Pirates: I Have 300 Heroes Heritage

The Glory Of The 443 Family?

"I'm asking you, my Senju clan, the part of the elite ninjas who originally kept their names and didn't integrate into Konoha, why now, I only see so much??!"

"What about the rest?!"

Tsunade's gloomy face seemed to be able to drip water, but his eyes seemed to be able to kill people. He stared straight at the three elders in front of him and shouted angrily. If there is a disagreement, he will strike!

Seeing this scene, the three elders at the top didn't dare to rely too much on their elders, and shut up one after another.

In the end, facing Tsunade's menacing gaze, the Great Elder suddenly stood up, pointed at Tsunade, and said sternly,

"What kind of words!"

"Where is your will of fire?! You are still the princess of my Senju clan, you are so rude today, you are simply embarrassing Senju, Master First Hokage, Master Second Hokage!"

"You asked where the rest of us went?? Good! The old woman will tell you!"

"They all sacrificed, for the village, for their companions, sacrificed! Are you satisfied now?!"

Speaking of this, the 167th Grand Elder seemed to be a little sad. He closed his eyes and said to himself,

"They are all good boys, they are deeply owned, and they persist in carrying out the will of fire. They receive the most dangerous tasks in the village time and time again, and use their blood to forge a new era for us, Senzhi Ren!"

At this moment, a thick voice suddenly came from outside the door,

"That's right, they all died for the sake of the village and their companions!"

"So, they are great! Heroes worthy of respect from all of us in Konoha!"

"They are also worthy of their own birth, worthy of the Hokages of the ancestors, and they are not ashamed of the surname of the Senju family!"

Hearing this voice, everyone present already understood who it was!

Third Hokage!

Sarutobi Hiruzen!

And the three elders on the first seat, after hearing Yuan Fei Hiruzen's personal affirmation of the glory of the Senju clan, the three elders showed proud smiles on their faces in unison!

Sure enough, the sacrifice is worth it! The whole Konoha can still only be shrouded in the glory of Senju!

Otherwise, Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, would not be able to come to the door in person, Chen Xian and his Senju clan's achievements!

Thinking of this, while showing ugly smiles on the faces of the three elders, they looked down upon this 'Third Hokage' even more! Even now, they are still sitting there aloof, with no intention of welcoming him at all!

As for the clansmen who died because of this, they don't care!

After hearing the voice of his teacher, Tsunade turned around, staring at Yuan Fei Hiruzen who had already entered the door of the meeting room with beautiful eyes flashing with anger, and asked

"Then why is their sacrifice rate so high?! They are going to do tasks for Konoha, not to die!"

"Is Konoha's current task review [just so perfunctory? Or is someone deliberately trying to deal with my Senju tribe?!"

As he spoke, Tsunade stared fixedly at Sarutobi Hiruzen's face, not even letting go of the slightest change in his expression! (bgcc) Facing Tsunade's question, Yuan Fei Hiruzen stepped in and said with a slightly sentimental tone,

"Konoha's review mechanism still uses Second Hokage, which is the rules formulated when my teacher was still there. Naturally, there is no problem,"

"Unfortunately, hey..."

Saying that, Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed, and glanced at the three elders who were still motionless and showed no respect to him at the first place. continued,

"However, your clansmen, every time they come to receive a mission, they insist on accepting the mission with the highest level of danger, and every time they perform a mission, they are almost killed or injured!"

"And they, every member of the injured country, will ask their companions before they die, have I not disgraced the Senju clan?'"

"They are all true heroes of Konoha, and have completed countless most dangerous tasks for Konoha!"

While talking, Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes gradually dripped with tears!

The three elders at the top of the conference room were slightly surprised when they saw Sarutobi Hiruzen who suddenly shed a tear, and the smile on my face became more intense!

See, even Third Hokage was moved to tears after seeing our Senju clan's contribution to Konoha!

You can see the prestige of my Senju clan in Konoha!

What Uchiha clan, what Hyuga clan, in front of the glory of my Senju clan, they can only stay low and be small!

Perhaps moved by Sarutobi Hiruzen's tears, the three elders sitting at the end of the seat finally got up, and stretched out their hands to Sarutobi Hiruzen in the middle of the conference room, which was regarded as an invitation

pretending to be humble,

"Wherever it is, it's just a member of Konoha, the attitude and spirit of contribution we should have towards Konoha, that's all, it's not worthy of Third Hokage you say so."

"Come, come, please sit down, please sit down."

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