182 You are the biggest cancer in the world! Do you understand?!


Ain was taken aback when he saw that Xuan Yue actually smiled at himself.

Then he saw Xuan Yue as if he had remembered something, and suddenly looked at Teacher Zephyr, a trace of apology appeared on his handsome face, and said gently,

“Sorry, I forgot there are a lot of trash here. Some things don’t seem to be convenient to say directly.”

“Nami, clean up.”

As Xuan Yue’s voice fell, Ain saw a bridge-haired girl sitting with Xuan Yue sticking out her tongue, glanced at the terrified guests in the casino, and said naughty,

“It’s ridiculous, Lord Lu Cifer!”

The orange-haired girl’s voice fell, and an oppressive aura suddenly erupted from her delicate body, instantly covering the entire casino!


Ain felt this sense of oppression, his expression was shocked, and he lost his voice.

“Conqueror’s Haki?!”

Immediately after, she watched the guests who “407” go to the casino fell down one by one, and then even the Marine guerrillas who had not left by her side also arrived one by one!

If time is needed, in the entire casino, there are only Zephyr, Binz, Ain, Xuan Yue and the first middle-aged blind man in purple robes.

Ain’s eyes were fixed on Nami, and he thought in shock,

“Is this the rumored second Knight of the Dark Moon, the Thunder Spirit Nami?”

“I didn’t expect a girl about the same age as me to actually have Conqueror’s Haki, what a strong spirit!”

Xuan Yue looked at Nami’s clearing effect, nodded with satisfaction,

As for the remaining middle-aged blind man in purple robe, Xuan Yue deliberately ignored it at this time. Looking at Zephyr, Xuan Yue repeated the previous question and said,

“Is there something wrong with Zephyr Admiral looking for me?”

Zephyr glanced at the ordinary people and team members who fell to the ground, then looked at Xuan Yue, and said with a serious look,

“As Marine’s former Admiral, I have the obligation and responsibility to protect the stability of the sea! This is the justice of the old man!”

“And your appearance, from the very beginning, made the whole sea restless!!

“Especially when Alabasta was in the world some time ago, the number of pirates who went out to sea instantly increased several times over the entire sea. They all came to find you, and in the process, how many innocent people were slaughtered. !do you know?!

“Up to now, a month has passed, and even though the sea is gradually returning to calm, there are still countless people like those bastards who used your reputation to burn, kill and loot everywhere!”

“This old man will never tolerate this!”

“What’s more, now that you have decided to appear again, is this another plan to create new waves?”

“Although the old man knows that he may not be able to beat you, but today, even if the old man’s justice and life are bet, he must keep you here!”

After speaking, Zephyr raised his huge mechanical crushing arm, ready to fight!

Behind Zephyr, Ain and Binz saw this and drew their sabres from their waists and aimed them at Xuan Yue.

Seeing this scene, Kuina, who was sitting beside Xuan Yue, looked cold.

While standing up and taking out the meat, he said,

“I hate you garbage Marines who talk about “justice” all the time, but do things that are more disgusting than pirates every day!”

At this moment, Kuina’s movements were stopped by his arms.

Seeing this, Kuina turned her head and looked at Xuan Yue suspiciously,

Xuan Yue shook his head at Kuina, then looked at the only remaining Zephyr, Ain, and Binz, and said,

“These three Marines don’t want the garbage Marines we saw in Nami’s hometown who colluded with pirates. They are the ones who really carry justice among the Marines.”

After hearing Kuina’s abuse, Ain and Binz were directly angry!

For both of them, Teacher Zephyr is the most respected person in their lives, and they don’t allow anyone to abuse their teacher!

Just when the two of Ain were about to make a move, Zephyr stopped them.

Looking at Xuan Yue, Zephyr was silent for a while, then looked at Xuan Yue and said,

“Marine colluded with pirates, and it was a shame to be Marine, if that’s why you hated Marine and fought against Marine?

“But, after all, that’s just a few worms among the Marines, most of them…

“Enough Zephyr!

When Zephyr was about to continue, Xuan Yue suddenly interrupted Zephyr’s words,

Seeing Zephyr who was planning to persuade himself and others at this time, Xuan Yue looked at Zephyr mockingly and said,

“Zephyr worshipped heroes as a child. One day, a gangster bullied a girl with a teddy bear. Later, the brave Zephyr defeated the gangster.

At the age of 14, in order to become a hero, he entered the Marine School at the same time as the current Marine hero Garp, Marshal Sengoku, and Great Staff Crane. At the age of 18, he participated in the actual combat for the first time.

At the age of 34, he is already a master of Armament Haki, and he can use both hands to “harden the color of the armed force”, so he got the title of “Black Arm” Zephyr,

At the age of 38, he was promoted to Marine Admiral and got married in the same year. 39-year-old son was born.

At the age of 42, his family was killed by pirates, and he began to hate pirates and offered to resign, but was retained by his boss and still had expectations for Marine. Retaining the rank of Admiral, he was later transferred to Instructor. The first class of students included Akainu (23 years old) and Kizaru (26 years old). At the age of 44, there is Qingxiong (19 years old) of the third class of students.

At 50, he continues to produce many excellent Marines.

At the age of 65, the training ship led by Edward Weibull was attacked. All the students in the ship were killed except for Ayn and Binz, the two behind you, and your right arm was severely injured. .

At the age of 70, a scientist transformed his right arm into a mechanical arm smasher equipped with seastone “to deal with those who are capable. Soon after, the current “Pirate Guerrilla” was formed to hunt pirates.”

“The above is your whole life. However, your whole life is about to end. Do you still insist that Marine is justice and pirates are evil?”

“Could it be that you, who have captured pirates all your life, still haven’t found out that among all pirates on this sea, only less than two percent are true careerists who appear to realize their ambitions. ,

“The remaining ninety-eight percent of the pirates, 0.5 percent, are forced by life and have no way out, so they went to the sea?”

“Every day you talk about justice, and you talk about catching pirates. When those people need your justice, you don’t take action, but when you force them all into pirates, you will die heroically one by one.” With the expression on his face, there are many Marine soldiers who are only really protecting the people, but they kill each other with the people who are forced to become pirates by life!”

“This is how your justice is manifested?”

“Don’t you, who are already seventy years old, still understand that the increase in the number of pirates in the sea is all caused by the nobles of your kingdom, the world government and the top Marines?

“If your management of the sea really satisfied the people, who would be a pirate?”

“You Marine executives and the World government are the biggest cancer in the world! Do you understand?!”

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