: “You have followed me all the way, come out!”

“Tsk tsk…”


The two came out from a relatively hidden place on the right, laughing wildly.

When Mok saw them, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Because these two people, one is very tall and thin, just like a stick; the other is very short and fat, just like a ball.

However, the look they gave Mok was still a bit solemn. Obviously, the title of Shichibukai still has a certain deterrent effect.

The tall and thin man: “We are a brother pirate group, Loki and Martin, and we offer a bounty of 230 million and 210 million berries.”

Mok: “So?”

Loki and Martin looked at each other, and then laughed sinisterly: “So, we brothers want to borrow your head for a while.”


Mok laughed.

Neither of them has more than 300 million. I really don’t know who gave them the courage.

Martin: “Brother, I feel like this guy is laughing at us.”

Loki: “Then let him know how powerful we brothers are.”

As soon as the words fell.

The two of them changed at the same time. Loki grew a layer of short gray hair on his body, and he turned into a human-beast form.

And Martin grew fangs in his mouth.

Good guy!

Both are animal-type ability users, one is an animal-type-skinny dog ​​fruit ability user, and the other is an animal-type-wild boar fruit ability user.

Then, Loki rushed towards Mok, as fast as lightning. Martin is definitely a power type. He followed Loki and rushed towards Mok.

The ground shook with every step he took.

But don’t underestimate him. Although his speed is not as fast as Loki’s, it is not slow. He can be called a flexible fat man…


Mok couldn’t help but get interested. The Autumn Water in his hand was unsheathed instantly, and a slash burst out, rushing towards Loki who was rushing in front.

Loki dodged flexibly and easily avoided the attack.

Martin behind him was brave….. He showed his true form directly, turned into a huge wild boar, and went straight…

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