Two major Four Emperors Pirate Groups! A fleet of more than a hundred ships, hundreds of captains of pirate groups and tens of thousands of pirates.

And all of them are elite pirates.

Although the navy of Marinford is larger, it is still not enough for these pirates who are on the edge of a knife.

Well-trained? Not there.

There are capable people leading the way, the number of combat power far exceeds that of vice admirals, and so on.

The pirates are not a little bit strong.

Even if the pacifists and the flying device troops join, it only delays the pirates' pace.

Seeing Whitebeard Newgate and a group of pirates boarding the square, Sengoku's face is extremely heavy.

There are still big problems in the final arrangement.

The vice admirals can't resist the attack of the pirates led by this group of cadres and captains. The

Seven Warlords of the Sea are completely working but not working hard. The biggest achievement is that Doflamingo and Kuma defeated Little Oz who was determined to attack the execution platform.

And with the attack of these captains, they completely scattered and fought on their own.

Fortunately, there are enough naval forces in the field.

On the other side,

Pluto Rayleigh and Steel Bone Sora started a duel in Crescent Bay.

The two legends with gray beards and hair became more and more fierce.

"The new Admiral of the Navy...Sora, we have only met him a few times.

Rayleigh knew Sora's name, but it was the first time he had fought Sora face to face.

"Pluto Rayleigh, I really underestimated you back then."

Steel Bone Kong also seemed to be very strict with Rayleigh.

It can be said that when Kong was in office, more energy was put into eliminating the remnants of Rocks.

So Kong always thought that he did not pay enough attention to Roger's pirate group.

So, after a brief mutual test, both of them showed their true strength in the battle!

Taking off the coat of justice, Kong turned into a black armed madman!

With his face, he was like a big King Kong! Incomparably violent!

And Rayleigh was even more ghostly, with the flowing cherry domineering on the sword, and the domineering domineering blessing.

This is the opening of the Pluto form!

Under one sword, even the Marinford Square was cut into a huge gully.

The battle between the two made the whole island tremble violently!

The clouds in the sky surged!

It was even more terrible than the collision between Whitebeard and Sengoku just now.

On the side of the three admirals.

The three admirals targeted by the Red Earl, the Golden Lion, and Barrett retreated.

Barrett's black armor was combined, and his power was infinite!

""Your freezing has no effect on me!"

Barrett laughed wildly, not taking Aokiji's freezing seriously at all.

Under his violent power, even if the frost spread, the armor made of inorganic matter could fall to the ground with just a strong shake.

Aokiji was getting more and more frightened as the battle went on, as if his ability was completely restrained.

Even if Barrett and the ground were frozen together, Barrett would still break free.

And Barrett's armed color domineering fist, every blow made Aokiji Kuzan's blood surge, and he was completely at a disadvantage in the collision.

As for Kizaru, it was even worse. Under the innate powerful observation color domineering of Red Earl Redfield.

Lasers and light speed kicks could not hit him at all.

Even the Yasakani no Magatama covering attack would be easily dodged by the ghostly steps of Red Earl.

"It's so difficult, I can't even attack you."

Kizaru sighed many times, but had to continue fighting.

"Is that the highest combat power?"

Ever since Shiki the Golden Lion was captured and brought back to the Impel Downs, he has understood that his own strength is the most important thing.

After coming out this time, his strength has almost returned to the peak!

So what if he uses his legs to chop, Shiki the Golden Lion can do it.

How strong is Shiki the Golden Lion with his strength almost restored? Even Roger didn't dare to say that he could beat Shiki if he was safe and sound!

Just looking at the appearance of Akainu Sakaski, you can understand how strong this guy is!

Sakaski, there are already many knife marks on his body, and blood is constantly oozing out of the wounds.


Even Ace was stunned on the execution platform. He could not imagine that the navy would face such a critical disadvantage. He seemed to be saved.

But he immediately watched Blackbeard attack his dad in anger and helplessness.

"Red Lotus Volcano!"

Akainu Sakaski used his ultimate move again without caring about his own state.

When the Earth Lion pounced again, the rolling magma was like a volcanic eruption, and the scorching temperature even distorted the air within a radius of ten meters.

The sound of explosion rang out! The soldiers on the square quickly moved away in fear.

Akainu, who released his ultimate move on the ground, seemed even more terrifying. The spread of magma formed a lotus shape on the ground.

The next moment, it was just like a volcanic eruption, and the fire column rushed up!

"Natural department, I really can't underestimate you"

""Lion's might! Wan Zhan Gu!"

Shi Ji looked down, and it was all red and hot!

The magma pillars bursting out from under his feet were violently explosive.

The heat wave came to his face, and Shi Ji turned around and began to swing!

The domineering aura was surging, and with the blessing of ability, huge slashes were densely packed, and countless slashes were made!

The sword light was so strong that it almost covered half of the sky of the square, and each one was incomparably sharp.

Falling into the surging red lotus volcano eruption, it kept slashing down, from being directly submerged at the beginning, to gradually suppressing the gushing magma later, and was also cut open!

Golden Lion Shi Ji had some sweat oozing out faintly, and this level of moves was not something he could easily bear.

And Akainu couldn't hold on any longer, the magma figure roared, and was finally injured by Wan Zhan Gu.

The red lotus volcano was also broken, and the magma flowed on the ground, along the ground���The blood flowed into the cracks.

Akainu retreated in a panic, sweating profusely, with a large wound on his abdomen.

Unlike Kizaru and Aokiji who were restrained, he was injured in a head-on confrontation with the Golden Lion!

It was at this time that

Aokiji saw Akainu being suppressed, injured and defeated, and was shocked.

""It's your turn! Aokiji"

However, Barrett seized this opportunity, and with a sound of air explosion, he aimed his fist at Aokiji's body and smashed it down!

This blow was extremely fierce and the timing was very accurate, leaving Aokiji with no escape.

When masters fight, any carelessness in details will lead to failure, not to mention that Aokiji was worried and frightened.

Barrett grinned, feeling very happy.

With this punch, the admiral Aokiji would be seriously injured if not killed!

In this way, Akainu was defeated, Aokiji was seriously injured, and the navy would be completely finished!

At this moment, a sudden air explosion sounded!

Barrett's body of dozens of meters was actually blown away with a bang!

He fell directly on the ice...

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