"You still don't admit it?"

"Were you instructed by Hodi Jones to deliberately stir up racial conflicts between humans and fishmen?"

Kashakoba looked down at the black blade on his neck, then looked at the residents of Fishman Island around him. His courage instantly grew a lot. He didn't believe that this human dared to kill him.

So he said very firmly: "Humans are evil to begin with, do we still need to frame them?"

Carl smiled slightly and said calmly: "I don't care whether it is a frame-up or not, but your behavior is undoubtedly provoking the navy. Do you know what will happen if you provoke the navy?"

"So what? It's just a joke, we are not pirates!"

"Tsk tsk tsk~ Wrong, totally wrong, Fishman Island is a member of the World Government. Although you hooligans are not pirates, you are still terrorists who threaten the security of Fishman Island."

"As a navy, I have the responsibility and obligation to bring you hooligans who do all kinds of evil to justice!"

After saying that, Carl turned his head and looked at Smoker and Ain: "Take the men, let's go to Fishman Street and meet that Hodi Jones!"


The two quickly assembled a team of about 40 people and took Kashakoba to Fishman Street. Of course, many people who like to watch the excitement also followed.


"King Neptune, it's bad, something bad has happened!"

Neptune woke up from his sleep and quickly got up: "What happened!"

Then, King Neptune learned the whole story.

"What! The gangsters in Fishman Street actually framed the navy! Isn't this just to make trouble!"

At this time, Neptune suddenly remembered Xia Li's prophecy and broke out in a cold sweat.

"Quick! Go and inform Jinbei!"

Fishman Street, the lawless area of ​​Fishman Island.

Originally a large place to take in orphans, but due to the incompetence of the management, Fishman Street has become an area where illegal groups gather.

Racial hatred, crime and chaos all breed here.

"Boss, it's bad, the navy is coming!"

Hodi Jones, who was leaning on his seat, stood up: "What? Shouldn't they...have an unexpected plan?"

"Yes, yes, that rear admiral has seen through our plan, and found out that we are the ones who are secretly making trouble. Now he has brought a large number of navy to Fishman Street to cause trouble for us!"


Hodi Jones took the blood-red trident beside the seat and said arrogantly: "It's just the navy, what's there to be afraid of?"

"We are the supreme fishman race, and the navy is just humans, an inferior race. With just the navy, we fishmen can easily annihilate them!"

"It's just right to let those ignorant guys know that fish people are the strongest species in the world!"

After saying that, Hodi Jones opened a big bag beside him, which was full of medicines-black and red capsules.

After Princess Otohime died, he stole the murderous drug E.S hidden in the jade hand box from the Dragon Palace. Taking this drug will double the strength of the person who takes it (twice as much if you take one, four times as much if you take two, and so on).

This is the confidence he has in defeating the navy!

Soon, Hodi Jones distributed the murderous drug to a group of small leaders, and each of them held a handful of murderous drugs in his hand.

"Listen, fish inside, I am Rear Admiral Carl. You are surrounded. Surrender immediately and come out to surrender, otherwise you will bear the consequences!"

Hodi Jones showed a mocking smile on his face: "Haha, it's so fast!"

Ka Ba~

Ten murderous drugs were casually thrown into the bloody mouth, and then Hodi Jones's veins bulged, his muscles squirmed, his body became more robust and sturdy, and his eyes were bloodshot.

The other small leaders followed suit one by one, took the murderous drugs, and their strength skyrocketed instantly!

"Now, let those lowly humans suffer!"

Jio, Baozang, Damo and other small leaders immediately issued orders.

"Brothers, charge! Kill all those navy soldiers!!!"


Carl, who had just put down the megaphone after the routine shouting, looked at the deep and dark building in front of him, and his mouth corners slightly raised.

"Everyone be alert!!!"

The next second, a group of fishmen roared out of the building, holding all kinds of weapons in their hands, with no intention of surrendering.


Bang bang bang!

The muskets fired in unison, immediately knocking down some fishmen with average strength, but more fishmen did not fall.

"May the Holy Light give you strength and courage! Holy Light Blessing!!!"

Carl raised his right hand and condensed a huge golden holy light, and the energy emitted by the holy light soon radiated to every navy soldier.

Nelson twisted his neck and couldn't help but sighed: "Ah!This kind of tile throwing!!!"

"Fight for justice!!!"

"Oh oh oh oh!" "Justice will prevail!!!"

Seeing that there was no time to fire the next round of volleys, Nelson simply gave up his guns and called on the soldiers to fight hand-to-hand.

The soldiers remembered Carl's teachings and never fought alone. At the very least, they fought back to back, and the safety increased sharply.

"Go to hell! Human!"


A navy soldier blocked the harpoon and spit a mouthful of thick phlegm on the fishman's face. While he was retching, he took out a pistol and aimed at the fishman's lower body. Bang!

Then there was a scream, and the fishman lay on the ground and rolled all over. The navy next to him hurried forward to make up for it and stabbed the fishman's heart with a knife.

Such a situation happened in every corner of the battlefield, and the male fishmen watching felt a little painful for some reason.

This group of navy is a group of ruthless people!

Smoker was a little itchy, but was stopped by Carl: "Believe them! "

Smoker was stunned, then nodded. Indeed, it was a bit difficult for him to deal with these fishmen. It would be better to train these marines.


A door whizzed towards Carl. Carl was not panicked at all. Ian, who was standing beside him, showed his double swords and chopped the door into five pieces with a cross attack, scattering them aside.

"The real boss is here! It's your turn. Except for the guy who looks the most arrogant, you are allowed to kill other fishmen! "

Smoker and Ion nodded and rushed towards the fishmen who looked very cool.

As for Carl, of course Carl was too lazy to move.

Why else did Smoker and Ion come? Aren't they here to help him do these things?

Does he have to take action to deal with Hodi Jones?

Soon, the small fish were cleaned up, most of them died on the spot, and a few were captured. Nelson and a group of soldiers stood behind Carl again, leaving the battlefield to Smoker and Ion.

At this time, Ion was fighting with two small leaders, one of whom could burrow underground and the other could be invisible, which made Ion very annoyed.

As for Smoker, it was not clear. Now he fought in the smoke, and no one could see what was going on inside except himself.

"I'm going to bite your head off!"

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