On the fourth day of the training camp, the training ground.

"System, check the accumulated slacking time!"

"[Training Camp Storm]: The accumulated slacking time is 35/400 hours, please keep up the good work!"

The training camp is open from 6am to 9pm every day, with 12 hours of training time and only three hours of meal and rest time.

The daily tasks only require 8 hours of slacking time, which also caused Carl, who skipped classes for three days, to exceed the task.

Now his system space has a total of 6 designated attribute enhancement cards, as well as a lot of snacks and drinks, which can be said to be a passive income. Unfortunately, as his body shape and age return to normal, Carl's good days are officially over.

Carl reluctantly returned to the training ground and did basic training with the large group, saying that he would start practicing the Navy Six Styles today.

Zefa stood in front with a rosy face. His physical condition was much better than on the first day. Zefa himself was deeply aware of this.

Since being cured by Carl's holy light, his old asthma has actually been cured! These days, not only can he breathe smoothly, but he can even run without panting, as if he has never had asthma.

Without the trouble of asthma, his strength has gradually recovered. Although he is not as good as that old monster Garp, he is much stronger than he used to be.

"Today, I will personally teach you the practice methods and application skills of the Navy Six Styles - Iron Block. Whether you have learned it before or not, listen carefully to me. If anyone is absent, you will all be punished!"

Iron Block? Carl's face flashed a strange look. The only six-style skills he can use are shaving and paper painting.

One is chasing (escaping) and the other is saving life (dodging bullets).

He doesn't know anything else. It's not that he doesn't want to learn, but his physical fitness was too bad before. Even if he knew the skills, he couldn't use them due to his physical limitations. Now is a good opportunity to learn.

Anyway, it's 12 hours a day! There's no need to worry about not being able to complete the daily slacking tasks.

"Iron Block, the only defensive technique among the six styles, works by accelerating blood flow and speeding up muscle movement, thereby making the muscles as hard as steel. The disadvantage is that you cannot move freely when using Iron Block."

"So, we must choose the right time when using Iron Block, and never be self-righteous. No matter what attack the enemy uses, we use Iron Block to defend."

"Okay, next I will explain in detail how to practice Iron Block..."

An hour later.

"Ding, the combat technique of this world - Navy Six Styles has been detected. It has been included in the system and added to the random reward. The probability of drawing during the training camp mission is +50%."

Carl was relieved immediately. I should have said it earlier! He wasted an hour of time because he listened so seriously.

"Okay, I have told you all the training techniques of Iron Block. Who else doesn't understand?"

The new recruits all shook their heads. The skills of Iron Block are not difficult. If you can control your body well, you can easily master them. And even if you really don't understand, you won't be the first to speak up. At most, you can ask others! Not cold and miserable.

"Very good, now that you all understand, then let's start practicing! I will only give you three days. If anyone still can't master the iron block, hehe!"

So, the next training ground seemed to become a poop-holding meeting. Everyone frowned, their faces flushed, and they wanted to poop but couldn't, and Carl was the same.

Fortunately, Carl, a ten-year veteran, had already mastered the skills of paper painting, and his control over his body was far superior to other recruits. After practicing several times according to the method taught by Zefa, he easily mastered the iron block.

Not to mention, after using the iron block, Carl immediately felt his confidence rise. With our steel bones, no one can help!

It's a pity that it didn't work much on that place. It is estimated that only the armed color domineering can enchant it.

"Hey! This kid... learns too fast!" Zefa, who had been paying attention to Carl, brightened up. The familiar luster made him think it was the iron block. After a little thought, he called Carl over.

"Karl, have you learned the Six Styles of the Navy before?"

"Yes, Instructor Zefa, Brigadier General Charles taught me, but before that I could only use the shaving and paper painting, and I just mastered the iron block."


A young face appeared in Zefa's mind. It was Charles when he was young. The reason why he remembered it so clearly was that Charles was his first student.

But his talent was not good. After more than 20 years, he was only a brigadier general of a branch, which was more than enough to guard the branch.

"That's not bad. Your talent is indeed better than that kid Charles. Remember not to be proud and complacent, and continue to practice!"

Karl naturally agreed. Practice? Not happening! Fishing time is about to begin!

ButBefore that, he had to find a poor guy to help him test the effect of [Fragile].

Well, after a quick look, Carl locked his eyes on a weird-looking guy, and decided it was you, Binz!

Don't look at this guy's thin arms and legs, he is a user of the lush fruit ability, and scored 451 points in the Daoli test, taking second place.

Overall, he is already the strongest recruit besides Carl, which shows how much the navy's talent is declining now.

"Your name is Binz, right? Can you help me test the defensive effect of my iron block?"

Looking at the grinning Carl, Binz frowned subconsciously. Among all the recruits, he hated Carl the most. Why didn't he have to train as hard as them, and still get the favor of Instructor Zefa? Just because he was a user of some ability?

Although it was not very clear on the first day, most recruits could probably guess that Carl was a Devil Fruit user.

Otherwise, it is impossible for a normal person to emit a golden ball of light. It's just that they don't know what Karl's ability is. Even if they want to ask, they can't see this guy.

So facing Karl's request, he subconsciously wanted to refuse, but then he thought, testing the defensive effect of the iron block, isn't it just getting beaten? In other words, Karl took the initiative to ask for a fight? Is there such a good thing?

"Great! No, I mean, I'm willing to help!"

Binz changed his words quickly, but Karl still heard the clues. Combined with the envious eyes of others, Karl can easily draw a conclusion that his popularity is not very good, but Karl doesn't care. Put yourself in his shoes, he himself can't stand himself.

They are all new recruits. Why do others work hard to train their bodies, while he lies at home and enjoys himself? It would be strange if someone admires him for this!

Karl tore open his shirt, revealing his strong upper body, indicating that Binz can attack at any time, and then silently said in his heart, system, use weak and fragile.

"Weak and Fragile was used successfully, defense -100%, injury probability +1000% and immunity to serious injury, lasts for three minutes."

"Six-style Iron Block!"

Binz, come on!

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