339 New world!

At the same time as the three brothers recognized each other, the ships of the Revolutionary Army came all the way to the Moby Dick with the help of the Whitebeard Pirates.

After thanking the pirate ships slightly, the dragon’s figure instantly disappeared from the spot, and the next second it appeared directly beside Whitebeard, also looking at the direction of Marine’s upper management.

“Mr. Whitebeard, are we not too late?”

“Kula la la la, although I know that your kid is the representative of Lu Cifer, but I can help me rescue my lovely son, the old man is very grateful for this!” Said, Whitebeard turned sideways, facing Long Wei Wei bow!

Witnessing this scene, the whole world fell silent at this moment!

The strongest man in the world actually bowed to others!!!

How incredible is this!

However, in fact, as one of the Four Emperors, the Whitebeard Pirates, how can 07 simply be just ordinary pirates! The intelligence network under his influence has also been deeply buried in the Marine and World government!

Therefore, Whitebeard has long known how powerful the arrangement on the opposite side is today! Even Marine and Shichibukai, who are so powerful on the face of it, are only the first dishes arranged by the World government on the opposite side, and they can only be regarded as The presence of bait!

The biggest target of World Government this time is not even himself, but Lu Cifer and all the forces under his command!

However, based on what Whitebeard knew about Lu Cifer, he also knew that Lu Cifer should also know about this news. Therefore, when he saw that under such circumstances, the leader of the revolutionary army under Lu Cifer appeared here, he understood. What this means!

In this case, Lu Cifer and the others can obviously not use it!

Whitebeard has even come here with a death wish! After all, as the father of the Whitebeard Pirates, how could he watch his son be executed and remain indifferent?!

However, making such a decision means that the other sons will also be in absolute danger!

So, you can see how tormented Whitebeard was in his heart before!

However, the moment he saw the appearance of the revolutionary army dragon, Whitebeard knew that today’s ending might be changed!

For Whitebeard’s bowing thanks, even the dragon, who was the object of thanks, was slightly taken aback, but he reacted at random. Looking at Whitebeard, who had straightened his waist again and returned to his previous tall and majestic posture, he smiled lightly and turned his eyes. Looking at the opposite Marine again, said,

“Rescue Ace was originally one of our goals today, who made that little guy fall in love with Lu Cifer early on?

“However,” said this, an inexplicable aura appeared around the dragon’s body, and the black robe on the dragon’s whole body squeaked loudly!

And the dragon’s face shrouded under Kabuto’s hat also showed a touch of joy, it was hope for the future,

The dragon’s eyes suddenly turned to all the Marines on the opposite side, his eyes blazing like fire, and he announced loudly,

“After today, a new world has arrived!”

“A prosperous, democratic, civilized, harmonious, free, equal, just, legal, patriotic, dedicated, honest and friendly New World!

“The products of these old times will become the past and become a page in the history book of the world!

Hearing the dragon’s words, Whitebeard’s pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn’t help laughing at random.

Kula “La la la, old man, I am also looking forward to such a world, and it will come as soon as possible!”

If such a world really existed, there would be no more children like me, like all my sons, who were abandoned by the sea!

Whitebeard murmured in his heart, and at the same time he was full of hope for the world described by the dragon’s mouth!

On the opposite side, when the Marines heard the dragon’s words, it took time for them to indulge in the world depicted by the dragon at the same time!


As the elite among the Marines, they are all real Marines. From the beginning to the end, they have always insisted on the belief of fighting pirates on the sea and protecting the people. They regarded this belief as justice!

However, when the top Marine told them that protecting the world aristocracy and protecting the Celestial Dragons who do all evil is equally just, they were all confused, but under the brainwashing of the top Marine, they could only accept such rules, and even gradually Forget all original intentions!

However, when they heard the New World described by the dragon, the warm blood that gradually cooled in the hearts of all Marine soldiers, for some reason, suddenly poured into their hearts, running through their limbs and bones!

For a time, Captain Marine, Rear Admiral, and even quite a few Vice Admiral’s eyes flickered.

At this moment, the wretchedness on Kizaru’s face disappeared, and even Akainu lowered his head and covered the expression on his face under the brim of his hat, so that people couldn’t see his expression!

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