"What did I do? That's an interesting question."

Carl snapped his fingers, and Ain brought Hody Jones over. At this time, his face was old and weak, as if he had been affected by the side effects of the vicious drug.

Jinbe looked at Hody Jones's face and recognized it after examining it carefully.

"Hody Jones?"

At this time, Hody Jones happened to open his eyes, and when he saw Jinbei, he smiled disdainfully: "Coward who bows to mankind!"

"He instructed his men to injure the residents of Fishman Island, launch an attack on the Navy, falsely accuse them of the Navy's actions, and provoke racial conflicts."

"Ask him if he did this?"

Jin Ping's expression changed and he quickly grabbed Hody Jones' neck: "Is this a good thing you did?"


Maybe it was because Jinbe was using too much force, which made it difficult for Hody Jones to speak. Carl had to cough twice to signal Jinbe not to get too excited.

"I did it, so what? Humans are inherently inferior and evil creatures, and that is their fate if they dare to set foot on Fish-Man Island!"

Jinbei's arms trembled slightly, and he suppressed his anger and said: "So, the human tourists who disappeared some time ago were all your work?"

"Jiahahaha, it's me!"

Hody Jones didn't mean to defend himself at all, he proudly accepted them all.

Jinbei took a deep breath, and then let out a long sigh.

"I'm sorry, Major General Karl, I misunderstood you!"

Karl shook his head: "No, no, no, it's too early to apologize now. Mr. Jinbei, you should remember the conversation I had with you some time ago, right?"

"Well, of course I will remember it."

Karl smiled slightly: "Actually, I lied to you. My real purpose is to investigate the real reason why Princess Otohime was assassinated."

"Princess Otohime? But wasn't she shot by a human pirate?"

"He was indeed assassinated by pirates. I originally thought so too."

Then Carl changed his voice and pointed at Hody Jones: "If I remember correctly, the moment Princess Otohime was assassinated, he immediately killed the pirates and claimed in front of the people of Fishman Island that it was a human killing. Princess Otohime.”

"Don't you think something is strange?"

"You mean!"

Carl snapped his fingers: "Yes, I suspect that he was the one who ordered the human pirates to shoot Princess Otohime and point the conflict at humans."

"The purpose is to destroy the racial relations that Princess Otohime has finally eased, provoke racial conflicts, and make the residents of Fishman Island hate humans and even despair of humans!"

These words made Jinbei fall into deep thought. Last year and the year before last, he was also present, but the moment Princess Otohime died, he was greatly shocked.

How can a mind filled with rage understand these trivial details?

"Maybe Jinbei-dono thinks I'm talking nonsense, but have you noticed that this way of throwing dirty water seems familiar?"

There was an explosion in the minds of all the navies, including the fishmen!

Yes, and they experienced it today! It cannot be said that the two are unrelated, they are exactly the same!

"Jiahahaha~ Did I do anything wrong? Everything I did was just to make you wary of despicable and evil creatures like humans! Did I do anything wrong?"

"That idiot woman actually ignored the dignity of the fish people, sued for peace with humans, and established some bullshit friendly relationship! What a joke!"

"So, I bribed the human pirates with money, set the signature box on fire, and sniped Otohime with my own hands while she was collecting signatures."

This time, not only Jinbei, but also all the residents of Fishman Island were angry!

Empress Otohime is the person they respect the most, the one who has worked half her life for the future of the fish people, but this Hody Jones, this Hody Jones! ! !

"Kill him!" "Revenge for Empress Otohime!!!"

Neptune's whole body was trembling, his eyes were red, and he wanted to kill Hody Jones on the spot to vent his anger.

"Maintain order!"

The navy soldiers immediately took action to form a defense line to stop the excited residents of Fish-Man Island to avoid causing greater losses.

Jinbe raised his hand several times to slap Hody Jones to death, but he still held back and silently walked to King Neptune.

"King Neptune, Hody Jones has committed a heinous crime. I originally wanted to execute him immediately, but the truth must be made public. Princess Otohime's efforts cannot be in vain!"

Neptune nodded vigorously: "I know, I know, someone is here! Catch him!"

Several Marines immediately controlled Hody Jones and brought him to Neptune. Neptune resisted the urge to cross him to death and waved his hands in disgust.

"Lock him to the prison tower and publicly execute him three days later in Coder Square, Geelong!""Yes!"

After that, Neptune came to Carl with mixed feelings and said gratefully: "Thank you, Major General Carl, thank you for finding the real murderer who assassinated my beloved concubine!"

"You're welcome. Racial conflicts are becoming increasingly acute. It is these extreme racists who are behind the scenes. It is better not to have this place called Fishman Street."

"Major General Carl is right. I will immediately issue a blockade ban and strictly prohibit the residents of Fishman Island from entering this place."

Carl nodded slightly: "That's good, Nelson, let's pack up!"

"Wait a minute!"

" Is there anything else? Lord Neptune? "

King Neptune said sincerely: "In order to thank Major General Carl for what he has done, I would like to invite you and the navy to the Dragon Palace tonight for dinner. I wonder what Major General Carl thinks?"

"Hahaha, thank you King Neptune for your warm invitation. We will attend the dinner on time tonight."

"Ain, let's go!"

"Ding~ The series of tasks [Don't fight your own people 4/7] is completed."

"Task reward: [Fishman Arm Strength], Armament Haki·Internal Destruction Skill Card."

How to say it? In fact, Carl has prepared for the failure of the task. Jinbei may really take action, after all, his men have killed so many fishmen.

In the end, the task was completed. Isn't it infuriating?

Carl silently said in his heart: Use the skill card!

In this way, Carl has mastered all the known skills of Armament Haki. If he wants to further strengthen it, he can only improve his physique and then improve his Haki/strength.

As for the skill of Fishman Arm Strength, it is a great improvement for Carl, because he is a swordsman and wrist strength is very important.

Simply put, Carl's handwork has become better!

Mermaid Cafe.

The matter has been resolved, Carl simply came to have a cup of coffee, definitely not to stick with the mermaid lady.

It's just that the speed of news spreads much faster than he thought, and soon everything that happened in Fishman Street spread throughout the entire Fishman Island.

Several mermaid ladies stuck to him, looking at him with admiration, acting coquettishly and rewarding him, which was annoying.

Mrs. Xia Li stared at the crystal ball with a complicated expression. She did predict it right, but not completely.

Who would have thought that Carl's arrival would be a good thing for Fishman Island?

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