"Blue Flame Goose!"

Marco completely transformed into a strange giant bird with blue and yellow stripes.

As he charged towards Xia Tian, the tail behind him turned into a phoenix tail with blue flames, and with the inertia of the impact, it turned into a huge blue flame fist seal!

And the two claws also launched the"Phoenix Seal" with powerful domineering power."!

"Phoenix form... What a beautiful bird."

Xia Tian was indifferent, and his steps did not stop at all.

Then, the huge blue flame fist print fell on the black flame with a bang!

It was like a basin of water splashed on steel.

Even the flame of the black disaster was not broken!

Marco's eyes could not help shrinking, and the phoenix seal performed by his two claws also fell on Xia Tian's black flame!

As expected, Marco not only did not break it, but the domineering aura on his claws collapsed, and his whole body was recoiled.

At this time.

Two gunshots!

The sound was very dull.

Xia Tian knew clearly from the perception of the color of seeing and hearing.

This is Jesus Bu, Beckman fired.

I saw Jesus Bu and Beckman both holding guns, the muzzles were red, and there was a ring of white smoke spreading in front of the muzzles!

The two took two steps back because of the huge recoil, and looked at Xia Tian with expectation!

These two bullets were made of special materials they found during their adventure!

It can be accompanied by more powerful domineering and Power!

Its penetrating power and lethality are so terrifying that they cannot be described.

However, what they are facing now is Xia Tian, who has an armed color that is about to surpass the ultimate level!

Even under the perception of the domineering color of observation, Xia Tian's dynamic vision can still capture the trajectory of the bullet.

However, he was too lazy to reach out to catch it.


The speed of the two bullets was so fast that they arrived in front of Xia Tian in just a blink of an eye. One was in the head and the other was in the chest!

However, when it came to the black flame, the bullet seemed to stir up waves!

The domineering arc of electricity actually flashed out!

A second later, the black flame broke and shot directly at Xia Tian's forehead and chest.

Under the powerful impact, Xia Tian couldn't help but pause.

But Beckman and Jesus Bu returned from expectation to horror!

Two specially made bullets that even blew up thick steel actually rotated at high speed five centimeters in front of Xia Tian's skin and could not advance at all!

Until the bullet fell down

"Get the Jesus Body Art Template……"

"Get the Gunnery Skill Template……"

"Gained a slight increase in Armament Haki……"

"Gaining Observation Haki slightly increases Haki……"

The system prompts are flashing.

Xia Tian directly mutes the sound, because there will be a lot more to come!

"Good opportunity!"

At this time, Huajian Bista and others had already rushed to Xia Tian's side.

There were holes in the black flames on Xia Tian's head and chest. He even seemed to be distracted!

The battle-hardened pirates were a little excited and seized this opportunity to start a crazy attack!

"Xia Tian! ?"

Kizaru Borsalino couldn't help but be shocked.

His brother's black aura was broken!? And he was surrounded by these dozens of cadres, constantly suffering from powerful attacks!

It was visible to the naked eye that Xia Tian's aura was torn apart by the pirates!

The ground was shattered by the bombardment, all kinds of means, without stopping.

This scene is completely a group of adults beating a child, which makes people feel strange at first glance.

After all, no matter how well Xia Tian developed, he was only more than one meter tall at the age of eight.

There were many sweats of three or four meters among these cadres.

But they seized this opportunity and did not dare to stop easily!

At this time, Beckman stood in another direction, dozens of meters away from Xia Tian's side, holding a pistol with the last red special bullet in it!

The armed color domineering turned into flowing cherry blossoms, and the domineering color domineering was entangled, and the two domineerings were constantly poured into the gun!

Beckman did not hold back and poured all his domineering out!!


Suddenly, Beckman, sweating profusely, shouted at Blackbeard Teach who was not far away from him.

"Thief hahaha... I get it!"

Blackbeard Teach's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but feel extremely surprised at Beckman.

This guy didn't mind his hostility towards them at all, and it seemed that he put Child Emperor first to be defeated.

So, Teach didn't hesitate, and flashed to Beckman's side. The dark black mist with the hundred-fold amplification power of the Momo Fruit condensed into a ring in front of Beckman's gun!

This is a super shooting from the special bullet house, two-color domineering, dark fruit, and Momo Fruit!

"Get out of the way!"

Beckman knew that he had already condensed to the limit.

Seeing this might, Bista and others immediately dispersed and hurriedly retreated!

Xia Tian also sensed something unusual while letting them attack, and when he looked back, he couldn't help but laugh.

"There really is a way……"

Before Xia Tian finished speaking,

Beckman fired!

Huge air pressure was instantly formed, and the bullet burst out in a spiral!

After dragging a white trail, it passed through the black fog ring of Blackbeard Teach, and then in the flight path, the bullet began to slowly grow larger!

Powerful two-color domineering, black fog, amplification.

Such a terrifying shot made the pupils of the people in the audience dilate.

"Guns, can you play like this!?"

Xia Tian didn't think of blowing it up or dodging it.

"It's so powerful, it should be able to test the defense limit of my armed color domineering, right?"

Instead of being surprised, Xia Tian looked at the red bullet that had been amplified a hundred times to the same size as himself with burning eyes.

The burning sensation caused by the bullet came over him.

However, just when Xia Tian was attracted by the bullet.

Red Earl Redfield attacked again!

The Black Moon Slash was expanded to the full moon state.

He swept past at a ghostly speed. He wanted to take advantage of Xia Tian receiving the rose-colored bullet and cut with all his strength!

At this time, the cadres, including everyone present, were frightened by Beckman's super bullet.

Naturally, no one dared to stay and attack around Xia Tian.

However, Marco was an exception!

He had the regenerated Qingyan as his confidence, but he also chose A perfect position to restrict Xia Tian!

Above his head!

The Phoenix fell from the sky, its claws glowing with green flames, and suddenly hit Xia Tian's head.

Immediately, the bullet hit Xia Tian's chest!

Under the powerful impact, even Xia Tian, who had terrifying strength and body, was pushed back a little, and his feet slid on the ground, leaving a gully.

The armed color domineering in front of him collided with the energy on the bullet, and a fierce arc of electricity burst out instantly.

Marco also pressed down at this time. Under the double power, Xia Tian felt the destructive power brought to him by the bullet, and didn't care about the claws on his head at all.

However, at this moment, the Red Earl's full moon slash came!

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