Time passed quickly, and three months passed in a blink of an eye.

Smoker looked at Dashiqi with a bit of scrutiny in his eyes. Because he found that Dashiqi often asked for leave in the past three months.

Especially in the past half month, even if she was here, she was often distracted.

She was completely out of shape!

“What’s wrong with you, Dashiqi?” Smoker couldn’t help but asked.

Originally, as long as it didn’t affect official business. He wouldn’t care about his subordinates’ private affairs, but now… it has affected them.

Hearing this, Dashiqi shook his head: “Nothing, Colonel Smoker.”

“Nothing?” Smoker’s eyelids twitched.

He wasn’t blind, how could he not see it?

So he asked: “What happened? What made you so distracted?”

But as soon as he said this.

He couldn’t help but think of the rumors in the base recently. It is said that Dashiqi has been dating a man. Is it true?

In love?

Dashiki answered the question irrelevantly: “Colonel Smoker, do you think women are inferior to men in swordsmanship?”

Smoker couldn’t keep up with her thinking and was obviously stunned for a moment. However, he saw something at this time and comforted her: “Women are only lacking in physical strength compared to men. But that’s all… After all, for swordsmanship, strength is only one of the factors. So, don’t be discouraged. If you lack strength, make up for it in other aspects. As long as you keep working hard, your name, Dashiki, will definitely be among the swordsmen in the future.”


Dashiki’s eyes lit up when he heard this, but they dimmed immediately.

Muttered: “But how does that guy explain it? It’s only been three months…”


Smoker didn’t hear clearly and looked confused.

At this time, Dashiki turned around and walked out, with a bit of loss in his eyes.

Smoker: “…”

This guy is not really in love!

Anyway, now Tashigi really looks like a woman who has been heartbroken. But a woman who has been heartbroken, asking about kendo again?

As a single man for decades, Smoker, who has to rely on his hands to do everything, feels overwhelmed.

He stood up, and at this time he made a decision. He must find out what happened to Tashigi, and he doesn’t want his subordinates who are optimistic about him to be decadent like this.

So he followed.


In a small forest on the edge of Rogue Town, Mok stood there wiping the Sandai Kitetsu.

Xuezou was leaning against a tree on the side.

He and Tashigi agreed that Tashigi would teach him swordsmanship for three months. After three months, Xuezou would be hers.

And today is the last day of three months.

If before, Mok practiced kendo just to make up for his own shortcomings. Then now, he is already a qualified swordsman. Because, after these three months.

He has completely integrated into this world and has the heart of a brave man, a strong man, and a swordsman.

He is no longer the college student who eats instant noodles and watches movies in the dormitory.


Mok shrugged his ears, turned his head to look to the side, and couldn’t help laughing: “Dashiqi, you are here!”

Dashiqi held Shi Yu’s hand and couldn’t help tightening it. In the past three months, the first month was spent teaching Mok basic swordsmanship, and the last two months were spent fighting each other.

Because of this, Mok’s combat experience has increased sharply.

Dashiqi pursed her lips: “Mok, you are the most talented swordsman I have ever seen. In just three months, you have achieved the results of my six years. No… You have walked out of your own sword path, while I am still obsessed with the sword moves I learned. So, you have surpassed me… Today is the last day, it should be over.”

As she spoke, Dashiqi walked to the side of Xuezou and took it in her hand.

As a sword fanatic, she also felt a little more happy because of this Xuezou.

Because from today on, this Xuezou belongs to her alone. This is what she deserves, because in these three months, she taught Mok swordsmanship without reservation.

Then she looked at Mok again: “I know that you have been holding back since half a month ago. Before you leave, can you show me your own moves?”

Mok nodded when he heard it, and he bent his legs slightly and posed a sword-drawing posture.

The next second, he and the Sandai Kitetsu in his hand released ghost energy at the same time. Even his eyes have turned dark green.

“One Sword Style-Ghost Flame Flash!”

In an instant, Mok disappeared in front of Tashigi. When he appeared again, he was already three or four meters behind Tashigi, and slowly put the Sandai Kitetsu into the scabbard.


At the same time, a three-meter-high tree next to TashigiThe tree was cut off. On this cut tree, a purple flame with a hint of green ignited. It began to burn rapidly. Of course, this ghost flame was transformed from ghost energy. Dashiqi widened her eyes, her eyes full of shock. This guy didn’t even know the correct sword swinging posture three months ago. But now… he has launched such a powerful sword move. I’m afraid he is only one step away from the realm of swordsmanship. Not to mention her, even Mok himself is sometimes very confused. Why does he have such an outrageous kendo talent? He thought about it. He only thought of one unreliable possibility. That is, he absorbed the third generation of Kitetsu and turned into a “Kitetsu swordsman”, so he has such an outstanding talent in kendo. Of course, there is another possibility. He originally had such a talent in kendo. It’s just that in the last life, he didn’t have the opportunity to practice at all… However, he is more inclined to the former. “Tap, tap, tap…”

At this time, a sound of footsteps sounded, and Mok and Dashiqi looked over at the same time.

When they saw the person coming, they were both stunned again. Because the person coming was Colonel Smoker.

Although Mok knew that he would meet him sooner or later. But he didn’t expect that he would meet him here, in this way now.

And Dashiqi felt a little guilty.

But the next second, they were both dumbfounded. Smoker first said to Dashiqi: “Is this your boyfriend?”

After saying that, he examined Mok for a few times, and said to Mok coldly: “You kid, since you are with Dashiqi, then give her some concessions. How can a grown man still care about his own woman?”


Mok was confused.

Dashiqi was also confused, but immediately blushed. He first glanced at Mok, then immediately ran to Smoker and explained: “Colonel Smoker, it’s not what you think. I’m just here to teach him swordsmanship!”

“You teach him swordsmanship?”

Smoker looked unconvinced, because he saw the boy’s sword just now.

Quite amazing.

Even if he was placed in the Navy Headquarters, he could definitely become a major. Although Tashiki is also quite talented in swordsmanship, she is still too young now.

With her current strength, it’s almost the same for this boy to teach her.

Smoker’s expression stabbed Tashiki’s heart. However, he still told Smoker the reason for the matter.


After listening, Smoker couldn’t help but exclaimed. When he looked at Mok again, his eyes changed.

With an unbelievable expression, he said: “So, this guy is also a devil fruit ability user? So, this guy, from having no swordsmanship to the current level, it only took three months?”


Mok’s kendo talent really surprised him. You know, he is Zephyr’s disciple. As far as he knows, there has never been such a perverted guy in his world, including the upper and lower worlds.

Even among all Zephyr’s students, only Kizaru, Akainu, and Aokiji have such perverted talents!


Smoker took a deep breath of smoke and then exhaled. For a moment, the smoke was lingering…but it also made him calm down a lot.

At this moment, when he looked at Mok, it was like looking at a rare treasure.

“Are you interested in joining the navy? If you are willing, I will personally recommend you to the headquarters of the navy. With your talent and strength, I can’t guarantee more, but a major position in the headquarters is still possible. Of course, this is just your starting point…”

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