Pirates: I Have 300 Heroes Heritage

422 What Exactly Is A 'Village'? !

In the country of rain after the rain, the dark cloud Shinobi covering the sky is showing a tendency to disperse. A beam of sunlight penetrates the dark clouds and sprinkles down on the country that has been crying all the year round. It seems that it wants to bring a little warmth to the country. and bright!

Illuminate the confused people, let them have enough faith and direction to move on!

On the battlefield at this time, a beam of sunlight happened to shine down, covering Aokiji and his bicycle, which seemed a little mysterious!

The surrounding battlefield, however, was not warmed by the sunlight. Instead, wisps of white cold air rose up, gradually condensing into a faint mist!

On the battlefield, Hanzo, Tsunade, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya, who had been besieging Aokiji at the same time, were stunned at the same time, their faces pale, and their eyes filled with horror and endless incredulity, as if they had seen something unacceptable generally!

In between, on the ground in front of each of the four, there is a frozen white mark, connecting Aokiji and everyone on the ground!

In other words, start from Aokiji's position and shoot in the direction of the four of them!

Along the way, whether it was the Kunai who threw the detonating talisman thrown by Hanzo, or the Lion Majesty thrown out by Orochimaru, or Jiraiya's suddenly elongated white hair like a bunch of steel needles, all of them were caught at this moment. Freeze in the air!

Crystal clear! Even under the sunlight, it shines brightly!

And on the faces of the four people, there was a bloodstain at this time, and there was a chill! The lower body below the waist was frozen in the ice that exuded a biting cold air!

However, the four people at this time were so terrified that not only did they make the slightest movement, but the white ice marks crossed the bodies of the four people and directly extended "freezing the thousands of kilometers of mountains behind each of them! Make an iceberg!

Can't see the end at a glance!

And what caused such a scene was simply the four ice thorns that slashed across the cheeks of the four of them just now!

What a horror!

At this moment, the whole world seemed to be filled with some soul-stirring music, adding a bit of mystery to the man in front of him shrouded in sunlight!

At this moment, Hanzo, Tsunade, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya could just look at the scene behind each other, and everyone was stunned by the thunder!

Don't dare to make any sound!

Such a scene!

How terrifying!

Is this kind of power really something that human beings can touch??!

Can ninjas really have such a world-changing calendar?!

Even, Senju Hashirama and Ninja Shura, who were famous in the ninja world back then, are still alive, can they match this man in front of them?!

If the person in front of me wants to attack that ninja village...

Thinking of such a scene, the faces of the four became even paler, and the cold sweat on their faces fell like raindrops! Their throats seemed to be a little dry! The four of them even stopped breathing involuntarily!

The scene was extremely quiet for a while!

Three minutes later, the dark clouds in the sky gradually moved away, and the sunlight that was originally on Aokiji and his bicycle gradually disappeared!

Until this moment, Aokiji had only one gaze, looking at Tsunade not far away who kept punching him, with an extremely pale complexion, and said in the same lazy tone as before,

"Ah la la, this beautiful lady is too impatient"!"

"According to the leader's order, the words left for you will come to you after communicating with Orochimaru boy."

"I didn't expect that I just had a friendly exchange with Orochimaru, and before I had time to talk to you, you rushed over so impatiently, it's not good!"

Hearing Aokiji speak again, especially not mentioning the punishment for shooting himself and others for the time being, the four of them took a breath in their hearts, and their complexions gradually recovered, but the horror left in their faces and eyes was nothing to worry about. Can't hide it!

Especially looking at the laziness of the person in front of him again, but never daring to underestimate him, the vigilance of the four of them was raised to the peak!

On the bicycle, Aokiji watched the faces of the three people in front of him regain their composure, and they still looked lazy, and continued,

". "It seems that this beautiful young lady has also recovered. Then, I will ask you a few questions for our leader. "

Saying that, Aokiji didn't give Tsunade time to refuse, and directly said to his father,

"Then, the first question, before, I heard you keep shouting 'protect the village, everything is for the village' and so on (be well), then, you can ask, what exactly is this 'village'?"

Although she doesn't understand what this terrifying guy in front of her is going to do, Tsunade at this moment also understands that she can only answer his questions, otherwise, if she really angers the other party, maybe the "iceberg in the distance" 'It's the Konoha of the future!

After taking a long breath to calm himself down as soon as possible, Tsunade didn't bother to wipe off the cold sweat on both sides of his cheeks, staring at the terrifying man sitting on the bicycle in front of him, saying

"The village, of course, is a treasure that the ancestors have to protect even if they discarded their lives, and it is also a treasure that our descendants will protect even if they risk their lives, so that it will last forever!

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