It was an X-shaped wound, and blood was gushing out from the bottom of the X.

"Uh ah ah!"

After a roar, Jack's self-healing ability was greatly enhanced, and the wound began to heal slowly, but before it was completely healed, Jack rushed towards Carl.

Ding ding dang dang, the sound of the collision of weapons.

After being injured, Jack seemed to be enraged, but he did not lose his mind. Instead, he fought back and forth with Carl with his strong physical fitness.

And he fought very smartly, taking some attacks that did not hurt him, and dodging the killing moves if he could, and holding the vital points if he could not dodge.

From then on, Carl was sure that Jack was not reckless, but simply young and frivolous.

After all, this guy was only in his twenties, and he became the main cadre of the overlord-level pirate group at a young age. It would be strange if he was not crazy!

But at present, his strength is indeed very poor, his mastery of domineering is average, and he can only use it for defense, and he has almost no observation Haki.

The only advantage is that he is very durable. If it were Katakuri, his combat power would be limited after a few hits from him, but Jack was at least hit by him more than 20 times, and he was still alive and well.

Low attack, high health, high defense, high recovery, this is Jack!

"Elbaf's Spear·Weiguo!"

A huge purple slash swept across Jack's body, blood rained down, Jack knelt uncontrollably, and looked at Carl unwillingly.

"It seems that you are going to jail again. Will Kaido come to save you this time?"

Jack showed a rebellious look, endured the severe pain and stood up from the ground, looking down at Carl with his height advantage.

"Who do you think you are? Do you think you can catch me?"

"Hmph! Don't dream, go to hell!"

Then Jack rushed towards Carl waving his long sword. Carl smiled disdainfully and dodged to the side to avoid Jack's suicide attack.

But the next second, Carl was stunned.

With a splash, Jack jumped into the sea, causing a splash of water and blood mist in the sea, but Jack's figure had disappeared.

Carl: ? ? ?

Is this considered an escape?

"What's wrong? Where's Jack?"

Carl pointed helplessly at the water: "Look, he jumped into the sea!"

Ian looked at the sea in disbelief, then at Carl: "He, isn't he a capable person? Is he planning to commit suicide by jumping into the sea?"

"Don't forget, he's a fishman, even if he can't swim, he won't die in the sea."

"What should we do? Just let him escape?"

Carl touched his chin. After all, he is also the [Father of the Sea]. How about jumping into the sea and catching Jack?

No, no, no, forget it. It's too troublesome. It's not worth exposing my trump card for Jack.

"Let Nelson bring the warship over. We'll wait here for an hour."


Soon, the two warships blocked the surrounding waters, but after an hour, Jack still didn't show up, so Carl had to give up.

"Forget it, let's go! It's important to get to the G-10 base first."

After the navy warship was far away from the sea, Jack slowly surfaced and swam towards his ship.

"Damn navy, they took away all the money I got with great difficulty!"

There was no way, Jack couldn't sail back to Onigashima alone, so...

"Boss, I had someone do it..."


I don't know how long I lay on the boat, and finally, the Beasts Pirates came. Judging from the flag, it should be Quinn's ship.

"You are such a useless guy, can't you even deal with a vice admiral?"

Facing Quinn, Jack couldn't get mad at all, and said humbly: "Brother Quinn, that guy is really powerful."

"Forget it, forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you, come back with me!"

New World, G-10 base, located on Milem Island.

There are about 3,000 residents on the island, about 1,500 navy personnel, 15 warships in total, and only 17 with Carl's. The defense of the entire island is relatively strong, at least ordinary pirates dare not easily invade Milem Island.

After showing the documents, Carl successfully became the base chief of the G-10 branch and officially moved into the G-10 base.

"I am Vice Admiral Carl of the Navy Headquarters. I am new here and don't know you very well. Let me introduce myself."

Several navy generals standing in front of Carl immediately saluted and shouted: "I am XXX"

After they finished introducing themselves, Carl nodded: "Very good, very energetic. Let me introduce you, this is Colonel Ain, the user of the Reversal Fruit."

"If I am not here in the future, her orders will be my orders."

"Yes, sir!"

"By the way, are there any pirates around Milham Island recently?"

Several navy generals shook their heads.Head: "Report to the commander, no!"

Carl touched his chin and immediately issued an order: "You immediately arrange personnel to patrol the surrounding waters, once a day in the future, and never let go of any suspicious persons."


After they left, Ian asked curiously: "Why let them patrol?"

Carl said in a deep voice: "Training, find something for them to do, to ensure the combat effectiveness of the navy."

"I used to do this in the 108th branch of the North Sea."

Ian nodded as if he understood: "What about us? Waiting for the pirates here every day?"

"That's not the case. Once we receive news from the headquarters, we have to cooperate with the action, or if the pirates invade the nearby Dressrosa or Lulucia Kingdom, we have to go out."

Ian didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly laughed: "That's quite suitable for you, you like to be lazy the most!"

Carl's face changed: "Hey, hey, don't You are slandering me! I didn't slack off when I was fighting the pirates. Didn't Jack escape just now because I was seriously injured? "

"Besides, I usually take time to help you exercise. You can't pretend you didn't see it!"

Ain rolled his eyes at Carl: "What about your Hancock? This place is so far from Daughter Island..."

"This is not your problem to worry about."

"I really don't know what sister Hancock likes about you, you are such a playboy!"

Carl's mouth corners slightly raised: "What about you? Do you like me?"

Looking Carl up and down, Ain lifted Carl's chin, looking like a big sister: "I like you, but it's a pity..."

Ain shook her head, but Carl hugged Ain in his arms and whispered in her ear: "You can't escape."

"What do you want to do?" Ain's voice was a little trembling, and her eyes were covered with a layer of mist, with some expectation and some resistance.

Carl's mouth corners slightly raised, sniffed Ain's collar, his face changed, and he said in shock: "Did you use my laundry detergent?"

"Go to hell!!!"

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