Although the former Heavenly Yaksha was not well received by everyone, since Doflamingo became the Dark Moon Knight, everyone on the Inheritance has gradually accepted Doflamingo and recognized his status as a companion!

Therefore, seeing that Doflamingo's life and death are unknown, and may even have been completely 'erased' by the energy cannon of the Pluton battleship, everyone can't help but worry!

And at this moment, Xuan Yue's voice suddenly sounded,

"Doflamingo, it's not that easy to be 'erased', and you don't have to feel sorry for him!"

"Wait and see, let's see his wonderful performance!"

Hearing Xuan Yue's voice, everyone on the battlefield couldn't help turning their heads to look at Xuan Yue's face, wanting to see clues from Xuan Yue's face, to see if Doflamingo is really okay!

In the end, when they saw that not only Xuan Yue, but even Kuina on the Inheritor had an extremely calm expression, everyone 410 felt relieved!

Xuan Yue possesses a mysterious power that can give other people strength, so he naturally knows what kind of new strength Doflamingo has obtained, so everyone believes in Xuan Yue.

As for Kuina, don't look at her at this moment like a cold swordsman, standing there expressionless, but everyone on the Inheritance knows that she is a veritable fighting maniac!

Everyone on the Inheritor, whether it is the inherited Dark Moon Knights or the combat members of the Demon God Group, except for the leader Xuan Yue, everyone has been challenged and taught by this young lady in private!

Even the elites of the revolutionary army have learned this point!

And now seeing this young lady standing beside Xuan Yue as coldly as before, holding the 'monster' Taidao in her arms with both hands, without any superfluous expression on her face, I believed in Xuan Yue's words even more!

Time is passing slowly!

Just a few seconds after Vivi also ended the battle, the energy of the Pluton main cannon fired in the direction of Doflamingo was finally exhausted, the energy cannon with a diameter of tens of meters finally dissipated, and the intense high temperature on the sea level also gradually dissipated!

And at this moment, Doflamingo's voice finally rang out again,

"But! Fufurfur..."

"But, compared to the huge kinetic energy and destructive power that can stop the entire planet for five seconds, what is the power of this mere Pluton warship to wipe out an island with one blow?"

At the same time as the voice fell, Doflamingo's figure slowly appeared amidst the cheers from the God Organization, amidst the terrified cries of Kong and others in the last Pluton battleship, and amidst the complete silence of Mariejois!

The next moment, the huge energy contained in the energy cannon that attacked Doflamingo's body for several minutes was suddenly reflected back at a speed that was several times faster than what was fired before!

In an instant, a ball of light with a diameter of nearly 100 meters flashed in front of everyone in Marineford, (bgbb) disappeared in the direction where the energy cannon came from before, and disappeared instantly!

This is one of the abilities Doflamingo inherited from Accelerator, for reflection!

A few seconds later, just after the explosion caused by Vivi came, an explosion sound that was not weaker than it came again!

At this moment, on the other side of the sea, Hancock's figure also appeared, without the slightest scar on his body!

In the next moment, Empress Boa Hancock, King of Knights Neferutali Vivi and Heavenly Yaksha Don Quixote Doflamingo appeared on the plywood of the Inheritance at Marineford Bay at the same time, facing each other The man bowed slightly to salute, saying,

"Boss, the mission has been completed!"

Until this moment, Marineford, who had been dumbfounded and made no sound, suddenly burst into violent noise!


"It's horrible! They actually defeated the Ancient Weapon!"

"Yeah, the Ancient Weapon Pluton, which was rumored to be able to wipe out an island with one blow, was defeated by them! This is too scary!"

"Doesn't this mean that manpower can really surpass Ancient Weapon??!"


These people didn't even know at this time that the three Pluton warships had already been completely destroyed!

On the splint of the Inheritor, Xuan Yue looked at the three people in front of him, nodded in satisfaction, and said,

"You've done a good job! Get up!"

With that said, Xuan Yue turned to look at the rest of the Dark Moon Knights, members of the Demon God Group and the Revolutionary Army, and began to order,

"Well, the three Pluton battleships have been destroyed! Everyone on the battleships is now either dead or injured!"

"However, it is inevitable that there will be a few fish that slip through the net, struggling in the sea, trying to survive!"

"Your task now is to follow the direction where the energy cannon was fired, and sail the boat to find the past!"

"If you encounter remnant enemies along the way, don't leave any one behind!"

"All, kill!"

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