Pirates: I Have 300 Heroes Heritage

569 I Want To Create A World With Lin!

After dealing with Saeko's world and bringing it into Xuan Yue's big world to further strengthen the foundation of Xuan Yue's big world, Xuan Yue brought Saeko Toujima to the Dark Moon Pavilion and introduced Saeko Toujima to other people. The nine members of the Dark Moon Knight knew each other and completed the hero inheritance for them. After handing over the comatose Saeko Busujima to the Kuina children, Xuan Yue himself left the Xuan Yue World and chose to return to the Ninja World.

In an underground cave somewhere in the Country of Grass, the old man on the stone seat has a haggard face and a shriveled body. If he was lying in a coffin, he might even be buried as a dead person by someone he doesn't know!

This old man is the former Ninja Shura, Uchiha Madara.

Black White Zetsu stood beside Uchiha Madara quietly, looking in awe of the old man on the stone seat!

Perhaps, in front of this man, even if this man is half buried in the soil, no one in the whole ninja world dare not be in awe after knowing his true identity!

Sitting on the stone chair at this moment, Uchiha Madara, who is already so old that his muscles can hardly move, looked at the descendant of the Uchiha clan who had already put on the orange Uzumaki mask with his dark eyes, and said in an extremely old voice,

"So, Obito, I want to make sure to you one last time, have you really made up your mind to take on Project Tsuki no Me?"

"Even if, because of this, you will be spurned by the whole world and become an enemy of the whole world?"

The young man on the field was Uchiha Obito, who still couldn't escape the shackles of fate, and stepped into the fateful Uzumaki without any accidents.

"never mind!"

Wearing an orange Uzumaki mask, Obito, who exposed his right eye alone, said lightly,

"Whether it's a clan, a village, or a Hokage, it doesn't matter!"

"Anyway, in this world without Lin, everything doesn't matter anymore, even if the whole world may become an enemy of me in the future, it doesn't matter anymore.

"Anyway, the world without Lin is a false world, everything is false."

"If Project Tsuki no Me can create a world where Rin exists, then what if we are enemies of the whole world!"

Finally, under the one eye of the orange Uzumaki mask, a sickle-shaped Mangekyō Sharingan suddenly formed, and an aura full of evil, profit and disaster burst out from Obito's body.

On the stone chair in front, seeing Obito's state, Uchiha Madara couldn't help showing a smile on his old face,

"Don't worry, Infinite Tsukuyomi is the only art recorded on the stele under our clan's shrine that can lead the entire ninja world to achieve peace and allow everyone to live happily in their ideal world.

"As long as Project Tsuki no Me is successful, you may also get the world you want and live happily."

"The future is in your hands, Nao Wang."

For a hero like Uchiha Madara, it's a disgrace to be incompetent and die of old age!

Therefore, after finishing all arrangements, Uchiha Madara decided to commit suicide!

After all, Uchiha Madara raised his withered arm, intending to tear off the pipeline that connects his body behind him and transports nutrients through the Gedo Statue to maintain his own vitality. When he ended his life, a strange light suddenly sounded in this underground space.

"Hey, Madara, are you planning to commit suicide?"

The instant the voice appeared, the black complexion on the side suddenly changed!

Obviously, I didn't expect that there are still people in this world who can ignore their own defense and surveillance, and just appear here quietly like this!

In the eyes of Obito who was still in the center of the underground cave, Mangekyō has already spun rapidly, obviously the body is already in the Hollow state, ready to resist the sudden appearance of enemies at any time!

Different from the vigilant Jue and Obito, although Uchiha Madara also felt that the voice was a little strange, but after thinking about it for a moment, he already knew the identity of the caller.

Putting down the arm that was about to tear off the nutrient transportation pipeline behind him, his tone was flat and his voice was old,

"Oh, you are here."

"I didn't expect that you would choose to see old man 113 when his life was about to come to an end."

"However, since you are here, don't play tricks, come out, Lu Cifer, Xuan Yue.

The moment he heard the word Xuan Yue, Jue at the side was stunned.

Yes, if there is anyone in this world who can quietly escape all his detection methods and invade here, it is only the mysterious Xuan Yue and his few subordinates.

Hearing Madara's relaxed tone, Obito also stopped using the Mangekyō Hollow ability, and instead showed a thoughtful expression.

"It's so familiar, I always feel like I've heard of this name somewhere..."

Just when the expressions of several people in the cave were different, a dark gap suddenly opened in the space in the center of the cave, and then slowly expanded until it formed a portal-sized gap.

A figure walked out of it!

The person who came was Xuan Yue, who was dressed in a white robe, with sea blue wavy long hair fluttering casually, and wine red eyes full of fun!.

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