"Child Emperor? He is a very handsome little boy. When I see him, I can't help but want to hug him and give him a squeeze.……"

The female soldier couldn't help but get excited when she talked about it.

Many navy soldiers were at Oaks Square at that time to welcome Xia

Tian who had returned from Dressrosa. Hancock looked at the female soldier infatuated with some speechlessness, and glanced at Akainu Sakaski who was folding his arms at the bow.

Of course, the empress would not take the initiative to talk to these stinky men.

However, after Akainu Sakaski, who had his back to the crowd, knew the news, the corners of his mouth could not help but slightly rise.

On the other side.

On the warship of Kizaru Borsalino.

Hawkeye Mihawk, who accepted the battle with the Whitebeard Pirates, carried the black knife Ye on his back and looked at the sea in the distance expressionlessly.

Kizaru, on the other hand, had a smile on his face, and kept muttering that he was worthy of being my brother. It was obvious that Kizaru was very happy after knowing the news.

"Old man, I know you are very happy, but won't your face go numb if you keep laughing like this?"

Zhan Taowan sat on the fence with a big axe on his back and couldn't help complaining.

Although, he himself was also shocked.

"I am the light, you have to believe in the light, the light will not be numb."

Kizaru Borsalino smiled and didn't stop.

"Your brother?"

Finally, Mihawk, who had been silent all the way, heard the news and stood at the bow for a long time before finally asking

"It's very suspicious, but it's indeed my grandmother's biological child."

Kizaru Borsalino has long been accustomed to this and doesn't feel bad about it.

If he hadn't been there when Xia Tian was born in the hospital, he would have doubted it himself.

"Incredibly powerful, Big Mom and Kaido have joined forces, and there is no rival in the world. Your brother has surpassed the strength of the admiral"

"I am looking forward to fighting him."

Mihawk's sharp eagle eyes flashed with a fanatical fighting spirit.

"You have to ask him in person whether he wants to fight with you or not, but I suggest you wait until after the public execution."

Kizaru stretched. The world knows Mihawk's temperament.

This is a real swordsman who constantly challenges the strong. He is also the only one among the Seven Warlords of the Sea who deserves this title.

Because he is recognized as the world's number one swordsman and has the strength of the Four Emperors.

Even Kizaru himself dare not say that he has defeated Mihawk.

Mihawk glanced at Kizaru who didn't care and said nothing.

Instead, he thought of another level in his mind. After the balance of the three major forces is broken, what will happen to them, the Seven Warlords of the Sea?

At the same time.

At the headquarters of the Navy.

Doflamingo, Blackbeard Teach, Gekko Moriah, and Tyrant Bear have all arrived at the headquarters of the Navy.

At this time, they are all gathered together in the Navy Fortress.

"Hey hey hey hey ~ I heard something really amazing!"

"Kaido, Big Mom, was almost killed by Child Emperor, another Four Emperors pirate group was defeated by him!

Hey! Branny, we are the Seven Warlords of the Sea, are you going to take action too?"

Doflamingo laughed loudly and suddenly said to the green-haired navy who was accompanying them.

"Doflamingo, I am only a commodore of the Navy Headquarters. You should ask Marshal Sengoku directly about this kind of question."

Branniou was not panicked at all, but answered calmly.

"It's really boring. You always preside over the meetings of the navy's top leaders. It seems that you know all the news."

Doflamingo licked his lips and said meaningfully.

He had bribed this guy many times but failed.

"Hawkeye Mihawk and the Pirate Queen will be here soon."

But Branny was indifferent and just sat there calmly.

"Hahaha, I'm really shocked, General Child Emperor, there is such an exaggerated person in the world!"

Mogakure Moria was very happy when he heard that Kaido was almost beaten to death. He was even more curious about Xia Tian.

Yes, the stronger he is, the more Moria wants to cut off Xia Tian's shadow.

"It's really too outrageous, hahahaha...your Admiral Child Emperor has gone beyond common sense. I'm beginning to worry that after your navy has dealt with the Four Emperors, they will abandon us Seven Warlords of the Sea."

Blackbeard Teach was even more shocked and afraid of Xia Tian. There was even cold sweat on his face.

Whenever he thought of the strange look Xia Tian gave him, Blackbeard Teach felt that he was naked! As if Xia Tian saw through everything!

You know, that guy is just a child. Why can an eight-year-old child give him a creepy and strange look?

Blackbeard Teach really doesn't understand. Blackbeard Teach, who knows the terrifying Four Emperors Kaido and Charlotte Linlin, estimates that although he can't believe it, if Xia Tian can really defeat the two Four Emperors, his strength may have surpassed that of Whitebeard!

"Plan more carefully……"

Blackbeard Teach warned himself silently in his heart.

At the same time.

The entire headquarters of the Navy was boiling with enthusiasm.

Especially now in Marineford, it has gathered elite warriors from all over the world.

Elites such as Smoker all admire Xia Tian.

This is the first time since the Great Pirate Era that the Navy has been so proud and demonstrated its true strength.

In the past, even if they encountered the Four Emperors Pirate Group, it was just a symbolic fight, and they would say some harsh words to each other and then leave it alone. This kind of perfunctory is especially in the New World.

But after this time, who dares to say that the Navy can't deal with the Four Emperors?

Didn't you see it? Admiral Child Emperor, fought two Four Emperors alone, defeated Kaido twice, and one of them was seriously injured and dying!

All members of the Big Mom Pirates were seriously injured and fled, and the Beasts Pirates are still detained in the Impel Downs and are ready to be executed!

Even Garp, Zephyr, Granny Crane and others couldn't help but admire again and again.

The Navy Headquarters was jubilant, but Whitebeard and Red Hair Shanks were completely different.

"The power of a punch! A huge explosive force was directly generated. Look at the lightning... I'm afraid it was the power of the punch."

Red-haired Shanks took the underwater abyss left by the battle of Totland, pointed at the details on it, and said seriously to Whitebeard Newgate.

Whitebeard, Pluto Rayleigh, Beckman, Marco and others gathered together.

Whitebeard and Rayleigh were okay, but the cadres looked at the terrible scene in the photo and couldn't help swallowing their throats.

"This is too strong. One punch seriously injured Kaido and Big Mom, and left a deep ocean pit that lasted for two days.……"

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