"Dark Emperor!"

Dark smoke poured out of Teach's body like crazy!

A huge dark ball continued to gather above his head!

Under the strong gravitational force, even the gravel and ice on the ground floated up!

"A hundred times increase!"

Blackbeard Teach gritted his teeth and raised his other hand!

The second fruit power was added, causing the dark ball to expand again!

It was dark and covered half of Marinford.

The navy and the pirates were all stunned and swallowed their throats in amazement!

"What a terrifying attack!"

Even Rayleigh couldn't help but give his evaluation, and the other top masters were all shocked.

Garp, Sengoku, Steel Bone Kong, and the three admirals all changed their faces.

Even the red-haired Shanks who was closest to him had trembling eyes and retreated repeatedly.

Since Blackbeard Teach was going to attack Xia Tian, it was naturally the best thing, and there was no need to stop him.

"Do you think I am still the same person I was a few days ago! Xia Tian!"

Blackbeard Teach laughed loudly, his face became ferocious, and while pushing with both hands, the Dark Emperor threw it at the flying Xia Tian.

Thinking of how he was timid in front of Xia Tian, he felt ashamed and angry, and wanted to kill Xia Tian and let this memory be silent forever.

Xia Tian did not speak, and even his expression did not change. He just felt that this dark ball was a bit annoying.

Moreover, after flying for most of the day, Xia Tian had already worn out a lot of his patience.

His target was not Blackbeard Teach, and this guy could not make him much stronger.

So, while stepping on the air and bursting at an extremely fast speed, he clenched his right fist.

The red flowing cherry armed color rotated on his arm, and he punched the dark giant ball through the air!

"Shatter the sea!"

In everyone's eyes, Xia Tian swung his fist!

The air rippled, but the invisible fist force that made everyone present tremble was violent and surging!

In just a moment, the Dark Emperor, who had been amplified a hundred times, shook the entire ball that was half the size of Marinford!

Then it was torn apart! The black mist dispersed in all directions, and in the end, as if it had been repeatedly shaken, it all turned into nothingness!

And coincidentally, Xia Tian's figure passed through the position where the Dark Emperor was.

Blackbeard Teach didn't even have time to show a look of horror, and was shocked in his heart.

The invisible Shattering Sea Fist The force did not decrease, and it directly hit Blackbeard Teach!

The air around Teach was shattered into pieces, and Teach inside it rolled his eyes, spitting blood from his mouth, and was in great pain from the shock. The thick ice under his feet exploded in a huge circle, and the pirate ship not far away was half gone!

The hundred-meter ice was directly shattered, and Blackbeard Teach was also directly blasted into the sea.

Everyone, including Red Hair Shanks, was shocked.

After a moment of silence, the audience in front of the live screen were shocked!

"This... is the most powerful general, Child Emperor! ?"

"Just now, Blackbeard and Red-Hair Shanks fought to a draw!"

"A Four Emperors-level warrior couldn't even take a punch from General Child Emperor!?"

"This is too scary... He is really just a kid! Eight years old!"

"Oh my god, this is too crazy! But with such a strong force, the navy is saved!"

"Yes, the situation has really taken a sharp turn. The Navy is going to turn the tide of the war!"

During the discussion in front of the live screen, the people also ignited hope.

Some people were even shocked by Xia Tian's appearance and shouted enthusiastically.

When the Dark Emperor's giant ball was destroyed by Xia Tian's punch, and the ice surface was broken, Blackbeard Teach was directly blasted under the ice.

Xia Tian's figure also fell into the position of the general on the execution platform!

This position was exactly the fourth chair prepared for Xia Tian!


At this time, the clouds in the sky seemed to be surging and thundering as if blown by the hurricane airflow.

This was the sound barrier explosion that had been created by Xia Tian, and the waves were now transmitted!

Under the huge sound, everyone present swallowed their throats.

The fourth general returned with thunder!

"Admiral Child Emperor!"

Looking at Xia Tian sitting in the admiral's position.

In the square, the navy finally came back to their senses and began to cheer wildly!

With a single punch, Blackbeard Teach was easily blasted under the ice, and the terrifying dark ball was destroyed without a single blow.

This display of strength and past achievements filled the navy present with hope of victory!

"Pirates! Your doomsday has come!"

After such a long period of suppressed fighting, the morale of the navy soldiers, whether it was Vice Admiral Huoshaoshan, Flying Squirrel, or Akainu Sakaski and others, was greatly boosted, which was completely different from the state of frowning and gloom in their hearts just now!

"He's here... His strength is really terrifying!"

"At least in terms of strength, we can't defeat him even if we join forces."

The second elder and the fifth elder, who had just arrived in Marinford to prevent accidents, breathed a sigh of relief.

But at the same time, from the perception of the scene, they also understood how terrifying power was hidden in Xia Tian's small body!

With just one punch, Blackbeard, who was comparable to Red-haired Shanks, was blown away.

He couldn't even block it!

Steel Bone Kong also looked at Xia Tian, who was sitting in the general seat with an expressionless face, with some curiosity.

It was also the first time he saw Xia Tian in person, and he was also shocked by Xia Tian's punch that shattered the sea.

With the strength of the emperor, even a sneak attack is not so easy.

And Xia Tian is not, but a dark emperor who broke Blackbeard Teach's hundred times, and the punch also hit Blackbeard, causing him to fall under the ice.

"The strongest general, Child Emperor, is indeed worthy of his reputation... He is so strong!"

The Shampoo Islands gulped in shock.

The supernovas were amazed.���As soon as Child Emperor appeared, all the pirates looked solemn.

Even Whitebeard Newgate was like this. Compared with the cheers of the navy, it is easy to imagine how much pressure summer has on the pirates.

On an island with a live broadcast screen set up somewhere

"Well, well, well... summer is really coming to Marinford soon!"

Big Mom smiled, but like everyone else, she was also very frightened.

"His speed... is too fast!"

Kaido couldn't help but exclaimed. From the Cake Island of the Kingdom of Totland to Marinford!

This is almost across the second half of the Grand Line. In such a short time, summer has arrived.

He was completely moving forward without any steps. When he arrived, he could even punch the emperor-level Blackbeard Teach and make him spit blood!

"If you don't listen to the old man, you will die before me!"

Big Mom laughed strangely, and Kaido curled his lips, expressing his sympathy for Golden Lion and others.

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