
A sound of slapping on the table

"Do we have to do this?"

Karp's face was gloomy as he made his final struggle.

"This is the position, Garp! Don't forget your identity!"

Marshal Sengoku looked at the overturned cup helplessly and yelled back.

Garp stood there trembling in silence.

Ace's identity will eventually be made public.

"Huh... Borsalino, is the scientific force ready?"

""It's ready, Mr. Sengoku, is it really okay without my brother? The Red Hair Pirates haven't shown up yet."

Kizaru lazily sat on the chair and said

"It doesn't matter, it's enough for him to contain Kaido and Charlotte Linlin."

Zhan Guo had no choice, Xia Tian's arrangement was actually ordered by the Five Elders themselves.

And Xia Tian himself didn't say he would come back.

"Get ready. Turn on the live broadcast when the time comes. Sakaski will be back soon after the escort."

Zhan Guo sighed, and his originally nervous mood was now relaxed.

After today, perhaps the navy will re-establish its majesty.

At the same time.

The whole world has already paid close attention to today, and the World Government has spared no effort to publicize this battle of the tripod.

Each of the 170 member states has built a large screen for live broadcast.

The four major oceans in the southeast, northwest, and northeast include well-known large islands.

Such as the Sabaody Archipelago, the Nine Snake Island, the Seven Water Cities, etc., are all like this.

Early in the morning, whether it is the people of the underground forces, they are all ready, gathered in front of the live broadcast screen, waiting for the start of the live broadcast. Even the revolutionary army has set up a live broadcast screen, waiting in danger. On

Cake Island, on the grass of the castle, the live broadcast screen has also been set up.

Big Mom's throne was directly carried out by Xia Tian and placed in the middle as a lounge chair.

Big barrels of orange juice, desserts, etc. have been prepared. Taotu, Chaton, Hina and other vice admirals and major generals have taken their seats one after another.

Even the people on duty were given a holiday by Xia Tian, so they can watch together if they want.

Now that the war is about to begin, it doesn't matter whether Totland defends or not.

Of course, on the pirate ship on the sea.

Big Mom, Kaido, and Totland's ministers also set up a screen, and it seems that they are also ready to watch this war.


Not long after, the live broadcast screens all over the world flashed.

Snowflakes appeared on the dark screen, and after a burst of noise, a grand picture appeared!

That was the completed Marinford!

Hundreds of warships surrounded the circular Marinford, and it looked majestic from a distance!

For the people, this first scene was very shocking.

You know, ten warships can launch a devastating indiscriminate attack, the Demon Slaying Order!

Now that hundreds of warships are here, for For those who know the Demon Slayer Order, it is very intimidating.

Then, as the camera changes, the people watching the live broadcast can clearly see the layout of the navy.

Standing on the front wall of the harbor are five world-famous villains! The Seven Warlords of the Sea!

Doflamingo, the Yasha.

Mihawk, the Hawkeye.

Empress Hancock.

The Tyrant, Bear.

Gekko Moriah.

The square is densely packed with hundreds of thousands of elite navy warriors! The vice admirals of the giants are also among them, standing separately.

The cannons and the military strength displayed amazed the world.

A strong solemnity seemed to pass through the screen, shocking the audience in front of the live broadcast screen one by one.

"Look, that's more than ten vice admirals from the Navy Headquarters!"

Someone swallowed and pointed at the screen and shouted.

Under the execution platform in the middle of the square, the top vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters, such as Flying Squirrel and Burning Mountain, have already stopped at their positions.

And on the half-height platform of the execution platform, there are four chairs!

Three figures slowly walked over and sat on the purple and golden chairs!

"The Navy's top fighter! Kizaru, Aokiji, Akainu!"

The admirals appeared, and a suffocating feeling began to spread in the square. Even the people watching the live broadcast could feel the atmosphere.

Suddenly, the whole world couldn't help but get nervous.

"This is the lineup that the navy prepared for the public execution... Too strong, the number of soldiers alone must be close to 200,000, right! ? And they are all elites!"

"Whitebeard Pirates...Does he really dare to come?"

"Anyway, it's best if he doesn't come. After all, Whitebeard is old."

"That's right, but there are four chairs, why didn't the fourth general show up! ?"

"The Child Emperor who was said to have beaten up the Four Emperors"

"Putting a chair there means that he might come back to join the battle. Isn't there a rumor that Child Emperor blocked Kaido and Big Mom in the New World to prevent them from disrupting the situation?"


People from all over the world, including civilians, kingdoms, and powers, all couldn't help but talk about it.

Xia Tian on Cake Island couldn't help but laugh.

"Look, they even prepared a chair for me, probably to scare people."

This is to use his reputation to make the Whitebeard Pirates feel a little scared, Xia Tian couldn't help but laugh.

"However, the situation of the war at the top has changed a lot. There are twice as many troops as in the original plot.

Except for the three generals, no one else has appeared. I wonder if the Five Elders have come? Where is the stubborn old man Zefa? And the marshal who leads the entire army, Kong……"

In the summer, I took off my sunglasses, and the frames rested on my nose, thinking to myself

"General Child Emperor, we are just going to watch it like this, and those two are not going to care?"

Hina looked at Xia Tian speechlessly. Are you really going to watch the live broadcast carefully? Aren't you afraid that Kaido and Charlotte Linlin will run away?

"No need to watch, brothers, take a rest, they may not dare to run, as for joining the battle, it seems that they dare not really go in the current situation."

Xia Tian waved his hand indifferently and said with a smile.

If they really want to run, with my current strength and physical strength, I am afraid that they will not arrive yet, and I will be waiting for them in front.

In this case, I simply don't pay attention to them, how can this be as exciting as the war on top.

"Hey, so fast, Ace of the Fire Fist is out."

Just as he finished speaking, Xia Tian saw Ace of the Fire Fist being escorted up.

It is conceivable that the whole world will now focus on Ace. It is this man whose arrest directly led to the war between the Navy Headquarters and the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Mr. Sengoku and Mr. Garp also came out.

Taotu was also sharp-eyed and immediately saw Sengoku and Garp coming out of the fortress.

One of them walked to the execution platform, and the other walked down.

"Here it comes... the show is about to begin."

Xia Tian picked up the orange juice, knowing that both sides of the battle were about to arrive.

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