"That's right. The fewer people, the better. That place is not simple."

Everyone frowned tightly, with a solemn look on their faces.

Whitebeard Newgate and Rayleigh drank and just listened to the discussion of these smart young people.

"If we can find a useful ability user, it will be a great help."

Rayleigh saw that everyone was silent and made a suggestion.

Some fruit ability users could help them sneak into Impel Down, but he alone didn't have enough information, so he had to ask the two major pirate groups to go out and collect information about these fruits, such as those that can drill holes.

But at this time, the pirates who were on duty ran in with a surprised look on their faces.

"Dad, there is a guy in a white suit outside, claiming to be CP0!...cooperate."


The people from the two major pirate groups showed surprised expressions.

CP is from the World Government, why did these people come directly to their door?

"He's alone?"

Red-haired Shanks looked up and asked

"Yes, he came alone, but there was an ordinary sailing ship 20 miles outside the island that did not come close."

The pirate who reported the news answered truthfully.

"Let him in."

If there is anything, come in and tell us. Newgate didn't mind any fraud. As long as it wasn't Xia Tian, it didn't matter.

Not long after, a man in a white suit and a strange mask walked in.

Seeing the presence of Red-haired Shanks, Whitebeard Newgate, Pluto Rayleigh, and the leaders of the two pirate groups, even the CP0 strongmen couldn't help but feel a strong sense of oppression when facing these fierce men.

Don't look at their defeat in the war at the top, these people are the world's top strongmen

"CP0, why are you here with us? If you can't give a good explanation, you will die here."

Marco sneered, and the blue flames in his eyes came out.

The CP0 white suit masked man became more nervous.

"I...I'm here to cooperate with you....No, it is the World Government that is cooperating with you."

What a shocking statement.

Everyone present, even Beckman, who has a very high IQ, couldn't help but look up at the man in the white suit in surprise.

"You, the World Government, are looking for us to cooperate, but I'm afraid you're just digging a hole to bury us all."

Red-haired Shanks sneered and took out the Griffin that was placed aside.

With this kind of words, it seems that this guy will not be able to get out alive.

"No, I really want to cooperate with you, and the goal is...Child Emperor Xia Tian!"

CP0 guys quickly confessed the truth, Red Hair Shanks's domineering aura has become more and more intense

""Xia Tian?"

Whitebeard, Rayleigh, and the others were all shocked and horrified.

The World Government said it wanted to deal with Xia Tian? Why?....baffling

"Are you kidding me? Do you think we will believe it? It has only been a short while since Child Emperor became a Celestial Dragon, and you are looking for us to cooperate with him to deal with Child Emperor!?"

Griffin was unsheathed, with a cold light flashing, and the flowing cherry-like armed color domineering began to spread from the red-haired man's hand.

"The reason why they wanted to deal with Child Emperor was not explained by the higher-ups, but...."

""Get lost!"

An angry snort interrupted the words of the man in the white suit. Whitebeard couldn't help but want to hammer this CP guy to death.

But this man was a messenger, so it was not convenient to kill him.

Under the vibration of the air, CP0 could no longer bear it. On the other side, Red Hair Shanks even drew his sword!

If the negotiation fails, run away!

"We don't trust the World Government, and we don't want to continue to fight against Xia Tian. We suggest you don't be so stupid......"

After hearing the last sentence, the man in the white suit didn't dare to continue talking. He turned around and ran away quickly.

"The World Government cannot be trusted, but it is possible that they will deal with Xia Tian."

Beckman suddenly spoke after CP left.

This matter itself is extremely incredible.

"To deal with Xia Tian, it is very likely that he is too powerful, too powerful to be controlled.

Rayleigh sighed, knowing that the World Government had done a lot of these things behind the scenes.

"Even if we deal with Xia Tian, it has little to do with us. On the contrary, if there is a real commotion, it will be a good opportunity to break into the city."

Marco also expressed his thoughts, and everyone nodded in agreement.

""Haha, something big is going to happen next."

Beckman narrowed his eyes, lit another cigarette and took a deep puff.

Red-haired Shanks also seemed to be thinking about something.......

On the other side.

Wano Sea.

Kaido and Big Mom returned to Cake Island with their two major pirate groups.

As for why Kaido did not go back to Wano Country? The first is that he did not want to expose anything, and the second is that Wano Country has been out of control.

So Kaido had no choice but to bring the Beasts Pirates to Big Mom's territory.

Big Mom was also worried that the World Government's revenge would come soon, so she brought the Beasts Pirates to frantically strengthen the defense.

"Keep an eye on Xia Tian!"

Big Mom gave a death order to her intelligence department, while the other side had already started preparing to run away.

"If Xia Tian comes after us personally, we will run to Wano Country!"

Kaido seemed to have some plans in mind and spoke.

Big Mom naturally thought that Wano Country was also a good retreat, with geographical advantages.

If the outside world saw the performance of the two Four Emperors now, their jaws would probably drop. They had already thought of such an escape route just after returning. How afraid are they of Xia Tian?

Suddenly, a report came from outside the door.

"mom...The World Government’s CP has come knocking on our door!"

"CP Force!? That spy intelligence organization...."

Big Mom and Kaido were both extremely surprised. The World Government!? Are they here to issue a challenge!?

"Let him in."

Big Mom nodded slightly, and her eyes began to become terrifying at this moment.

Kaido also sat aside with an expressionless face, waiting for the CP to come in.

"I have met Queen Totland and Governor Kaido."

CP0 The one who came to see Kaido and Big Mom was a charming beauty wearing a half mask.

However, the two Four Emperors looked at the half-masked CP0 coldly.

"CP people���Why did you come to us?"

Big Mom didn't say anything nonsense, her big mouth opened and revealed a terrifying smile.

If she didn't say it well, she would just swallow her up, including her soul!

The half-masked CP beauty immediately felt the boundless chill coming, and couldn't help shivering.

"The Queen Calms Down...We are here to cooperate with you....Child Emperor!"

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