Pirates: I Have 300 Heroes Heritage

483 Cowardly', 'Confused', 'Stupid Loyalty'?

Now, the entire Konoha no longer has the previous rumors of 'Hokage wants to pass on the throne to Hatake Sakumo, let Hatake Sakumo take over as the fourth Hokage', 'Master Third Hokage is old and wants to pass on the throne to Konoha's White Fang Ya, Master White Fang has made great contributions in the past wars" and so on,

Instead, another round of cynicism became an after-dinner chat among the residents of Konoha Village, and the target was still the former Konoha's White Fang, Hatake Sakumo!

"Hatake Sakumo was dismissed? Hehe, you deserve it!"

"I just said, how could Hokage-sama hand over the position of Fourth Hokage to Hatake Sakumo? He is just a first-order butcher!"

"That's right, I heard that the number of people who died in his hands is more than a thousand-hundred!"

"Ah! It's so scary, it seems that I have to tell my husband and children in the future, stay away from the people around Hatake's house!"

At this moment, the ordinary people in this village seem to have all suffered from amnesia. They have completely forgotten what Hatake Sakumo has achieved, and even completely forgot that the bloody name of Konoha's White Fang was precisely Hatake Sakumo who defended the Konoha's White Fang. They were called out by Sha Yin and even the entire ninja world!

And the ninjas in the village, the ninja clans, and even Konoha's high-ranking officials are all like dumb, never standing up to explain the meaning for Hatake Sakumo, just like the rumors that were widely spread in Konoha back then!

This is the true peace-loving and life-loving Konoha under the "Will of Fire"!

It's just that Hatake Sakumo, the subject of discussion at this time, thought that this rumor, like the previous ones, would eventually disappear gradually, so he didn't care much about the surrounding discussions, and let them talk .

However, Hatake Sakumo apparently forgot that Kakashi who is being pulled by his side at this moment is at the age of passion and good face, and Kakashi has just entered school, because of his cold temperament and good-looking appearance, he is very popular among the ninja school. Girls like it, so many boys don't like Kakashi!

So, these boys use Hatake Sakumo to provoke, mock and even humiliate Kakashi!

This makes me wonder how the proud Kakashi can stand it?!

So after beating those guys, although those guys dare not use Hatake Sakumo to humiliate Kakashi publicly, but there are still a lot of people who gossip behind their backs!

Kakashi didn't understand, even couldn't accept, why did his father, who was always proud of him in the past, become the object of ridicule in almost the whole village now?!

But today, Kakashi did not expect to hear such a question again just when he was shopping with his father to buy groceries!

Therefore, Kakashi stopped, bowed his head, and let Hatake Sakumo try twice to drag Kakashi back home, without success!

No one knows what Kakashi is thinking in his heart at this moment!

However, when Hatake Sakumo held Kakashi's big hand, he could clearly feel that Kakashi's small hand was gradually clenched!

But what Hatake didn't see was that Kakashi's other hand on the other thigh was already clenched into a fist at this moment, as if ready to hit someone at any time!

Just when Hatake Sakumo was about to persuade Kakashi, another voice finally came out in the noodle restaurant.

"Hatake Sakumo is a strong man who is confused, even a little cowardly and loyal."

‥...seeking flowers 0

Although this voice is extremely gentle and full of magnetism, it is even like a piece of music, which can calm people's inner anger and hesitation, and bring people an unprecedented sense of peace,

However, at this moment Kakashi is even more angry!



Foolish loyalty?

This is the first time I heard someone comment on Konoha's White Fang in the famous ninja world!

This time, not only Kakashi, but even Uchiha Mikoto and Uzumaki Kushina who are "hiding" in the corner of the noodle shop are extremely curious, why someone would comment on Konoha's White Fangya so much!


Just when Kakashi was about to break free from his father's big hand, and was about to go in and "theoretical" the man who was so arrogant that he dared to comment on his father like this, he found that at this moment, his little hand was suddenly held tightly by his father, and he couldn't do it at all. pull out!

Subconsciously raised his head, when he was about to question his father, he saw his father, that is, Konoha's White Fangya, who was evaluated as 'cowardly', 'confused' and 'foolishly loyal' by the people inside, and Hatake Sakumo was smiling Mouth to myself,

Kakashi, who had learned lip language a long time ago, instantly deciphered the content of what his father said,

"Don't worry, listen to this little guy in it [why] say that about me."

Yes, just by the tone of the two people who just had a conversation, Hatake Sakumo has already judged that the two people inside are at most 20 years old!

But now, the age is close to forty, and he is a lot older than the two people in the conversation. Naturally, there is no problem in calling the two people in the conversation a little guy!.

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