He has experienced hundreds of large and small battles, and his combat experience is extremely rich.

He also has experience fighting against the world’s top strongmen… But it is really unique that he is helpless like now.


The distorted space around him surrounded him. His attack, if he wanted to hit Mok, would first hit this distorted space.

However, the space around him.

It was already on the verge of breaking, and he was afraid that it would be completely broken in the next second.

How dare he move?

“Not good…”

Zhan Guo saw this scene from a distance, and immediately realized Akainu’s danger, and his face changed drastically. At this time, Zhan Guo could no longer be stable.

The current situation is already very unfavorable to the navy. If Akainu has something, then the navy will lose its highest combat power, and then it will collapse across the board.

Then this war initiated by him will end with the failure of the navy.

This is what he absolutely does not want to see.

Although, the war has developed to this point and is completely out of his control. He also knew that after the war, he would definitely step down from the position of Admiral of the Navy.


In his hands, the strength of the Navy Headquarters must not be completely destroyed. Otherwise, his name, Sengoku, will be a shame for the Navy and a sinner for the Navy.

In an instant, Sengoku turned into a giant Buddha.


On this side, Jinbei successfully replaced Enel and fought with Smoker. Enel, who got rid of Smoker’s entanglement, was like a wild horse running away.

With a flash, he stood behind Mok and faced Sengoku in the giant Buddha state.

As long as it was not a close combat, as long as it was not domineering. He Enel was not afraid of anyone, even Sengoku in the giant Buddha state.

“Two hundred million volts, Thunder God!”

Enel directly launched the strongest move, and he released all the “two hundred million volts of lightning” in his body, surrounded all the released lightning on himself, and transformed into the posture of a giant Thunder God.

In the form of the god of thunder, he was even bigger than the Buddha of Sengoku.


Enelu’s sudden outburst made Sengoku, who was furious, pause.

And at this moment, Sengoku completely lost the chance to rescue Akainu. I’m afraid that Mok shouted loudly, and his physical strength was immediately drained.

Mok’s legs softened and he almost fell down.

His continuous fighting had consumed a lot of physical strength. Now the two abilities were fully activated, draining his last physical strength.

He was able to stand, all because of his strong will.

Of course, the rapid consumption of physical strength, in exchange for the effect, is also very amazing.


Around Akainu, the originally twisted and cracked space directly shattered. And those shattered spaces, like broken glass, fell from the air one after another.

And after the space was shattered, another black hole appeared….

The black hole produced a terrifying absorption and tearing force, sucking back the broken and fallen space fragments.

This is the self-repair of the space itself.

It was normal for space, but it was extremely dangerous for Akainu who was in it. Every piece of space debris pierced his body like a blade. Soon he was stabbed into a hornet’s nest. But this was not the key, because it could not hurt him. The key was that the black hole’s terrifying absorption and tearing force, when sucking back the space debris. He also suffered the same absorption and tearing force. “Not good…” Akainu’s face changed drastically, because the absorption and tearing force was too terrifying. Even as an admiral, he could not resist it. It was said to be slow, but it was actually fast. The space debris was quickly sucked back, and the space returned to its original state. And Akainu, under the absorption and tearing force, was also shattered. In the end, the whole person disappeared in the black hole. “Akainu…” Kizaru, Aokiji, Garp, and Sengoku all exclaimed. Although, they usually did not deal with Akainu, and they were even from different factions. But that was just their internal navy. I definitely don’t want him to die in this war.

Because the loss of Akainu will be a huge loss for the entire navy.

It will also cause a huge blow to the reputation of the navy.

Whitebeard: “Gulala…”

The death of Akainu made him feel relieved and he couldn’t help laughing.

Catherine Diemey: “Mmmm…”

Basque Jot, Avalo Pizarro: “…..”

They were also surprised. They knew that the captain was very strong, but they never thought that he was so strong. He is the admiral of the navy!

Redfield and Barrett’s eyes changed when they looked at Mok.

Before, although they also recognizedThe strength of Mok. However, they still did not put him on the same level.

The two of them looked at each other.

It seems that they underestimated this Mok.

Let alone them, even Mok was a little bit unbelievable at this time. He really did not expect that the combination of Zhenzhen and space would be so terrifying.

Killed Akainu in one move….

Oh my God!

Before this, he did not dare to think about it.

But think about it carefully, and it makes sense. You know, this is a black hole formed after the space is broken!

The fact that Akainu was not swallowed up is enough to prove his strength.

After all, this is a suction force that is a hundred times more terrifying than Blackbeard’s Dark Water… Of course, think about it carefully, this is the first time he has used these two abilities.

Therefore, it is impossible to predict its power.

After catching Akainu off guard, he must be well prepared next time he faces other people. It is absolutely impossible to succeed in one fell swoop.

After all, no one will let him trap people in the twisted space. Those who have seen this move can no longer be so stupid.


“It’s over…”

“The admiral of the navy was killed…”

At this moment, everyone who was watching the live broadcast of this war was stunned.

The admiral of the navy is the highest combat power of the navy. In people’s hearts, he is invincible.

But now, right in front of them, he was killed by a pirate.

In an instant, the tall and majestic image of the admiral of the navy collapsed.

At the same time, their confidence in the navy was also shaken. Because they can no longer see any hope.

The navy will lose this war.




Some people swallowed their saliva, and some took a breath. The navy on the battlefield changed their faces one by one, and their eyes were full of horror.

At the same time, many of them also shook their confidence in victory.

That’s right, Akainu’s death shook the morale of the entire navy.

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