The Tianlong people were shocked by the reprimand from the Five Elders. They did not expect that the Five Elders would actually defend Xia Tian, a lowly person.

The two young Tianlong people looked at each other in bewilderment, and then turned away without saying anything.

The status of the Five Elders was there, and they were above the heads of the major families among the Tianlong people. Naturally, it was impossible for them to talk back to the five of them.

"Xia Tian, don't worry about them, they are just some children who have not grown up."

The elder turned around and said calmly

"It's okay."

Xia Tian nodded with amusement, and naturally didn't mind what the ants were shouting.

It's just that the Great Elder said that a few children had not grown up. Did they forget that they were only eight years old?

But it's not surprising. In the eyes of the Celestial Dragons, except for their own kind, they are just inferior people. Even the admirals of the navy are no exception. At most, they are regarded as bodyguards.

But at this time, a sneer came over.

"He is just a general in the navy, with some strength."

"There should be respect and inferiority."

A thin Tianlong came over slowly with his slave, his face full of disdain.

Xia Tian couldn't help but look over curiously, because this Tianlong seemed very confident, and he didn't even say hello to the Five Elders.

Moreover, other Tianlongs couldn't even let their slaves in when they came here. Only this thin, red-haired young Tianlong sat with his slave, looking even more arrogant.

"This is a guest of Pangu City, you must not be rude."

The second elder frowned and scolded.

The implication was that Xia Tian was a guest invited by the owner of Pangu City, so he should not make trouble even if he was impolite.

However, the red-haired Tianlong man did not seem to understand at all.

"He is just an inferior, you, kneel down and salute."

It was really arrogant. In front of the Five Elders, the red-haired Celestial Dragon sneered and asked Xia Tian to kneel down and salute.

In his opinion, other Celestial Dragons still greeted him, which was simply an insult to the dignity of the world's nobles.

Xia Tian was even more surprised. He looked up at the Five Elders and found that the five of them were frowning tightly. It seemed that there was no other way except to scold them.

"Does this make him special?"

Xia Tian looked at the increasingly impatient look on the red-haired Tianlong's face and guessed in his heart.

Indeed, this red-haired Tianlong was not simple at all.

He came from the highest and oldest family among the 19 Tianlong families, and the reason why the Five Elders could not do anything to him was because...He has the blood of Lord Yimu.

This is undoubtedly in the eyes of the Five Elders, the red-haired celestial dragon is the true descendant of God.

But Xia Tian is the one Lord Yimu wants to see, so it's better not to make any mistakes, otherwise everyone will be punished by Lord Yimu.

But before the Five Elders figured out how to persuade the red-haired celestial dragon to retreat, he had already exploded in anger.

"You lowly inferior person, you don't even know how to appreciate the favors given to you!"

"So what if he is a navy admiral? He is still a dog of my Celestial Dragons! Kneel down!"

He took out a grenade launcher with a large barrel from the slave's bag and pointed it at Xia Tian. The red-haired Celestial Dragon's face was full of ferocity and anger. The gold-plated muzzle was cold, as if he would shoot Xia Tian directly if he didn't do what he wanted within three seconds.

However, Xia Tian chuckled.

"You want to die!"

The contemptuous laughter further stimulated the red-haired Celestial Dragon. Such a guy who doesn't take the world nobles seriously, damn it!

He jumped off the slave, walked forward and was about to pull the trigger.

In just a moment, Xia Tian's pupils condensed, and the powerful domineering aura burst out from his body and descended on the red-haired Celestial Dragon.

With a bang, the surging domineering aura instantly made the air visibly distorted, and cracks appeared on the floor. The only red-haired Celestial Dragon who was suppressed by Xia Tian bent his legs and knelt on the ground with a snap, with the upper half of his body He even crawled on the ground, his bones creaking all over his body, unable to speak. The double destruction enveloped him, bringing him boundless fear!

The domineering aura of the ultimate level, let alone such a Tianlong man with no cultivation, even the Five Elders were terrified when they felt the momentum of Xia Tian's explosion.

Even in the outside world, some color changes began to begin!

The Tianlong people around were also frightened, and looked at the source of this fear in horror. When they saw the red-haired Tianlong man kneeling in front of Xia Tian, they were all more frightened and looked incredible!

"this is not...The young man at the top?! How dare Child Emperor!"

"It’s over, this guy is in big trouble!"

"Attacking us is nothing, but attacking him is really a death sentence like the wrath of God!"

A group of Tianlong people were scared, and Xia Tian's domineering aura made these guys panic.

The elder couldn't help shrinking his pupils when he felt the strength of Xia Tian's domineering aura.

Xia Tian is now known as the strongest human in history! And this domineering aura, even they can feel a sense of oppression.

The spirit is very strong!

"Xia Tian, this person has a special status, so you should spare him for now."

The Great Elder and others didn't know what to do. They couldn't discipline the Red-haired Celestial Dragon too strictly, and Xia Tian was the person that Lord Yimu wanted to see, so they were in a dilemma.

Xia Tian didn't say anything, but smiled and looked at the Red-haired Celestial Dragon who was kneeling on the ground and was eroded by the pressure.

After more than ten seconds, he dissipated his domineering aura and looked at the Five Elders as if nothing had happened.

"I'm not asking for trouble, Five Elders."

The face that should be given still needs to be given, but Xia Tian is not afraid of whether this is a holy place or some other place.

"Keep going."

The elder didn't know what to say. He looked at the red-haired Tianlong who was relieved and stood up with a sad face and walked forward.

But at this time, the red-haired Tianlong was obviously still unconvinced. Even though Xia Tian's pressure was terrifying, he who grew up in such an environment did not let it go. Instead, he shouted directly:

"You can't just leave like this!"

""You lowly inferior person, you attacked the Celestial Dragon! I'm going to ask the Lord to order you to be severely punished!"

The red-haired Celestial Dragon seemed to know that the Five Elders would not care about him, nor would they stand up for him, so he brought up the title of Lord.

In Pangu City, the only one who could be called Lord was Yimu.

As expected, the five Elders frowned tightly and looked at the red-haired Celestial Dragon with displeasure.

"I'm going to ask the adults for justice! What kind of punishment will a naval admiral, a lowly person directly under our command, get for being so unscrupulous and ignoring the majesty of the descendants of God!"

The red-haired celestial dragon ignored the gaze of the Five Elders and said unyieldingly, with an angry look on his face.

"That's perfect, we are going to see the Lord."

The elder glanced at Xia Tian imperceptibly.

Xia Tian had a blank expression on his face and didn't care.

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