130 Chefs Who Lived Hard; Crocodile Strikes!

“That elder sister should also be an inheritor, right?”

“She seems to be someone with a story, Xuan Yue, can you tell me about him now?”

Looking at Kuina’s curious eyes, Xuan Yue was silent for a moment, and then slowly introduced Robin.

After ten minutes,

… “She, almost betrayed and ran for her life to come to this point!”

Speaking of which, the killing intent that had been suppressed could not help gushing out again!

But at this moment, Xuan Yue suddenly felt that he was being swarmed into his arms, and he could smell a girl’s unique body fragrance in his nostrils.

Xuan Yue was stunned for a moment and felt like a small soft hand was caressing his head,

“I didn’t expect sister Robin’s past to be so tragic, but she lives so strong. It’s really amazing.”

“However, since she is the person you care about, then her enemy, I will also regard it as my own enemy and face it with you,

“This, but the oath I discovered since I was a child.”

Kuina stroked the long blue hair on the top of Xuan Yue’s head in his arms, and when he was soothing Xuan Yue, he suddenly felt that his waist was being hugged by Xuan Yue,

The jade hand who was comforting Xuan Yue gave a slight pause. At this time, Xuan Yue’s dull voice sounded from his arms,

“Kuina, is also the most important person in my life, and that’s what I’ve been telling myself since I was a kid.

Hearing Xuan Yue’s words, Kuina’s beautiful face suddenly showed a beautiful smile!

Touching Xuan Yue like comforting his younger brother, Kuina thought,

“Xuan Yue, you are also a person with a story.”

Although, “Ever since you came to the dojo when you were infancy, although I have grown up with you since childhood, although I have witnessed every step of your growth.”

“But you seem to have another story, a story without me

“You are still so mysterious, maybe that’s why you became the master of “Zero”?”

“However, I will stand by your side in each of your stories from now on, Xuan Yue

The next day, in the hotel lobby, just like yesterday, after Xuan Yue came down to eat, everyone except the chef in the shop seemed to have seen some Sea Kings and ran away one by one!

Only the chef was left to make food for Xuan Yue and the others again, crying without tears.

Coincidentally, this chef is the same chef who cooked in the restaurant yesterday!

Yesterday, I originally watched Xuan Yue and the others eat at that restaurant, but today they jumped to work as chefs at this luxury hotel, but they actually met Xuan Yue again!

The chef wanted to cry without tears: “I’m really struggling~

Just when the chef felt self-pity in his heart, a familiar female voice suddenly came over,

“Hey? Mr. Chef? Didn’t you work in that restaurant? How come you are here today?”

Hearing someone calling him, the chef who was cooking couldn’t help but turn his head to look at a man on the bar who was shrouded in a black robe, and said in surprise,

“You, you are Princess Vivi?!”

“You really started following yesterday..

Having said that, the chef could not help but look carefully at Xuan Yue, who was also sitting in front of the bar at the same time.

Vivi looked at the chef’s appearance, and nodded his head hiding under the black robe, then said,

“Yeah, actually Xuan Yue and the others are very nice, we went shopping together yesterday!”

“Besides, as the princess of this country, I have an obligation and a duty to help the country and help the people solve the crisis!”

The chef was moved to tears when he heard Vivi’s words!

At this moment, Xuan Yue suddenly looked at the chef and chuckled,

“Mr. Chef, please prepare food for six people today, and two guests will come later.

After speaking, Xuan Yue paused, then continued,

“However, I suggest that Mr. Chef, you’d better finish the food as soon as possible, and then leave here first, after all, one of the two guests who will come in a while is a little grumpy!”

After the chef listened to Xuan Yue’s words, combined with hearing Xuan Yue’s conversation with Princess Vivi yesterday, he immediately asked who the grumpy guest “” Xuan Yue was talking about!


After the chef picked up the name in his heart, his hands in cooking immediately became countless times faster!

Immediately, an overwhelming aroma permeated the entire hall!

“Looks like it.” Vivi sniffed the fragrance and sighed suddenly.

And Xuan Yue, who was sitting on the side, also smiled.

At this moment, a cup of coffee was pushed on the bar in front of Xuan Yue, Xuan Yue took it naturally, then turned to look at Kuina Road, who also came over and sat beside him,


Kuina was also holding a glass of juice and naturally sat next to Xuan Yue. Hearing Xuan Yue’s thanks, her pretty face just smiled.

Behind the two, Nami, who helped Xuan Yue hold the Han Palace, held a glass of juice in his right hand, looked suspiciously at the backs of Xuan Yue and Kuina, and whispered,

“It always feels like something happened between these two!”

“Am I, am I wrong? Why is there a sense of loss that measures billions of Baileys?”

When Nami was suspicious, he was seen by Vivi on the side, and even pulled Nami to sit beside him,

Later, Nami also abandoned the previous idea and chatted with Wei 360 with a smile,

After ten minutes,


The door of the hotel was pushed directly, and two figures walked in from outside the door,

Looking at the situation in the lobby, the two walked directly to the bar where the four Xuan Yue were sitting at the front!

They are Crocodile and Robin!

Robin, who was walking behind Crocodile towards the bar, looked at Xuan Yue’s back, which was getting closer, and sighed in his heart, secretly said,

“Why don’t you listen to other people’s advice and leave last night!”

When he came to the bar, Crocodile sat down directly, and the seat next to him was Xuan Yue!

And Robin, who was standing behind Crocodile, looked like a qualified secretary.

“Lu Cifer, Xuan Yue, actually you shouldn’t come to this country.

On the other side, the whole body was shrouded in black robes. Vivi, who was sitting with Nami, froze suddenly after hearing Crocodile’s first sentence, and then an angry expression rose on the pretty face under the black robe. look:

With her intelligence, she could already tell from the first sentence that what Xuan Yue said to her yesterday was true!

Crocodile, is really planning to cover his country with a conspiracy! Let the country fall into crisis and war!

“Damn it!”

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