Miss looked at Carl behind her in horror, her lips slightly pale.

Because she saw the undisguised killing intent in Carl's eyes, if she screamed, she might really die!

"You, do you know that I am Whitebeard's lover? If you kill me, Whitebeard will never let you go!"

Carl chuckled and looked at Miss Bakin, who was short, with thick red lips and wrinkles on her face, with disdain in his eyes.

For such a person, how much dichlorvos would Whitebeard have to eat to kill him, and this body size...

Whitebeard is more than six meters tall, and Miss Bakin is not even as tall as Chopper. How can these two... Wait, this is the world of One Piece, everything is possible!

"Haha, so what? Even if you are really Whitebeard's lover, would he go to the Navy Headquarters for you?"

"After all, you are just a pirate. It is natural for the Navy to kill pirates."

Miss Ba Jin said excitedly: "No, you can't kill me. I am Weeble's mother. If you kill me, he will go berserk!!!"

Carl stabbed the tip of the knife slightly into Miss Ba Jin's wrinkled neck with a cynical expression: "Shhhhh! Don't get excited, old woman!"

Ba Jin swallowed hard and nodded. Then she felt her body lighten. She was lifted up by Carl, and the cold blade was across her neck.

"Tell your good son to stop!"

"Weeble, you idiot, stop it, do you want your mother to die?"

Weeble, who was fighting with Zefa, looked at Carl in panic, his eyes widened. How could he be caught again?

"Ah, Mom! Are you okay? Little guy, if you dare to hurt me, I will definitely kill you!"

The silly Weeble with a runny nose had no deterrent power at all, because Carl didn't say anything, and it was useless to argue with a fool, so he just let Wu Wan and Ba Jin get closer.

"Idiot! Stop talking! I think you really want Mom to die!"

Ba Jin was anxious and scolded Weeble, making Weeble in a dilemma.

"Let him throw away his weapon!"

Miss Ba Jin gritted her teeth and shouted at Weeble: "Silly son, throw away your knife!"

"But Mom, if I don't have a weapon, I can't beat that old man!"

"Idiot, throw it away when Mom tells you to, do you want to watch Mom die!"

Weeble immediately lost his temper, looked at the big knife in his hand reluctantly, and then threw it on the ground, making a crisp sound.

Seeing that Weevil was so obedient, Zefa suddenly doubted his life. He had fought hard for a long time, but in the end he was fighting with a fool?

"Hey, young man, I did everything you asked me to do. As long as you let me go, I promise not to let Weevil cause you trouble!"

Zefar snorted coldly: "Wishful thinking! For a bold guy like you, the best destination for you is Impel Down!"

Carl looked at Weevil with a thoughtful look on his face. This guy with low IQ and super combat power is obviously an excellent tool man, but his shortcomings are also obvious. He is not very smart and his personality is extremely unstable.

No, no, it's better for such a person to die. There are many thugs in the navy, especially in the future, they can still fleece Luffy. Why bother looking for Weevil!

"Tell your son to stand still."

"What, do you want to! No, it's impossible!" Miss Bakin made a sharp voice, and refused to let Weevil give up resistance.

Because she understood.

Weibull is her biggest support. If Weibull encounters an accident, her fate will not be good.

Only a living Weibull can form a deterrent force, so that the two navy dare not act rashly.

Therefore, no matter what, she will never let Weibull give up resistance. In this way, even if she dies, the furious Weibull can avenge her.

"Humph!" Carl snorted coldly. As expected of an old man, this old woman is not stupid!

"You don't have to say it, I'll say it!"

Carl picked up a piece of rag and prepared to stuff it into Ba Jin's mouth to make her unable to speak, so that he could hold Ba Jin hostage to control Weibull.

But when Carl picked up the rag, Ba Jin keenly noticed Carl's intention. After a brief weighing, he shouted loudly at Weibull.

"Son, don't worry about your mother, kill them, um~"

Weibull's brain suddenly froze, but he quickly reacted and reached out to take the knife he had just thrown out.

Zefa didn't know what Weeble was thinking, so he had been waiting in front of Weeble's sword. He kicked the sword away and it fell into the sea with a splash.

"No! My sword!"

Weibull seemed to be stimulated by this scene, his eyes turned red instantly, his nostrils panted, and he roared and rushed towards Zefa like a beast in despair.

Carl was stunned, this temper is really...Carl thought that a horse must die before he could go berserk!

However, Weibull told Carl with his actual performance that there was no need to die a horse, he would go berserk for you to see!

"Come on! Broken bones!"

Zefar's arm turned black instantly, and he directly confronted the furious Weibull.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that you are useless!"

"No, no no!"

In the horrified eyes of Miss Ba Jin, a knife cut her throat, a handful of blood splashed out, her thin body fell to the ground weakly, her eyes full of unwillingness.

"White, Whitebeard will not let you go..."

Pointing at Carl and saying his last words, Miss Ba Jin left the beautiful world from then on.

"Lies! "

Carl wiped the knife with disdain. Whitebeard went to the Navy Headquarters for Ace, his godson. If he really had a son, would he let you jump up and down here?

It's okay to fool others, but you want to scare me. I've seen the animation!

Then he turned his eyes to Weevil. Your mother is dead, and it's your turn next.

"Teacher Zefa, can you hold on? Do you want me to call for support?"

Zefa's blood pressure rose. What do you mean? You think I can't beat you, right?

Okay, today I'll show you my true strength!

After knocking Weevil away with a punch, Zefa turned his head and looked at Carl: "I'll deal with you later! ! ! "

Weevil got up from the ground, saw the body at Carl's feet from the corner of his eye, and roared in grief.

"No! Mom! ! ! "

Then he rushed towards Ba Jin's body regardless of anything. Carl's eyes fixed. He couldn't bear Weevil's attack and quickly dodged with his razor.

"Mom, mom, wake up! Woo woo woo~"

Weevil's eyes were filled with tears as big as beans, and he was in great grief, as if his mother had died...

Wait... the one who died was his mother.

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