087 The frustrated Sengoku! “Please subscribe, please customize!”

After a loud roar, Sengoku looked directly at Crane Vice Admiral, with blue veins on his forehead, and asked angrily,

“Who did this? What is he going to do?

“He deliberately filmed such a brutal crime and sent it to us Marine? Is he going to openly become an enemy of our Marine?”

Looking at Sengoku who was furious at this moment, Vice Admiral the crane frowned slightly and shouted softly,

“Sengoku, calm down!”

“Do you still have the composure and bearing of Marshal Marine?!”

“These photos were not sent to us by criminals specifically to provoke our Marines.”

“Listen to the people below, this is a situation where this Marine encountered a fatal situation during the mission, so it was all filmed at the last moment, and I hope we can catch the criminals and don’t let the criminals go unpunished.

Speaking of which, Crane Vice Admiral’s brows furrowed even tighter, and a hint of worry appeared on his old face, and he continued,

As for “Who is the culprit? You can tell by looking at other pictures of her.

After being reprimanded by Crane Vice Admiral, Sengoku slowly calmed down, but the blue veins on his forehead were still faintly visible!

Sitting on the marshal’s seat, Sengoku picked up the other photos and said,

“I’d like to see who the 330 actually has the guts to provoke Marine like this.”

While Sengoku was talking, when he suddenly flipped through a photo, the anger on Sengoku’s face immediately froze, and his expression also became solemn.

In the photo above, a girl with long blue hair and a white trench coat is holding a purple dagger with a murderous face and stepping out of the wooden door of a yard, looking like she intends to come out of the yard .

“Is she Kuina? Wushuang Jianji? That great swordsman who appeared a month ago?”

The impression of Kuina, Sengoku is still quite deep.

No way, a girl who looks no more than eighteen or nineteen years old already has the swordsmanship of a great swordsman. Sengoku has no way to easily forget this appalling thing from his mind!

What’s more, the whole Grand Line for the past month, yay! It can even be said that the whole world is rioting because of this girl!

Countless pirates, some from New World, some from the first half of the Grand Line, some from the other three seas, and even pirates from the East Blue Sea are heading to East Blue, or have wandered around on East Blue, just looking for This girl!

That’s why his old friend Garp now sends several pirates from East Blue Logue town every day!

Although the current result was predicted by the two of them after discussing with Tsuru Vice Admiral long ago, it is undeniable that the sea is indeed turbulent because of this girl!

Crane Vice Admiral watched Sengoku finally calm down, and only then did he speak again,

“Yes, it is Wushuang Sword Princess Kuina!

“Sengoku, what we should consider now is the meaning behind Kuina’s sudden action on Marine, what does it mean!”

Sengoku also agrees with the proposal of Crane Vice Admiral,

Putting down the photo in his hand, Sengoku thought for a while, then looked at Tsuru Vice Admiral again and said,

“Little John, can you tell me the details of this matter? Why did Kuina suddenly attack Marine? Also, what was the specific mission of this Marine at that time?

Crane Vice Admiral heard the words, nodded and said,

“Listen to the Marine report below, the East Blue branch was reported by the civilians, saying that a thief who specialized in stealing on East Blue stole 100 million Bailey’s ill-gotten wealth a few days ago, and the branch Marine sent the branch colonel Colonel Mouse. Led a team of soldiers to catch the thieves and recovered these ill-gotten gains, but when they came to the door, they met Kuina, the unparalleled swordsman.

“Major Mouse was cut in half by Kuina’s sword energy before he even entered the gate,

When Vice Admiral Tsuru said this, Sengoku suddenly thought about Vice Admiral’s words, and confirmed with a solemn expression,

“Xiaohe, are you saying that the ahaf school was killed by Kuina’s sword energy before entering?!”

Crane Vice Admiral glanced at Sengoku with a solemn expression. As an old friend and Marine’s advisor, she knew at a glance what was in Sengoku’s mind and sighed. Crane Vice Admiral’s expression became equally serious, and said,

“Yes, I was directly beheaded!”

“And now I’m as worried as you are, that is the meaning behind Kuina’s move, does it mean that Kuina has become dissatisfied with our Marine’s last arrest, and even chose to take revenge?”

Speaking of which, Crane Vice Admiral sighed again, his expression also a bit complicated and dejected, and then said,

“When we calculated the reward for Kuina, although we took into account the reactions of Celestial Dragons, Marine, and pirates, we successfully designed the pirates and allowed Garp to send many pirates to Impel down, but

Speaking of which, Crane Vice Admiral’s wrinkled face revealed a hint of regret, saying,

“But the only thing we forgot to think about Kuina, the great swordsman!”

“You and I who have come from the old times know that the real great swordsmen have a heart that is indomitable and unyielding! It is precisely because of having such a heart and belief that they can go further in the swordsmanship! Just like Momousagi, although she already has the strength to supplement Admiral, her kendo cultivation has always been stuck at the peak of swordsmanship and has not yet successfully broken through. The reason is that

Speaking of which, the Crane Vice Admiral realized that he had said something he shouldn’t have said, and immediately changed his tune,

“As for Kuina, not only is she a great swordsman now, she is only 18 or 19 years old, and she is in the age group of vigorous blood. For such a person, if she is wronged, even if it involves serious revenge, I won’t have any surprises!”

“After all, we all know what happened to her.

After listening to Vice Admiral’s analysis, Sengoku nodded in agreement.

However, after thinking about the reason for all this, Sengoku couldn’t help but slapped the table again and cursed loudly,

“It’s all these bastards Celestial Dragons! It’s all about doing nothing every day!”

“Do you still think that our Marines are not busy enough? We have provoked such an enemy with not only terrifying strength, but even more terrifying potential!”

For Sengoku’s complaint, Tsuru Vice Admiral could only be silent,

However, in the end, Vice Admiral Tsuru still looked at Sengoku with a suffocated face and persuaded,

“Okay Sengoku, now that things have happened, what we need to think about now is how to solve the problem instead of complaining here.”

Saying that, Crane Vice Admiral seemed to have thought of something, and then said,

“However, what I need to advise you now is that you should read all the photos first, there will be things you didn’t expect.”

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