
Binz scattered a bunch of seeds and began to perform a magic trick. Thick green vines quickly stretched towards Zaker who was still resisting.

"Power user!!! Damn it, don't underestimate me!"

"Crescent Slash!"

Zakel held Karasuma with both hands, and began to sweep after accumulating power. The tough vines were split in two by this blow and fell weakly on the deck.

"Hmm! This guy's swordsmanship is quite powerful!"

"Hehe! This is the skill I rely on to survive! Go to hell, navy!"


Ain suddenly teleported to Zaker's side and patted him lightly.


This is the sound made when Ain's ability comes into contact with Zaker's body, and it also means that Ain's ability has taken effect.

Zakel's figure quickly began to shrink and turned into a young man about 20 years old.

"What did you do to me!"


Zakel shrank again and turned into a child, completely losing the ability to resist. At the same time, the Karasuma in his hand fell to the deck.

With a sizzle, it was inserted smoothly into the deck.

"Huh? This knife looks pretty good! Binz, do you use a knife too? How about this knife?"

Binz controlled the vines and then tied up a minion, turned his head and looked at the Karasuma in Ien's hand, his eyes lit up.

"Let me see! Hiss~ This is the famous Karasuma of the Good Sword Fifty Works! I didn't expect that a small pirate captain could have such a good knife!"

Zakel, who turned into a child, lay on the ground and shouted angrily: "Don't touch it! Karasuma is my knife!!"

Ien sneered disdainfully: "Shut up, pirate!"

Then he looked at Carl standing with Teacher Zefa on the training ship, wondering if he would like it if he gave it to Carl, after all, he had never seen him use a knife!

"Hey, Ain, can you let me see it? You know, I'm also a swordsman."

Binz licked his face and pointed at the Karasuma in Ain's hand, his face full of flattering smile.

"No, this is my trophy. Besides, I'm going to give it to Carl. Do you want to steal Carl's gift?"

Binz was stunned, and muttered dejectedly: "He doesn't use a knife! What a waste!"

Ten minutes later, a torch was thrown from the training ship to the ship of the Hunting Sword Pirates. The flames slowly engulfed the pirate ship, and the training ship slowly left.

"Teacher Zefa, there are 47 people in the Hunter Sword Pirates. We killed 17 people and captured 30 people alive in the battle. No one on our side was injured."

Zeff smiled and shook his head, and said to the student who was excited to report the results: "No, you should report the results to your commander."

Then he pointed to Carl who was standing aside. The latter smiled and said loudly: "No need to report!"

"Teacher Zefa and I have seen everyone's performance throughout the whole process. You are the best!"

This is the truth. A normal battle only takes 30 minutes from start to finish, and he and Zefa only chatted for more than 20 minutes.

Chatting and watching, isn't it seeing the whole process?

"Carl, thanks to you, no one on our side was injured. This is the spoils I captured. I will give it to you on behalf of all my classmates as your graduation gift!"

Ien handed Karasuma with a scabbard to Carl with a shy smile on his face. The recruits around him immediately started to make a fuss when they saw it.

"Oh oh oh oh!" "Take it! Carl!" "Yeah! Ain's face is red. If you don't take it, you can roast eggs on her face!" Carl grinned, took the Wuwan held by Ain, and pulled it out.

The little boy Zakel, who was tied up, looked at Carl with resentment and shouted: "This is my knife! It's mine!!!"

It's a pity that no one, whether Carl or other recruits, paid attention to his shouting.

"Good knife! Thank you Ain, thank you everyone!"

"After 25 days, we have won the final victory. We are all the best!"

The freshmen were smiling and celebrating with their arms around each other. Zefa watched all this with satisfaction. The young eagles finally sharpened their wings and were about to spread their wings and fly. He was the happiest.

"Carl is right. I have seen all your performance in the past 25 days. All of you are the best marines."

"Now, I officially announce that the internship goal of the 24th Marine Training Camp has been successfully completed!"


Zefar smiled and waited for them to calm down. The sharp-eyed Carl noticed Zefa's micro-expression and clapped his hands immediately.

"Everyone, be quiet. Teacher Zefa has something to say!"

"This kid..." Zefa muttered to himself, and soon smiled.

"Next, we will go back toAt the Navy Headquarters, you will all be assigned to various officers to learn, grow, and catch vicious pirates...."

"The 24th Marine Training Camp is disbanded, but no matter where you are, please always remember that you are the Navy, your spokesperson for justice."

"Let's set sail now! Target, Marinford!"

The recruits saluted Zefa in unison, making a loud sound.

"Yes, Teacher Zefa!"


On the sea not far away, a small boat was sailing slowly on the sea.


A tall and burly ugly man with a crescent-shaped white beard bowed his head and said to the short dwarf woman at his feet: "Mom, I'm so hungry, I want to eat!"

This guy is fat, with a runny nose, and doesn't look very smart. He also holds a several-meter-long sword in his hand.

Miss Ba Jin said impatiently: "Eat, eat, eat, you kid only know how to eat all day long! Mom finally saved some money and spent it on buying food for you!"

"Ah! Mom, I was wrong, but I'm really hungry!"

"It will take another day to reach Autumn Island. Good boy, listen to mom and be patient."

Weibull touched his rumbling stomach with a sad face. He saw the navy flag appearing on the sea level from the corner of his eye, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Ah! Mom, look, there is a big ship over there. There must be food on it!"

Miss Ba Jin looked in the direction that Weibull pointed. It seemed that there was really a ship. Wait, white?

"Silly son, that's the navy. Hey, something's wrong. Why is it a little different? Wait, let mom take a look."

Miss Ba Jin ran into the cabin with her short legs, took out the telescope, and laughed disdainfully.

"Tsk, it turns out to be just a training ship! I was scared to death, good son, hurry up and pull the boat over. There are a lot of delicious food on it! "

White air blew out of Weibull's nostrils, and he ran to the helm without saying a word, driving the boat towards the training ship, his eyes full of desire.

Desire for food......

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