The next morning.

"Thatch, Thatch? Captain Thatch?"

Seeing that Thatch had not responded, the members of the Fourth Division frowned and immediately had a bad premonition. This faint smell of blood... Not good!!!


Breaking through the door, what caught their eyes was the blood-stained bed and the pale Thatch. The bright red blood dripped down his hand onto the floor, gathering into a stream, just a little bit away from flowing out the door...

"Captain Thatch!!!"

A sad wail broke the tranquility of the early morning.


On the deck of the Moby Dick, all the members of the Whitebeard Pirates gathered here.

The sound of waves, the cry of seagulls, the creaking of the hull, but there was no sound of anyone. Hundreds of people surrounded the bodies of Thatch, Lakyo, and Waidibe, as silent as dead water.

No one dared to speak, because their father was silently looking at the bodies of the three.

The atmosphere became more and more depressing, and everyone was almost breathless. Suddenly, Whitebeard stood up from his seat.

"How did they die?" Whitebeard's tone was very calm. No one knew how much anger was hidden under this calmness.

The members of the Fourth Division who found that Thatch was dead walked forward tremblingly and said sadly: "Dad! This morning I went to call Captain Thatch..."

"The moment I pushed open the door... I saw that Captain Thatch was dead!!!"

Whitebeard took a deep breath, and inexplicably felt dizzy in his brain. He took two steps back involuntarily and stabilized his body in the worried eyes of everyone.

"What about Lakyo and Wadibe?"


After a while of inquiring, the clues all pointed to one person, Marshall D. Teach, the man who smiled every day.


"Where is Teach? Tell him to come over and see me!!!"

"Dad, Teach is gone!!! He ran away on a small boat last night!!!"

This undoubtedly confirmed the fact that Teach was on the run for fear of crime. The corners of Whitebeard's mouth kept twitching. Just as he was about to say something, his mind started buzzing, and then he lost consciousness.


The ship's doctor Marco immediately went forward to check on Whitebeard's condition. After a long time, he turned his head and said to his companions: "Dad was so angry that his old illness triggered and he fainted..."

Ace on the side gritted his teeth and said: "That bastard Titch!!! I'm going to catch him now!"

Marco immediately stopped Ace: "Ace, everything will be discussed after Dad wakes up."

"But! Titch, he! Alas..."

After sighing, Ace said seriously: "Titch is my team member. He dared to kill his companions. I will definitely let him go! When Dad wakes up, Marco, tell Dad for me that no matter where Titch is, I will bring him back and let Dad deal with him!!!"

After that, Ace was about to leave, and Marco immediately said: "Joz, stop him!"

Joz immediately rushed to Ace and hugged him tightly.

Marco looked at his companions around him: "Everyone go away, I will inform you when Dad wakes up."

"Please take the bodies of Thatch, Sister Whitebee, and Brother Lakeyo away and find a place to bury them! Otherwise Dad..."

Navy Headquarters, Marshal's Office.

"What? There is such a thing? I know!"

After hanging up the phone, Sengoku's eyes were slightly excited. The Whitebeard Pirates killed each other, and Whitebeard fainted in anger. All this seemed to indicate that the opportunity had come.

Soon, Carl, who was far away on Sky Island, received a call.

"What? There is such a thing? Is the news reliable?"

"Okay, I got it."

An arm was placed on Carl's chest, and then Hancock's lazy voice came: "Hmm? What's wrong?"

Carl smiled slightly: "Something happened to the Whitebeard Pirates. A guy named Teach killed three captains and escaped. Whitebeard fainted due to anger and has been in a coma ever since. I'm afraid the Whitebeard Pirates are now in a mess!"

Hancock was much more energetic after hearing this, and said in disbelief: "Is that guy named Teach so brave?"

Carl smiled mysteriously: "Who knows?"


The next day, Moby Dick.

"Marco, where are the bodies of Thatch and the others?"

Marco whispered, "They are buried in peace."

Whitebeard was stunned, then said silently, "Well, okay, notify everyone to gather."

"Yes, Dad."

Ten minutes later, the Whitebeard Pirates gathered on the deck again, waiting for Dad's arrival.

Bang, bang, bang.

He was covered with IV drips and oxygen tubes, and was followed by a group ofThe white-bearded doctor and nurse slowly walked out of the cabin and headed for their own seats.

His sons saluted silently, and the noisy deck suddenly became just the sound of breathing.

"38 years ago, I founded the Whitebeard Pirates and took in homeless people on the sea as crew members. Many of you were raised by me and have been with me for almost 30 years, right?"

"Back then, Roger wanted to tell me where Raftel was, but I refused because I was not interested in that bullshit Raftel. All I wanted was a big family on the sea."

"As a family, I only have one request for you, that you are not allowed to kill your companions!"

"But Thatch, Lakjo, and Wadibe are all dead, killed by their companions."

Whitebeard closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "hiss~ha..."

"Marshall D. Teach, 28 years ago, boarded my ship, he was ordinary, popular, and he knew the rules of the ship very well, but why did he still do this?"

"For money? For fame? Or for something else?"

Ace in the crowd felt very uncomfortable when he saw his father like this. Finally, he couldn't help it, pushed the people next to him, and walked quickly to Whitebeard.

"Dad!!! Teach is a member of the second team. He did such a thing. As the captain of the second team, I have the responsibility to bring him back!!!"

Whitebeard stared at Ace in silence. After a long time, he shook his head: "Forget it, Ace, this time, I have a bad feeling. Teach is not that simple."

Since knowing that Teach is the real murderer who killed his companions, Whitebeard found for the first time that he could not understand Teach at all, the man with a D in his name.

Teach, who had been hiding for nearly 30 years, suddenly chose to take action at this time. His purpose was definitely not that simple.

"That guy killed his companions and ran away! Now the whole sea knows that Teach of the Whitebeard Pirates killed his companions and ran away. If you ignore him, where is your face, Dad?"

"So I can't sit idly by on this matter..."

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