Pirates: I Have 300 Heroes Heritage

407 Creating The World (2)

"Well, here, the world will be me in the future, as well as the Dark Moon Knights, members of the Demon God Group, and other subordinates in the future, and among the future partners, in addition to extraordinary individual powerhouses, there should also be people from the sci-fi world. The strong one! Since that's the case, let's divide this world into two parts!"

Thinking of this in her heart, Xuan Yue closed her eyes directly, and a panoramic view of the world of cultivating immortals appeared in her mind!

The next moment, with Xuan Yue as the center, the endless space on the left hand side of Xuan Yue suddenly changed violently, as if there was a painter who was writing outside the world, waving the wolf hair in his hand to his heart's content, embellishing a perfect image of cultivating immortals world image!

And the originally endless white world on the left side of Xuan Yue has now become a blessed land for cultivating immortals with beautiful mountains and clear waters, a vast sea of ​​fog, and white cranes flying together!

And in this world of cultivating immortals, all kinds of fairy beasts, spirit beasts, and monsters also exist, and even many high-level creatures have already been born with wisdom!

Here, Yanran has become a real world of cultivating immortals!

Of course, there are no immortal cultivators in this world!

After all, this place was prepared by Xuan Yue for himself and his subordinates, so how could he create others.

Opening her eyes, Xuan Yue found that she was at a high altitude at this time, and looked to the left side of the world of cultivating immortals, which seemed to be full of immortal homes, even Xuan Yue herself was completely shocked!

This is exactly the same as the world of cultivating immortals in Xuan Yue's mind!

And the size of this immortal world, compared with the top prehistoric world in the heavens and myriad worlds, is also half the size of the prehistoric world! And it is the prehistoric world just created by Pangu, not the later speed of the day!

After a long time, Xuan Yue finally came back to his senses, looked at the perfect world of cultivating immortals on the left, Xuan Yue nodded in satisfaction, then turned his head to look at the endless white expanse on the right, with contrast, there is hurt!

At this moment, how does Xuan Yue think, how does the whiteness on the right side look too ugly!

Quickly closing her eyes, a star map appeared in Xuan Yue's mind!

In an instant, the right side directly turned into shining stars, and beside Xuan Yue, the one closest to Xuan Yue is really the solar system, the planet Earth!

At this point, Xuan Yue opened his eyes directly, looked at the sky full of stars on the right, nodded in satisfaction,

"Well, that's good. In the future, after members from the science fiction side join, how they want to research and innovate in this world will all be up to them"!"

"The world has been created, so let's call it the Xuan Yue Great World. In the Xuan Yue Great World, the world of cultivating immortals is called the Immortal Realm;"

"Study science, the area on the sci-fi side is called the star field!"

The moment Xuan Yue's voice fell, it was like an oracle from the heavens. The entire Xuan Yue world, whether it is the fairyland or the star field, all creatures, from the soul, Xuan Yue's voice sounded, and they instantly understood Xuan Yue's words the meaning of!

After finishing all this, Xuan Yue seemed to suddenly think of something, and asked the system,

"By the way, here, how should Kuina and the others come in? You can't let me open the door for them again and again?"

System: "Ding! In this world, the Host has the highest authority; in addition, the successor of the hero has secondary authority, and can also open the portal through the Xuan Yue Great World through the hero ring and enter by himself."

"However, they do not have the authority to modify the rules of Xuan Yue Dashijie Avenue, unless they have the permission of the Host!"

"Excuse me, do you want to tell all the inheritors now?"

Hearing this, Xuan Yue waved his hand,

"No! After a while, I will give them a surprise myself!"

Coming out of the endless sky, Xuan Yue looked at the Immortal Realm and Star Realm below, and waved directly!

In an instant, Xuan Yue's surroundings changed, and suddenly, a majestic, majestic, majestic palace appeared out of thin air!

On the archway in front of the palace, there are three big characters of "." "Xuan Yue Palace"!

At this time, Xuan Yue is at the front of the square in front of Xuan Yue Hall, just overlooking the Star Field and Immortal Field below! [070308316飞户1571]

After finishing all this, Xuan Yue nodded in satisfaction, and then asked the system,

"Other than that, are there any new features?"

The moment the system heard Xuan Yue's words, it understood that its Host finally couldn't bear it and asked the most important function of the jade pendant with the word 'Xuan'!

System: "Naturally!"

"Ding! The traversal function of the heavens and worlds is online!" (Qianma Zhao) "Ding! Due to the fusion of the mysterious jade pendant, this system now also records the coordinate cabinet of the heavens and myriad worlds!"

"It's just that the New World can only be opened when Yupei ruled the old world, and the New World can be compared at will. After the integration and upgrade, this system will take the Pirate World as the center of reference and randomly open the New World with a range of functions!"

"As long as it is within the scope of the system, the system can block all powerhouses, or high-level, top-level world consciousness detection, allowing the Host, and the people under the Host's command, to enter the world quietly!"

"Until the Host becomes the biggest BOSS in this world, the scope of the system will continue to expand, and the Host can also enter more worlds!"

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