"Colonel, you are so strong! You can actually hurt the world's number one swordsman with your swordsmanship!"

"Yes! Colonel Carl, how did you do it! I admire you so much!"

Looking at the excited navy, Carl was helpless. Where was he strong? If Mihawk hadn't let him go, he would have been beaten long ago, okay?

But it is undeniable that from the perspective of ordinary people, he did fight back and forth with Mihawk, and both were injured, so it was a 50-50 fight! In addition to the rumor that he was 50-50 with Marco last time...

Oh no, Old Sand is actually me!

To be fair, he is now far behind Marco and Mihawk, especially Mihawk.

Although he has just become a swordsman not long ago, as long as he becomes a swordsman, he can clearly feel the power of Mihawk.

He is like Dugu Qiubai in the pirate world, standing at the top of the swordsman and looking down on all living beings. He values ​​Carl only because he has great potential, and hopes that he can fight with him like Zoro in the future.

But, Mihawk, you ***, my series of tasks! My black sword refining method! My domineering strengthening card!

"Colonel, how did you become stronger? Is it persistent and hard training?"

"Yes, persistent training, using sweat to water your own strength, this is the secret of my strength!"

Carl suppressed the grief in his heart and spoke righteously. Several errand soldiers nodded vigorously. Colonel Carl was right!

Only hard work can make you stronger!

"Okay, don't gather around, clean up the scene quickly, don't wait until the Fire Pirates find out!"

"Yes, sir!!!"

After a long quiet time, Carl sighed. Failure is failure. There is no point in saying more. Who made Mihawk play cards out of the ordinary!

"The world's greatest swordsman! Tsk tsk tsk~"

The navy who was "cleaning the floor" secretly pointed at Carl and whispered to his companions: "Hey, do you think Colonel Carl has the potential to challenge the throne of the world's greatest swordsman?"

"I think it's possible. Colonel Carl is the strongest young man I have ever seen. Now he can hurt Hawkeye. In a few years, Colonel Carl will definitely defeat Hawkeye!"

"That's right. By the way, don't you have a video Den Den Mushi? Did you record the duel just now?"

The navy who was asked smiled and patted his purse: "Of course, I will send it to the news agency when I have time, and I can make some extra money!"

"Oh! I'm so envious! If only I had a video Den Den Mushi too!"

The next day, early in the morning.

Bang bang bang~

"Colonel, it's bad, the Fire Pirates ran away!"

Carl, who was sleeping, got up from the bed and opened the door.

"What did you say?"

Nelson panted and said, "After the Fire Pirates arrived at Water City 7, they did not land from the Shipwreck Island, but entered Water City 7 directly through the main gate."

"The result..."

Carl frowned, "What happened?"

"Because we have been active in Water City 7 recently, the civilians have exposed our whereabouts, and the Fire Pirates did not hesitate to turn around and leave Water City 7 and flee to the Sabaody Archipelago!"


After sighing, Carl rubbed his eyebrows and said calmly, "Adjutant Nelson, you mobilize your men immediately. I want everyone to board the warship within 10 minutes!"

The Fire Pirates have committed many evil deeds, and they are the kind of pirates that Carl hates the most. Otherwise, Carl would not target them alone with so many targets.

Carl will never allow the cooked duck to fly away from him!

"Yes, sir!"

Ten minutes later, the warship started and rushed towards the direction where the Fire Pirates fled.

But they had already disappeared, so Carl could only re-analyze their escape route.

"Sir, since they are going to the Sabaody Archipelago, they must pass through the Devil's Triangle, otherwise it will take a long time to go around."

"So I guess they must be near the Devil's Triangle now."

Carl touched his chin and nodded: "What you said makes sense, let's go to the Devil's Triangle now!"

The Devil's Triangle is the territory of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Gekko Moriah. Carl had said he would go there a long time ago, but he was not in a hurry after having the Raven.

So when he came to the Seven Water Capital, he directly bypassed the Devil's Triangle, but in the end he still had to go there.

Carl thought that if this was the case, if he could meet Moriah, he would take Qiu Shui away by the way! After all, it is a big knife!

Raven is useful, but it also has a disadvantage, that is, it is an ability weapon, and once it touches water, it will be like a person.

It seems that the body is hollowed out and becomesIt has to be soft and must be dried before it can be used again.

Don't ask why Carl knows this, just ask that he has experimented with it, and Raven is very proud of this!

Devil's Triangle Sea Area.

Roch Thompson patted his men's shoulders and said with a smile: "Hahaha, luckily you are smart! Otherwise, I really don't know that the navy is waiting for us in the Seven Waters City!"

"The expressions of those navy people must be very funny now, hahaha!"

The pirates around also laughed, mocking the stupidity of the navy.

"Boss Roche, look, there's something on the sea! Uh, it looks like a barrel!"

"Let me see, what barrel is this?"

A knowledgeable pirate said, "Boss, this should be a wine jar for worshiping the sea god, and it's filled with fine wine!"

Roche's eyes lit up, and he laughed, "Guys, hurry up and get it up, just in time to celebrate our tricking the navy!"

"Good!!!" "Boss, you're wise!"

It didn't take much effort to get the wine jar up, and Roche couldn't wait to tear off the seal and open the wine jar.



A red flare flew up into the sky, dyeing the sky red. Roche sat on the deck with a confused look on his face, looking up at the sky, not knowing what had happened.

"What the hell is going on! Is that...fireworks?"

"Oh no, boss, this should be a flare, could it be a trap set by the navy!"

Roche thought more and more that something was wrong, and when he heard the answer, he slapped his thigh: "I know it, it must be that cunning navy!"

"Little guys, keep your eyes open, if there is a navy, issue a warning immediately!"

On the other side.

"Sir, look, someone is firing a flare in front!"

Carl smiled and put down the telescope, thinking that this should be the thing Moria used to fish, and it is clear that the Fire Pirates must have taken the bait.

"Go full speed in the direction of the flare."


Just a few minutes later, the sky around darkened, as if a rainstorm was brewing in the sky, and the air became extremely quiet.

"Sir, it seems a little wrong."

Carl glanced at the sky and said, "It doesn't matter, just do your job well, we are very close to the ship of the Fire Pirates, and work harder!"


"Boss, the weather is a bit strange! Why do I feel a bit creepy? The Devil's Triangle... there are no real ghosts!"

Roche swallowed his saliva and slapped his younger brother hard.

"You idiot, we are pirates! How can we be afraid of ghosts? It should be the ghosts who are afraid of us!"

"Come on, everyone, cheer up. Don't scare yourself. Don't forget that we have the navy behind us!"

"Oh no, boss! The navy is catching up! Right, right behind us!"

Looking at the warships chasing behind, the pirates on the Flame suddenly became agitated.

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