"After being hit by six monsters with all their strength, I don’t believe you can still withstand the power of my last Dark-Dark Fruit!"

""Dark Emperor! Absorb!"

Using the trident claws to pull down the Dark Emperor, he completely covered Xia Tian's living hell impact!

Blackbeard Teach was sure that as long as he broke Xia Tian's move, Xia Tian would be powerless to fight back.

However, he always underestimated the horror of Xia Tian's seventh move!

Even Kaido and Charlotte Linlin, two guys with extremely strong defense recovery, could not withstand Xia Tian's living hell outbreak.

What about his Blackbeard's dark black ball?

This is not a simple air compression!

White air waves and invisible impacts burst out crazily, and the Dark Emperor black ball on Blackbeard Teach's head was pulled into a weird shape cage. It covered the might of Xia Tian's explosion.

But it was just a moment!

The devouring power of the black fog was directly invalidated. It couldn't devour Xia Tian's potential energy at all, and couldn't stop the endless light from bursting out!

It was so hot and bright that the world was pure white. Immediately, an indescribable impact force fell on the seven people who attacked!

Red Earl Redfield, Rayleigh, and Red-haired Shanks knew at the first time that they could not escape Xia Tian's counterattack, and they blocked in front of them with swords.

The armed color domineering was madly poured into defense, but they still felt the huge impact force with heat coming to their bodies, and they were directly knocked out one by one.

Jin Shiki the Lion and Newgate the Whitebeard launched attacks in desperation.

But it was too late for them at this time. They were pushed back repeatedly by the impact, and the bright light was blinding.

With their blood boiling, the two relied on their strong foundation to stabilize their bodies.

Barrett's huge fusion fruit ability built his body and almost withstood most of the energy from Xia Tian's Hell!

During the fusion, Barrett's eyes were full of fear. He was not affected by the dazzling light in the fruit ability, and he saw more clearly than anyone else.

Xia Tian punched Fully extended, the aura surrounding him completely exploded! As the air wave rolled and moved, an extremely bright light was emitted.

His combined arm collapsed domineeringly at that moment and exploded completely!

As the air wave surged, most of the power fell on Barrett!

The body made of inorganic matter had almost no resistance. From the arms, waist, to the whole body, it seemed to be hit by the hot energy wave and completely shattered!

Barrett vomited blood in it. Before the combined armor was completely exploded, the whole real body had already flown out!

"Gain a significant boost in physical strength……"

"Gain a significant increase in physical strength……"

"Obtained a significant improvement in various templates……"

"Gain a small increase in three-color domineering……"


One after another, prompts sounded from the body's system.

Xia Tian could clearly feel the growth brought by the substantial improvement, and he couldn't help but feel a little excited.

"They are worthy of being six... no, seven emperor-level masters! It's so cool!"

This is only the first wave, and it's obviously not bad. Xia Tian estimated that after fighting with them, he could improve himself by at least 50%!

They were too scattered just now, and the living hell could not cover everyone. Xia Tian could only explode in this way. Although the lethality could not be fully exploded, the destructive power was not weak at all.

At least, the seven people joined forces and were directly shaken away by himself!

This is perfect!

Fight to your heart's content, fight slowly!

But the people all over the world who were watching the live broadcast were a little confused.

The live broadcast screen was all white!

Everyone saw the bright light burst out with Xia Tian's fist

"What happened!? What is happening now!?"

"Facing the attacks of so many top masters, could Child Emperor be injured?! Otherwise, why can't we see him?!"

"What are you thinking about! Didn’t you see that General Child Emperor blocked all their attacks just now? This punch as bright as day is General Child Emperor’s counterattack!"

"That's right... Hurry, look, the light is dimming!"

When the light came on, everyone started to discuss and speculate.

But the light didn't last long before it dimmed and the picture began to appear.

"This... is this the power of the most powerful general in history?"

The audience was all dumbfounded. The scene that came into their eyes completely shocked countless people.

The Four Emperors Whitebeard, Red Hair, and the legendary pirates, Red Earl, Golden Lion, Rayleigh, Barrett, including Blackbeard Teach, were all knocked away!

The faces of the seven people were obviously very ugly, and even Blackbeard Teach's face was flushed, holding back his breath!

The worst was Barrett, who staggered on the broken ice surface of the inner bay with blood hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Xia Tian, who was standing above the square... was fine, and even looked at the people below with a smile!

"These big shots... were all repelled!"

The supernovas, the revolutionary army, and even the major kingdoms and underground forces were all shocked.

An eight-year-old admiral? Is he still a human? Why is he so strong?

These people are not ordinary strong men. The strongest man in the world, the right arm of the Pirate King, the man called Pluto, and several legendary figures...

Unbelievable! Too exaggerated!

Even the navy soldiers who were hiding far away in the square were dumbfounded when they could see clearly.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea, the three admirals and Sengoku, Garp, Zephyr, Kong, Granny Crane, and the two Five Elders hiding in the dark, all showed shocked expressions.

"If I am not mistaken... Xia Tian crushed the attacks of the seven of them and knocked them all away! If I remember correctly, this move was the one that almost killed Kaido and Charlotte Linlin..."Hell of Living Death!"

Garp and the three admirals looked at the scorching square below Xia Tian and could not help but sigh deeply.

On the edge of the inner bay, the turrets on the city wall were directly hit neatly, and even some smoking red burning light could be seen on the cracks.

The big pit blasted by Barrett is now the same, and it seems to be even deeper.

If Xia Tian used his words to describe it, it was like a miniature nuclear bomb exploding above the square!

"You guys, don't go too far!"

Even though Xia Tian defeated so many strong men by himself, Sengoku, Garp, Kizaru and others still couldn't help but feel a little angry.

So many old guys besieged a little kid like this, even if the kid was very strong, it was still too much!

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