Seeing Carl's expression without any fluctuation, Tezoro's evaluation of Carl in his heart suddenly rose to a higher level.

Gold is gold. As long as you have been to the Golden City, you will generally get used to it, but the impact of a lot of Baileys is not something that everyone can resist.

This kind of person is too difficult to deal with.

If he wants to win over a politician or a navy, it is nothing more than money, status (exchange of interests), and women.

But these seem to be useless to Carl.

Money offensive? He found the treasure of Shandora and got wealth that ordinary people can't earn in tens of thousands of years of struggle.

Exchange of interests? He is a naval hero, holding power. No matter where he goes, he is a celebrity and an object of respect. Why do you have to do these with him?

Female temptation? He is the world's most handsome man, is there still a lack of women around him? Even if he gives him tens of millions of Baileys, there are a lot of women who want to sleep with him. Does he still need to ask people to seduce him?

Hey! Carl had something to say. How would you know if you don't try?

Carl yawned: "Oh~ All my money is here, right?"

Tezoro nodded: "Yes, it's all here. Do you want to count it?"

"No need."

Carl waved his hand and slowly walked to the pile of money. With a wave of his hand, the hill-like pile of Bailey disappeared, and then the next pile. In a few breaths, 65 billion Baileys were all collected by Carl into the system space, and only the empty load-bearing frame was left in the treasury.

"Gudong~" Tezoro swallowed a mouthful of saliva. When Carl took out the gold before, he wanted to ask, what kind of ability is so magical that it can store and retrieve items out of thin air?

So, Tezoro gave Bakara a look. The two people who have cooperated for many years have a tacit understanding. Bakara instantly understood what the boss meant and walked to Carl with a smile.

"It's amazing, Mr. Carl, how did you do it?"

Carl smiled slightly: "Are you talking about this?"

A bunch of Baileys appeared out of thin air on the ground, and then disappeared in an instant.

Bakara looked at Carl with "admiration" and nodded repeatedly: "Yeah, that's it!"

"Miss Bakara, your ability is very good. If you have time, develop your fruit ability more, and you will find a brand new door open for you."

Carl didn't seem to answer, but it seemed to have answered.

In short, this sentence fell into Tezoro's ears, basically making him sure that this was Carl's devil fruit ability, and it was developed later.

This made him feel a little moved. Since the landing of the Golden City, he has neglected a lot in developing his abilities. Now he uses those few things more, and they are still what he worked hard to practice in the "struggle period".

Maybe it's time for him to improve his strength?

No, no, forget it. For him now, money is everything, money can control everything, money is power!

Bakara nodded thoughtfully, but it was unclear whether it was true or just to please Carl.

"It's getting late, I won't bother you anymore, bye!"

Tezoro said quickly, "You're too polite, Bakara, why are you still standing there, why don't you send Mr. Carl back to rest?"


VIP room.

Carl's Den Den Mushi rang just after Bakara left.

"Karl, I'm Sengoku. Have you been to the Golden City?"

"Of course, that world noble should be having a good time! What's wrong?"

Sengoku's voice suddenly became very low: "There's no one around you or a wiretap?"

"Don't worry, I'm in the VIP room. I've checked it a long time ago. There's no problem. Marshal Sengoku, just tell me what you want to say!"

"Then I'm relieved. Didn't I tell you about Ace last time? There's news."

"Oh? What did the Intelligence Department say?"

"Ace is really not simple. He's Roger's posthumous son! His name should be Gol D. Ace, and Portgas is his mother's name!"

"I should have thought of it earlier. How could this guy Garp adopt a grandson at that time so coincidentally! This guy is really... Alas~"

Karl scratched his head, indicating that he didn't quite understand. After all, he didn't know much about these old stories. Even if he had read them before, he had almost forgotten the passages with less description.

"Well, Marshal Zhan Guo, I understand that you said Ace is Roger's posthumous child, but..."

"Alas~After Roger was executed..."

Zhan Guo began to tell Carl about that unknown past.

Sea Circle Calendar 1501, Navy Headquarters.

"Zhan Guo, I don't agree with this. Roger is dead. Doesn't this offset his sins? Why?Why do you want to kill them all?"

Looking at Garp who was roaring at him, Sengoku looked serious and shouted loudly: "Garp, don't forget that you are a navy. Do you want to oppose the government's decision? I have sent people to surround Batlila Island. The blood of sin must not continue on the sea!"

"Sengoku, is this your justice to embarrass a pregnant woman?"

Garp spitted and pointed angrily at the plaque behind Sengoku - Justice Over the World.

Sengoku looked in the direction of Garp's finger, and his eyes became more determined.

"Yes, this is my justice. There is absolutely no room for negotiation on this matter! Have you forgotten what happened to Zephyr? If we let go of the relatives of the pirates, will the pirates let go of the relatives of the navy? "

Kapu's tone suddenly stagnated, and he stood there in a daze. He did not argue with Zhan Guo and left directly.


Zhan Guo looked at the shaky door and shook his head helplessly. Zhan Guo, who had just become a marshal, finally understood that above the marshal, there is the World Government, and above the World Government, there are the Five Elders.

The justice of the navy has never been true justice, but justice after compromise.

He has no choice in many things.

At the same time, countless warships have surrounded Battlila Island, and the navy soldiers have landed on the island together, checking pregnant women from house to house, and they have only one purpose.

That It is to find the bloodline of the Pirate King and kill it in the bud.

Unfortunately, they searched for a long time and didn't find it, but even so, they sent people to station here for nearly a year, but still got nothing.

No matter how they thought about it, they couldn't imagine that there would be a mother who used various methods to save her son, Roger's bloodline, at the cost of her life, greatly delayed the birth date, and thus escaped the navy's search.

One year and three months after the death of Pirate King Roger, Ace was born on Battlila Island and named...

Portgas D. Ace.

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