364 Shock: Six young men beat up two old men

Momousagi, who grabbed Kizaru’s collar and hugged Kizaru’s body, who had collapsed to the ground and passed out from behind, heard Zephyr’s voice and looked at Rayleigh, who was approaching with the same curious expression.

Momousagi’s eyes flashed a hint of cunning, and she threw the Kizaru in her hand to the small darkness that suddenly appeared under her feet, and then paid no attention to Kizaru, who was dragged into the darkness by a pair of small hands, instead facing the forehead Zephyr and Rayleigh, who had a few drops of cold sweat at some point, shook the short guns in their hands, and said with a smile on their faces,

Otherwise, “The two old gentlemen will experience it themselves, don’t you know what’s going on?!”

Momousagi’s voice is very sweet, and her smile is absolutely beautiful at this moment, but, at this moment, Rayleigh and Zephyr took a few steps back in an instant, shied away again and again, and their faces were full of panic!

Especially when they saw that Kizaru’s body was dragged into the darkness little by little by little hands, it was as if there was a giant beast under the darkness, devouring Kizaru’s body little by little. And then dragged in too!

No! Don’t even think about it!

Seeing a once majestic Marine Instructor, a once famous One Piece deputy, and a great pirate with the title of Pluton, at this moment, she was so frightened that she appeared so embarrassed, Momousagi laughed for a while!

Compared to the joy here, on the execution platform, Sengoku and Garp watched as two Marine Admirals were captured one after another, while the only remaining Admiral Green Bull still seemed to be sitting on the Diaoyutai, motionless!

Sengoku glanced at the green cow, but quickly retracted it, and stopped looking at him, staring directly below, because the two Admiral were defeated and captured, and the morale of Marine was gradually escaping, many Marine generals were at this time. Even with a face full of fear, there is no desire to fight at all!

“It can’t go on like this!”

Otherwise “Marine will lose this war!”

Saying that, Sengoku suddenly turned his head to look at Garp, his expression serious and heavy, and said,

“Old man, it’s our turn!

Hearing Sengoku’s words, Garp’s old face was full of fighting intent, his hands clenched fists and collided fiercely,


An invisible wave of air rushed towards the surroundings from between Garp’s colliding fists, and even the door that escorted the prisoner out after the execution platform flew out directly under this impact momentum!

“Hahaha just right! Since the battle with Rocks that year, Roger, Shiki and the others have either died or disappeared, and haven’t really fought for a long time!”

“Today, just let the old man have a good time!”

Hope “, there can be a hearty battle for the old man to enjoy!”

The moment the voice fell, Sengoku and Garp jumped off the execution platform and entered the battlefield in an instant!

Marco, who was fighting back and forth with Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral Dauberman, suddenly felt a shadow behind him,

“Oops! Was attacked!”

At the same time that Marco thought that something was wrong, he instantly turned on the form of a phoenix, and just wanted to fly away from the place,

As a result, before Marco could react, a cold and pitch-black fist suddenly fell towards Marco’s head!

Immediately afterwards, a loud bang suddenly sounded,


In between, Marko’s body flew out like a rag! At this time, Marko, who was already dizzy, seemed to see his original position, and there was an old but seeing figure,

“That is, Garp Vice Admiral??

At this moment, Marco suddenly felt that the scene in front of him was a little familiar, and he randomly remembered that the previous Kizaru was suddenly punched by Zephyr in this way,

“So, that’s how Kizaru felt at the time.

While his thoughts were flying, Marco’s body that was knocked flying smashed into the wall built by Marine, and there were bursts of thick dust!

On the battlefield, when Dauberman saw Garp suddenly appearing in front of him, he couldn’t help shouting excitedly,

0… ask for flowers…

“Garp Vice Admiral!”

At this moment, a dazzling golden light suddenly appeared not far away, and Dauberman’s attention was involuntarily attracted to the past. As a result, he saw Marshal Sengoku who instantly transformed into the form of a great Buddha. A direct blow was a blow. Flying several enemies!

“Marshal Sengoku!”

Great “Come on, Marshal Sengoku is here too!”

“And this Garp Vice Admiral! As soon as they shot, they smashed Marko, Ivankov, and the four major commanders of the Revolutionary Army into the air!”

“Awesome! Not Marine Heroes and Marine Marshals!”

Great “Well, we can win! Come on!”

“Come on, brothers! Don’t embarrass the Marshal and Garp Vice Admiral! Beat our opponents! Go!”

On the battlefield, Qingxiong, Enel, Yixiao, Rayleigh, Zephyr, Momousagi also noticed the end of Sengoku and Garp at this time, and they couldn’t help besieging them at the same time!

On the Heirloom, Xuan Yue looked at the scene below and couldn’t help but chuckle and said,

“Although Sengoku and Garp are strong, Aokiji and the others are not weak either. If they are alone one-on-one, Sengoku and Garp have a better chance of winning, but if Sengoku or Garp meet two of Qingxiong’s six at the same time The most people can do is a draw!

However, at this moment, Sengoku and Garp need to face the Qingya six at the same time, the two old gentlemen Sengoku and Garp, it seems to be uncomfortable!

In fact, as Xuan Yue said, the two old men, Sengoku and Garp, were invincible with both fists for a while, and they were embarrassed to be suppressed!

Xuan Yue, who was just laughing and watching the good show of “six middle-aged people beating up two old men”, suddenly seemed to have noticed something, jumped with beautiful wine red eyes, raised his eyebrows and looked at the sea level in the east.

“As expected of you, you are still here!” Wu,

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