"New moves...Eighth Form..."

Kaido was completely stunned. He was holding the Tianzi wine jug, and his huge and mighty body was trembling.

"Collapse of stars, opening of the sky, black natural disaster, living hell....Three Thousand Worlds. Collapse!"

Recalling the moves Xia Tian had used, Kaido felt a little unwell

"It has only been a short time, and he already has a move that is more powerful than the Living Hell!"

Big Mom also couldn't help but be shocked.

She and Kaido had really experienced the horror of the Living Hell, and they were still filled with fear.

But the appearance of the eighth move completely panicked them.

"How can we fight against such a guy!?"

Kaido's face was full of bitterness, and even the strong liquor tasted bland.

Being a pirate and having a bounty on your head, how hard will life be in the future?

Katakuri, Smoothie and the others, as well as the Three Calamities, all opened their mouths, not knowing what to say. Just as what Kong said at the end of the live broadcast, Xia Tian is definitely the strongest in the world. He is not just a little bit strong, he is so strong that all pirates despair.

It is entirely imaginable what the new world of the future will be like.

And it is not only the pirates who feel that life will be hard, the revolutionary army who are also against the world government also sighed.

"It's only a matter of time before we come into conflict with the navy....."

The Revolutionary Army looked at each other, and suddenly felt a panic.

The strongest in the world, should be the strongest in the world in history!

What about Rocks, the Overlord of the Sea, Roger, the Pirate King, they have great deeds, but their strength is not as good as Xia Tian.

There has never been such a strong individual in history.

Monkey D. Dragon looked solemn, and he and Sabo beside him were both thinking.

And at this time.

Sengoku and the three generals personally took action to capture the prisoners who escaped from the city.

Flying Squirrel and Huoshaoshan and several other vice admirals of the headquarters went to check on Shiki the Golden Lion and others who were blown away by Xia Tian.

They did not find them, but returned in vain. In such a short time, they could not find any clues about the Golden Lion and others falling into the sea.

So they have escaped.


The Navy and the whole world did not know that at this time, in the sky heading to the New World, a small island was flying in the air.

Shiki the Golden Lion had both arms and one leg pulled together, his golden hair, and his body was soaked in blood.

In this way, he gritted his teeth and kept the island floating.

Barrett and Red Earl Redfield were lying on the ground, half dead, and also seriously injured. What was even more unexpected was that the Whitebeard Pirates, the Red Hair Pirates, and Pluto Rayleigh were all there!

The remnants of the old times had gathered here at some point.

"This injury. Even with my Regeneration Blue Flame, it will take at least half a year to recover...."

Marco checked their injuries, put away the Phoenix Flame, shook his head and said

"Xia Tian's domineering aura and punching power are all left in your injuries. If you want to recover quickly, you can only eliminate them by yourselves."

Marco's diagnosis immediately made everyone feel a chill in their hearts.

Is it so difficult to recover from being injured by Xia Tian?

Barrett, Red Earl and Golden Lion Shiki all got a little better after Marco's blue flame treatment.

At this time, they couldn't help but grin in horror.

"Xia Tian, how could he be so strong!?"

Golden Lion Shiki was full of anguish.

It was just one punch, almost, they would have died!

"We were just there to receive the aftermath, but we have already suffered serious internal injuries."

Pluto Rayleigh smiled bitterly, his hand on his chest still trembling.

It seemed that his arm had lost consciousness after receiving Xia Tian's eighth move, and his internal organs were in a state of discomfort after calming down.

"cough cough..."

Whitebeard Newgate sat aside, coughing up a lot of blood foam from his mouth.

His condition was more serious than the others!


Marco and the others were shocked and rushed over to treat Whitebeard.

Red-haired Shanks and Beckman were silent and sat aside without making a sound.

"His potential is too great. At the age of eight, he can already suppress all of us together. I'm afraid that after a while........."

Red Earl Redfield sighed and shook his head.

The world outside is really getting more and more terrifying.

"How should we deal with the navy in the future? We can't keep going like this......."

At this time, Barrett endured the pain and sat up.

Yes, this is a big problem.

They are all pirates. Although it is normal to avoid the navy, how can they survive after experiencing this incident?

The navy will definitely not give up on wiping them out when they recover. If Xia Tian attacks again at that time, no one can stop him. At this time, Golden Lion Shiki glanced at Rayleigh obscurely.

If there is anything that is powerful enough to deal with Xia Tian, it must be those world-destroying weapons, such as the final island known to the people on Roger's ship.

But no matter how obscure the look is, it may not be discovered by Rayleigh at such a close distance.

"Shiki, it's useless.

Rayleigh looked at the Golden Lion expressionlessly. The secret of the final island might not be able to deal with Xia Tian.

Moreover, those things would be more dangerous after they were born. Not only could they use them, but if they were obtained by the World Government, they would be doomed.

So Rayleigh said very straightforwardly, it's useless.

The Golden Lion Shiki was obviously a little unconvinced, but since Rayleigh had said so, he couldn't say anything.

Barrett, Red Earl and others were all thinking.

"Mr. Rayleigh is right. Even if we gather the three ancient weapons, what's the use? If you don't listen, no one can punish Xia Tian 100%."

Beckman suddenly raised his head and said.

These guys are too ambitious, but it is true that those things may not be useful, and it takes too long.

"I recommend...Unite the Four Emperors and the Revolutionary Army! Form an alliance and work together to fight against the World Government that will clean up the sea and take action against us next!"

Beckman's words shocked everyone except Red-Haired Shanks.

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