
"That’s right, this order was passed down from the highest-ranking celestial dragon, don’t you think?"

"Of course I'm interested!"

The Red Earl kept laughing.

If it was before he got the vampire fruit, he would never provoke Xia Tian again, but now, the Red Earl is not afraid even if he falls into the trap of the World Government. The lonely Red is not afraid of being alone.

"only..."Who asked you three to appear in front of me?"

The Red Earl's evil smile became even more intense.

Before the three guys in white suits could react to the Red Earl's quick agreement, a huge domineering suppression suddenly descended on them.

At the same time, the Red Earl's figure had disappeared from the spot, and he hugged one of the guys in white suits as if he had teleported.

"Fresh blood delivered to your door..."

The Red Earl bit down! The guy in the white suit who was sucked by him shrank visibly.

The other two had never expected such a change! They looked terrified, but their legs seemed to be filled with thousands of pounds of lead, and they couldn't lift them up to escape.

"One is not enough...."

As he sucked blood, the Red Earl's old face visibly regained its youthful appearance.

But one was not enough, and the next one would suffer!

It was not until his youthful sense of grandeur and mental state were restored that the Red Earl was ecstatic.

The last guy in the white suit was horrified, watching his companion become a dried corpse lying on the ground.

Afterwards, the Red Earl did not continue to attack, as he had enough blood for the time being, and looked at the last guy in the white suit.

"You are the lucky guy. Go back and tell them about summer....I promised"......

At this time, Blackbeard Teach was dragging a dying ability user.

"Hahaha, another ability user. Hey, who is interested in this ability?"

Blackbeard laughed arrogantly and asked his men.

The Dark Dark Fruit can hunt ability users. Blackbeard Teach did not hide this at all. After escaping, he reorganized the Blackbeard Pirates with Bajes, Lafitte, Van Oka, Xuanyue Hunter, and the King of Evil Government and began to hunt fruit ability users.

As for Poison Q, the giant battleship, and the big barrel, they have all died under the collapse of the three thousand worlds in summer.

However, at this time

"Captain, I don't know why the World Government has come to our door!"

Bajes, who was on guard, ran towards Blackbeard in surprise.


Blackbeard and the others were shocked and immediately took a fighting stance.

It was a big danger that the World Government came to them, which meant that they would be surrounded and suppressed!

After all, the title of Shichibukai had been taken away.

"Don't be nervous, Blackbeard Teach, I'm not here to cause trouble."

A tall, muscular man in a white suit appeared not far behind Badgers and stopped. He did not approach rashly.

"Aren't you here to cause trouble?"

Blackbeard Teach laughed. He had already seen that although the man in the white suit was very strong, he was just an ordinary captain on Whitebeard's ship. He was not inferior to him at all.

But the words of the tough man in the white suit made Blackbeard a little curious.

"What cooperation can the World Government have with me? Can you invite me back to be a Shichibukai? Hahahaha~"

"Shichibukai...It's impossible with what you do, but maybe you'd be interested in working with me."

"That is about uniting the strong men at sea to deal with Child Emperor Xia Tian!"

The strong man in the white suit said solemnly to Blackbeard Teach.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates couldn't help but shrink their pupils.

"Deal with...Xia Tian?"

This is too strange, isn't it? Xia Tian, didn't he just become a Tianlong? At this time, he should be in the same team as the Tianlong people.

"Stop joking, do you know what you are talking about?"

Blackbeard Teach's eyes became fierce.

"I am a CP0 unit directly under the jurisdiction of the Celestial Dragons. This order comes from the most noble existence. Xia Tian still poses a serious threat to the alliance ruled by the World Government."

"This world doesn't need people who are so powerful and terrifying."

The muscular man in the white suit nodded slightly and spoke to Blackbeard and his gang affirmatively.

"Even if I believe in your identity, do you think Xia Tian is so easy to deal with? He can suppress the Four Emperors with one punch!"Even if Blackbeard Teach is arrogant, he has to admit that Xia Tian is strong. His strength is also recognized as the strongest on the sea.

"No, what if it’s the strongest person in the entire ocean?"

"Whitebeard, Red Count, Pluto, Red Hair, Golden Lion, Devil's Heir, Kaido, BIGMOM, and even...Revolutionary Army!"

The tough guy in the white suit was not wearing a mask, and Blackbeard and the others could clearly see the smile on his face.

But it wasn't just them who were invited to cooperate, there were also strong men from the World Government and the Navy.

If, without knowing anything, all of them attacked Xia Tian at the same time......That would be too scary!

Blackbeard Teach thought of this and became excited.

"Of course I want to join this kind of cooperation! Hahaha...Boys, get ready for revenge!"......

CP0 expected that Blackbeard Teach would agree on the spot.

However, it was not so simple for Golden Lion and Barrett. Barrett had been staying in Golden Lion's territory to recover from his injuries, and Golden Lion Shiki obviously wanted to recruit Barrett, so the two of them were together all the time.

���After the man arrived and explained his purpose, both Shiki the Golden Lion and Barrett laughed.


Afterwards, four guys in white suits were beaten to the point of vomiting blood, and were eventually thrown off the floating island that they had climbed to with great difficulty.

"An order from the highest-ranking Celestial Dragon? Uniting all the powerful beings on the sea to attack Xia Tian?"

"Humph, that's easy to say."

Although there is such a strong man, Barrett still shook his head in disdain.

"I just agreed to them, but the World Government came to my place, how can I leave so easily, hehe."

Golden Lion Shiki grinned and looked down.

He and Barrett both agreed to participate, but like Kaido, BIGMOM and others, they did not trust the World Government.

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