Pirates: I Have 300 Heroes Heritage

516 Uchiha Madara? Mangekyō Sharingan? What? !

"Great Elder, you...

The patriarch who had just approached quickly, was about to say something when he was interrupted by the elder with a cold snort.

"Hmph! Shut up!"

At this moment, the great elder's old face also showed anger and indisputability, and he cursed,

"Put away your little tricks, this contract scroll is not as simple as you imagined!"

"Besides, the Izanagi Technique can only be used if the Sharingan has evolved to the Mangekyō Sharingan level!

"Fugaku, it's obvious that he intends to exchange his life for the end of this killing!"

Hearing the Great Elder's words, the patriarch's expression also changed, and he looked at his son with fear on his face!

"I didn't expect you to make such a resolution..."

At this moment, facing his father's gaze, Uchiha Fugaku fell silent,

"Okay, these two intruders, leave it to the old man to deal with!"

As he said that, the Great Elder's eyes widened suddenly, and Sharingan appeared directly, and then, under the shocked gaze of all the Uchiha ninjas, One Goyu, Two Goyu, and Three Goyu appeared one after another!

In the next second, the three black hook jades in the blood-red eyes spun rapidly, and finally turned into the shape of a wheel!

"Mangekyō! Really Mangekyō Sharingan!"

"This is the power that only the legendary men of that family have in the historical records! I didn't expect the Great Elder to have it too.!"

"Hiss! In the past, I only thought that the Great Elder was a wise man, but I never thought that because the elder is actually the real strongest hidden in the clan!"

"Great! The Great Elder with the power of Mangekyō Sharingan will surely kill these two hateful intruders on the opposite side!

"Come on! Great Elder, kill them!"

At this moment, when the patriarch saw the pair of Mangekyō Sharingan in the eyes of the Great Elder, he was stunned, but after realizing it, he was overjoyed!

Because, in the cognition of all ninjas of the Uchiha clan, Mangekyō Sharingan is synonymous with invincibility!

Uchiha Madara, the ancestor who first opened Mangekyō Sharingan, just met the more pervert Senju Hashirama!

But in today's ninja world, there is no new Senju Hashirama from Senju! This also means that their Uchiha clan will really dominate the ninja world!

In front of him, the Great Elder naturally took in all the eyes of the patriarch and other clansmen, but he didn't say anything. He only asked the patriarch to take Fugaku down, and then used the pair of scarlet Mangekyō Sharingan to look at the two people on the opposite side. road,

"Although I don't know why the two of you insist on killing Fugaku, but your crazy actions are over!"

"I think, the reputation of Uchiha Madara and Mangekyō Sharingan, the entire ninja world is not unknown, right?"

"If you are sensible, retreat now, the old man can let you go!"

Although the Great Elder said so, but in his heart, only he knew that although he opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, his strength was close to the peak level of Kage-level, but compared with the legendary power of the ancestor Uchiha Madara, he was simply a little witch Meet the big witch!

Mangekyō Sharingan, is also hierarchical!

What's more, the Great Elder even guessed that the Sharingan of Uchiha Madara, the ancestor of their Uchiha clan, was not even a simple Mangekyō Sharingan, but a Sharingan that had evolved to a higher level!

Because, only the Great Elder who owns this pair of eyes knows how different his own strength is from that of his ancestor Uchiha Madara!

Therefore, even the Great Elder who opened Mangekyō at this time, when facing the two opposites, first only planned to borrow the prestige of Mangekyō and ancestor Uchiha Madara to scare them away!

But at this moment, the Uchiha ninjas behind them all shouted angrily when they heard the elder's words.

"No! You must not let these two thieves leave like this!",

"Yes! Great Elder! Kill them! Avenge our dead clansmen!"

"Never forgive them!"

"Kill them!"

When Uchiha clansmen were shouting one after another, the patriarch looked at the elder, and Mingrui seemed to have discovered something, and quickly turned around and shouted (by Wang Zhao),

"Shut up! Why are you arguing!"

"Everything is listened to by the Great Elder!"

But at this moment, both the Green Snake and Athos looked a bit ugly!

Especially Athos, looked deeply at Fugaku who was once again hiding in the crowd, said in a deep voice,

"It seems that you are going to violate the agreement just now!"

As he spoke, Athos withdrew his gaze and turned to look at the First Elder, suppressing his anger and impatience, and said disdainfully,

"Uchiha Madara? Mangekyō Sharingan? What?!"

"Also, old man, do you know that your sudden jump this time has completely angered me?!".

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