
But now, the Navy has no intention of executing Fire Fist Ace.

Besides, the original time has not come yet, and even if it has come, it will be too late.

The situation on the scene has completely reversed!

"I originally thought that if we could play two or three in the summer, it would be enough for us to win this time.……"

Marshal Zhan Guo reacted in shock and couldn't help but sigh. It was the first time that Zhan Guo saw Xia Tian fighting the Four Emperors in front of him.

But this time, Marshal Zhan Guo completely saw what incredible strength was.

What one or two... Xia Tian stepped all the way back from the New World, and he can still continue to fight! It would be fine if he continued such a high-intensity battle, but he fought against seven emperor-level combat forces alone!

This would be fine, but the fight with Whitebeard Newgate was still a shocking scene. He used the same power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit to beat back Rayleigh, Red Hair, and Whitebeard.

"It's so scary, he doesn't even look like a human being!"

Marshal Kong couldn't help but exclaimed.

Even Garp, Crane Granny, Kizaru, Aokiji, and Akainu nodded in agreement, marveling at the sight.

"The light of the navy, Zhan Guo, if Xia Tian had always stood by the navy, the navy would have firmly maintained the law and order of the sea for the next hundred years.……"

The significance and future impact of such an existence are too great, Granny Crane said very seriously.

Just at this moment, after defeating Shiki and Barrett, the navy soldiers who were stunned watching all this, one started shouting wildly, and then all those who woke up gave a deafening cheer.

"Justice will prevail! Admiral Child Emperor is invincible!!"

What else can be more admirable than the most powerful admiral in history?

Yes, all the navy members were extremely fanatical, and their hearts were full of admiration for Xia Tian.

This is the light of the navy, this is the generation of fierce men who will suppress the pirates in the future and never raise their heads again!

In front of the live broadcast screen.

The people of the allied countries can be said to be completely relieved at this time.

Everyone can see that the pirates are going to be finished!

"The strongest leader of the pirates, from legend to the Four Emperors! Even if they join forces, they can't beat General Child Emperor!"

"The outcome has been decided!"

"Hahaha! God bless us, the Navy will win!"

"All this is thanks to General Child Emperor"

"It's incredible. My child was still playing in the mud with his bare bottom when he was this old.……"

"Don’t compare ordinary people with Admiral Child Emperor. Let me tell you, Admiral Child Emperor might be the reincarnation of a god!"

"Yes, I think so too. How shocking were the two Tremor-Tremor Fruit abilities just now? Is this something a human can do? I think it must be a god!"

Everyone in the world relaxed and started various discussions. Even the kingdoms of the major member states breathed a sigh of relief and began to smile.

Some people and countries who hoped that the world government would be defeated also became gloomy at this time.

But in front of the Child Emperor Xia Tian, whose strength reached such a level, the people of these countries could only continue to be gloomy, and their hopes were shattered.

However, today, ordinary people have also witnessed the horror of the battle between the top masters.

Look at the miserable state of Marinford?

The fortress of the Navy Headquarters is half collapsed, and there is not a single good building in the town behind it!

There are even big holes that have been smashed.

The inner bay and the square where the war started have long been in ruins and cracks everywhere.

There is even a huge gully that is bottomless and scary to see.

But they don't know that the islands around the headquarters have been severely affected by the aftermath, and tsunamis are rolling in.

The Sabaody Archipelago.

Those who watched the live broadcast have moved to the highest ground.

The supernovas have no way to set sail, and they honestly watch the live broadcast in Sabaody.

However, even here, you can feel gusts of strong winds, waves of tsunamis, and the water level continues to rise.

"The legendary pirates and the Four Emperors...even if they join forces, they can't defeat the fourth admiral……"

"Two Tremor-Tremor Fruit abilities, what on earth is going on in this world?"

The supernovas were all trembling as they watched, and they felt like they were in that battlefield. They were probably either fainting under the Conqueror's Haki or being dragged down by the terrible aftermath.

"Perhaps, as these civilians said... Child Emperor Xia Tian is the reincarnation of a god."

The strange monk looked back at the submerged Sabaody Archipelago, and said with a trembling tone.

The revolutionary army far away in the remote sea was also shocked and speechless.

This was not good news for them!

Child Emperor is too powerful.

Kaido and Charlotte Linlin, who were floating on the sea, laughed.

"This guys, is this the first time they've been so miserable?"

"That's right... Be it Rayleigh or Whitebeard, well, well, well~"

""It is said that Child Emperor is not that simple, but these guys just won't listen. This is much more terrifying than Rocks,"

Kaido and Charlotte Linlin said with a look of relief.

But at the same time, they were worried.

There are fewer and fewer strong pirates, so how should they deal with Xia Tian next?

It seems that they can't do it...

At this time, on the battlefield of Marinford, the battle is far from over.

It's just that these people were repelled.

Xia Tian stood in place and calmly looked at the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates who gathered together.

And the Blackbeard Teach and his Blackbeard Pirates who were in a mess in the other direction.

Red-haired Shanks, Rayleigh, Whitebeard, and Red Earl all gathered together, and all the pirates who broke through were gathered back.

Except for Blackbeard Teach, the two sides formed a confrontation.

Seriously speaking, everyone looked at Xia Tian alone

"Can you still fight? Whitebeard."

Red-haired Shanks looked at Whitebeard, whose body had recovered a lot, with an ugly face.

After taking the special medicine, Whitebeard Newgate's body has stabilized a lot.

Whitebeard looked at Ace on the execution platform with a gloomy face, a little sad.

But there was no nonsense, he still stood straight with the naginata in his hand.

Marco wanted to say something, but was stopped by Whitebeard Newgate.

At this moment, Barrett, who was bleeding from all seven orifices and gasping for breath, was blown back from the air by the equally embarrassed Golden Lion Shiki and landed on the side of Whitebeard and others.

The legends and the four emperors gathered together and saw the tremors in each other's eyes.

"Those below the cadre level should board the ship, and the rest... let's do it together"

"This is the last chance."

The six people were extremely serious, and finally, Whitebeard said slowly.

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