Pirates: I Have 300 Heroes Heritage

531 Mikoto's Horror Mangekyō Pupil Art!

The moment I thought of this, the first reaction of the second daughter was astonishment, but in the next second, the second daughter's expression was full of surprise!

Because, they will soon have such power!

Seeing that the two girls seem to only pay attention to the power of Devil Fruit, but forget their own Bloodline power, Xuan Yue couldn't help reminding at this time,

"By the way, when you develop the power of Devil Fruit in the future, don't forget your own blood power!"

"Because, in terms of potential alone, whether it's Mikoto's potential of your Uchiha bloodline, or Kushina's potential for your Uzumaki bloodline, they can all be compared to Devil Fruit's potential

Even, there is a point where it can reach the potential of a fourth-order powerhouse!"f

Hearing Xuan Yue's words, the two daughters also recovered from the surprise of getting Devil Fruit's power, and nodded in unison, agreeing with Xuan Yue's words.

After all, the two of them have already known just now that their respective bloodlines actually originate from the legendary Sage of Six Paths!

Judging from Xuan Yue's words, Sage of Six Paths is undoubtedly a four-star powerhouse.

But, at the same time, they also know that although their respective bloodlines have high potential, the difficulty of development is tens of thousands of times more difficult than the development of Devil Fruit!

In other words, without a certain opportunity, even if they live their lives, it is impossible for them to improve their strength to the Sage of Six Paths level, which is the same as Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama!

Seeing that the two daughters have their own plans, Xuan Yue stopped talking, turned to look at Mikoto, and said curiously,

"Speaking of which, Mikoto, what abilities are in your eyes Mangekyō"||?"

If another person asked this question, Mikoto would not only not answer, but might doubt his intentions, but when the person who asked was Xuan Yue, Mikoto opened the Mangekyō Sharingan again without any hesitation, and after a moment of careful perception, this Only then did he introduce,

"My pupil techniques are named 'Death Gaze' and 'Hangkai' respectively!"

"The 'death gaze' function in the left eye, after the pupil technique is activated, as long as it is within the sight range of my Mangekyō's eyes, an unlimited number of people, under the gaze of my eyes, people below Kage-level will die directly, Kage -level and above, according to my own strength and the strength of the enemy, if I want to kill the opponent, the time I need to watch will be different. 11

"If you want to enter and leave the Kage-level enemy, you need to watch for three seconds! However, if it is a strong person at the level of First Hokage, with my current strength, it will take at least three hours. This is the kind of strong person who does not avoid my gaze in the case of."

"As for the 'Honkai' in the right eye, after I activate it, I can see the future scene for a short time. If I don't want that future to appear, I can deny this future by activating this pupil technique, and forcibly affect reality and the future. , don't let that future come!

"As for this pupil technique, no matter how long the future can be seen, it can be denied. As for how long the future can be seen, it mainly depends on my strength and pupil power!

"For now, I can only see what's going on one second into the future."

After all, Mikoto looked at Xuan Yue expectantly, wanting to hear Xuan Yue's evaluation of her pupil technique.

On the other side, after listening to Mikoto's description, Kushina immediately said enviously,

"Mikoto, both of your pupil skills are amazing!"

"Now you are probably the most powerful person in your family, right?"

Hearing what Kushina said, Mikoto was a little embarrassed and said,

". "It's not as good as you said, besides, Kushina, your Uzumaki blood is also very powerful!"

"Not to mention those heaven-defying sealing techniques, it's just Uzumaki's blood that brings tens of hundreds of times more terrifying Chakra than ordinary people, and that kind of recovery ability. The entire ninja world can be compared with the Senju clan." No one can compare with you."

Having said that, Mikoto looked at Kushina with envious eyes.

As we all know, the stamina and Chakra of the Uchiha clan are only at the level of ordinary people, which is not long enough for those who opened Mangekyō Sharingan!

Just when the two daughters were envious of each other (Li Zhao), Xuan Yue said a little funny,

"Okay, you two don't have to envy each other anymore, Mikoto's Mangekyō ability is indeed very powerful and very useful. As far as the current stage is concerned, Mikoto's strength has already entered the ranks of Kage-level powerhouses for the first time."

"However, Kushina, don't be discouraged, don't forget, you already have a dragon fruit.

"And, in the future, you will also get the power of Nine Tails!"

Seeing Kushina whose complexion changed instantly after hearing 'Nine Tails', Xuan Yue felt a little speechless, secretly said,

"It seems that this little girl still needs to correct her ideas!".

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