Pirates: I Have 300 Heroes Heritage

535 Jiraiya's Guess: Two Children Of Destiny!

Hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's suggestion, Danzo just snorted coldly this time and did not object!

Although Danzo dreams of the position of Hokage, he doesn't want to take over a dilapidated Konoha Village, which may even be overwhelmed by the other four major ninja villages!

As for Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu, they naturally nodded in agreement.


Sarutobi Hiruzen was not surprised at the agreement of the three, and continued to speak,

"It's about the purpose of this group of people attacking Konoha,"

Saying that, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Jiraiya who was standing with his back against the wall of Hokage's office, and said,

"About this, Jiraiya, do you have anything to say?"

Question words at any time, but Sarutobi Hiruzen's tone seems to be telling a fact at 16,

And actually, it does!

Because, at the very beginning, after seeing the power of the poisonous spider, Sarutobi Hiruzen originally had the idea of ​​handing over the four of Namikaze Minato, but was stopped by Jiraiya's eyes, until later with the continuous death of Konoha Shinobi, Sarutobi Hiruzen was forced to have no way out, and only then did he completely extinguish his desire to make friends.

Especially now, looking at Konoha Village, which was destroyed by one-sixth, and the deaths of countless ninjas and civilians, what a huge loss Konoha has suffered this time?!

Sarutobi Hiruzen regretted more than once in his heart. If Namikaze and Minato were handed over at the very beginning, wouldn't all of this be avoided?!

And it was his apprentice who caused all these final consequences!

Therefore, although Sarutobi Hiruzen cannot be angry, he still wants to know why Jiraiya winked at him at that time!

Hearing what Sarutobi Hiruzen said, Jiraiya, who was leaning against the wall, folded her arms at this moment, looked at the four of them, took a deep breath, and said,

"Teacher, and elders, you should all have heard the legend of Mount Myōboku, right?"

Hearing Jiraiya suddenly mention Mount Myōboku, Danzo immediately frowned, showing displeasure, and scolded,

"The reason why you said you were trying to protect Namikaze Minato and the others, but didn't let you introduce your Summoning orc land..."

"Danzo, you shut up first!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen directly interrupted Danzo's yelling, then looked at Jiraiya and said,


Seeing this, Jiraiya nodded, and then continued,

"The reason why Mount Myōboku is called one of the three holy places is that apart from the fact that the Summoning beast inside is super powerful, the most important thing is that it has a very rescue heritage and history, which can even be traced back to the Sage of Six Paths period!"

Looking at the four people whose faces changed after hearing the words 'Sage of Six Paths', and who wanted to ask something, Jiraiya said directly,

"You heard me right, it was the period of the Sage of Six Paths, and the Sage of Six Paths was not just a legendary existence, but actually appeared on the stage of history! 11

"As for why I'm so sure, that's because, in Mount Myōboku, there is one that has seen the Sage of Six Paths, from the time of the Sage of Six Paths to the present Toad Sage!"

"Moreover, it is said that the Three Great Sacred Lands are actually run by a fairy who lived from the time of Sage of Six Paths to the present. This is the real reason why the Three Great Sacred Lands have absolute status in the Summoning world!!

Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo, Utatane Koharu, and Mitokado Homura were greatly shocked, and Sarutobi Hiruzen even forgot the cigarette in his hand.

The expressions of the four did not attract Jiraiya's attention, because he knew that after he told the secrets of these people's ninja world, anyone would have this expression!

Therefore, Jiraiya did not stop, and continued,

"The last time I went to Mount Myōboku, I received a call from Toad Sage, who told me that in the future, I will accept the Child of Destiny as an apprentice and guide him.

"Because, whether the ninja world in the future will eventually be destroyed, or whether it will enter true peace, is the choice of Destiny's Child."

"The mission of my 740 is to guide Destiny's Child on the right path! Create a peaceful future."

"Actually, I was somewhat skeptical about this matter."

"However, today, after hearing that chimpanzee say that the four Minatos were hunted to prevent the birth of two people, I immediately thought of what the Great Toad Sage said!"

"Because, besides Destiny's Child, who else would have the qualification to kill the target by intercepting and killing his parents before he was born?!"

"It's just that, beyond my expectation, it turns out that there is not one Child of Destiny, but two!"

"Although I was a little puzzled at the beginning, but when I think about it carefully, no matter how much a person's personality changes, it's not always the opposite of saving the world or destroying the world, right? Therefore, I thought, if there are two children of destiny If one grows up in the future, it will save the world, while the other will destroy the world. In this way, wouldn’t it all make sense?!”.

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