Pirates: I Have 300 Heroes Heritage

543 I Would Like To Be Nine Tails JinchūRiki!

Sarutobi Hiruzen was stunned when he heard that the old man in front of him directly said that he wanted to break with the village because of a little girl named Uzumaki Kushina!

And Shimura Danzō beside him turned pale at the moment, and a little cold sweat oozes uncontrollably from his forehead and cheeks! Because, just now, Shimura Danzō heard the old man in front of him say that the Uzumaki clan must not be allowed to When the little girl became a Jinchūriki, Shimura Danzō had secretly planned in her heart how to control Kushina and make her a new Jinchūriki, the Nine Tails Jinchūriki belonging to the roots!

‘Fortunately, the old man has not implemented the plan yet! Otherwise, the village will simply disappear!

Yes, after experiencing the massive destruction of the village by the invaders tonight, what if the old man in front of him personally controls and explodes the power of Nine Tails to declare war on the village

The whole Konoha Village will probably only become a real ~ ruins by then!

At that time, Konoha Village, no, or the entire Fire Country, will only be the fat of the other four big ninja villages, and you can eat whatever you want!

Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu, who had just stood up to speak, also turned pale at the moment, repeatedly persuading the old man in front of him, "I want to persuade the old man to give up this dangerous idea.

Outside the courtyard, Kushina, who was hiding in the corner and eavesdropping, heard this, her eyes were slightly red.

She suddenly felt that when she looked at the light screen, she had misunderstood Grandma Mito.

However, hearing that several people in the courtyard seemed to be really planning to give up on becoming Nine Tails Jinchūriki, Kushina couldn't sit still immediately,

"Wait, I, I would like to be Nine Tails Jinchūriki!"

In the courtyard, the expressions of the few people who were discussing suddenly changed when they heard this immature girl's voice!

They never thought that someone would eavesdrop outside!

Especially Shimura Danzō, Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu, who have never met Kushina, are even more murderous at this moment!

‘If you dare to eavesdrop on Konoha’s secrets, you will die!”

Thinking of this, Shimura Danzō directly raised his exposed left hand, and when he was about to make a mudra, a hand suddenly grabbed Shimura Danzō's wrist!

Subconsciously followed the owner of this big hand, and found that it was Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Seeing Shimura Danzō's gaze, Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head and said,

"Don't mess around, Kushina should be back!"

It turned out that at this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen had already recognized that this slightly immature girl's voice was Uzumaki Kushina!

Especially thinking of what Kushina said just now, Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes flashed with joy,

After all, in the entire ninja world, there is no better candidate for Jinchūriki than members of the Uzumaki clan!

However, at the same time, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt a sense of vigilance and suspicion. After all, from the perspective of the mainstream ninja world, no one wants to become a tailed beast weapon. , This kind of person really cares about the village and regards the village as the most important treasure; or, he is a person with ulterior motives!

And Kushina, in the eyes of Sarutobi Hiruzen at the moment, is obviously more likely to be the latter!

However, doubts are doubts, on the surface Sarutobi Hiruzen still looks kind and kind, looking at Kushina who came from outside the hospital, there is a bit of concern in his expression,

...asking for flowers...

"Little Kushina, are you okay? Where did you go today? Did you meet any strange people?"

"The village was invaded by bad guys today, and one of their targets is you!"

"But now that you've come back intact, I'm relieved."

Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen's concerned gaze, Kushina couldn't help but sneer in her heart at this moment, she understood that this was Sarutobi Hiruzen testing herself!

However, Kushina also knows that at his own level, lying in front of these old foxes in front of him will be seen through almost instantly, so he just said indifferently, and even said happily,

"Today, I went shopping with Mikoto, the new boss Xuan Yue from the commercial street, and his little attendant, and we bought a lot of delicious things!"

"Then, just now we had a picnic by the small river in the back mountain. We had a great time! The boss Xuan Yue also told us many interesting things."

"However, a strange guy really came later. When we found out, he was about to run away, but was recognized by Mikoto. Only then did we find out that he was a member of Mikoto's clan."

"We were swept away, so we came back!"

As she said that, Kushina's little face showed a trace of pity, obviously feeling that she hadn't played enough.

From the moment Kushina entered the door, Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu, who had been staring at Kushina's every move, not even letting go of the change in their eyes, glanced at each other at this moment, and then turned to Shimura Danzō and Sarutobi Hiruzen cryptically Shaking his head, he said that he didn't find any problem with the door. .

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