
"Cap, isn't this a bit abnormal?"

"Even if they are guards, there shouldn't be so many people coming, right? The two marshals, all the generals...And where are our navy people?"

He is the chief of staff of the navy, with a keen intuition. This is really too wrong.

Garp heard the whispers in his ear, lowered his head slightly and looked at the solemn He, frowned, and looked at He in confusion.

"This place is full of Mary Geoise's guards, and Xia Tian is going to the sacrifice to become a real Celestial Dragon, so it's right to escort him, but there are too many people here! Xia Tian is so powerful, so it's necessary to have so many people escort him, and the Valley of the Gods shouldn't be visited by so many outsiders!"

He and Garp unconsciously left the crowd far away, looking at each other secretly.

Garp even used his Qi to disrupt the detection of the observation Haki

"The Valley of the Gods......"

Thinking of the past, Garp frowned even more.

That place was weird. What Crane said was right. There were too many people here! How could this be like going to the Celestial Dragons' sacrificial site? Instead, it looked like they were going to a big battle!

"Do you want to remind Xia Tian?"

"Wait and see..."

He shook his head. He just felt something was wrong, but there was no need to make any trouble.

Maybe it was just that adult who wanted to meet all the strong men of the world government?

The Valley of the Gods was a large island, larger than Xia Tian could imagine.

Originally, Xia Tian thought it was only as big as Dressros, but after almost two days of sailing, Xia Tian saw this behemoth.

The huge, towering mountain had a big hole in the middle, revealing a huge valley.

Maybe that's why it's called the Valley of the Gods.

When Xia Tian and the Five Elders landed on the island after docking, Xia Tian discovered that the scenery on the island was not bad. It even had a different feeling than all the islands he had seen, but he couldn't explain it at all.

"Let's go, Lord Yimu is waiting."

The Five Elders did not give them much time to enjoy the scenery, as if they were a little worried about leaving Lord Yimu waiting there.

So they led Xia Tian and the navy to the valley. Along the way, there were more and more CP troops wearing black suits, until they entered the valley.

Xia Tian saw Yimu wearing a special Celestial Dragon suit that looked like a space suit.

Yimu dressed like this was not as ugly as other Celestial Dragons, and in everyone's eyes, he was even noble, elegant, and beautiful!

""Greetings, Master Yimu!"

The Five Elders and their followers all knelt down on one knee to salute.

The navy was also somewhat confused as they looked at Yimu, a woman who looked more and more beautiful. They were reminded by the man in black to kneel down and salute.

"You're here, Xia Tian."

Yim was neither happy nor sad. He ignored the others and waved to Xia Tian, indicating that he could come closer.

When Xia Tian came to him, Yim turned around calmly and walked further inside.

"This is the Valley of Gods, the territory of the gods belonging to the world's nobles."

Not far away, Yimu led Xia Tian and the Five Elders and all the others around a corner and arrived at a larger open space.

In the open space, there was a circle formed by mysterious patterns that seemed to be formed by nature, and in the middle was a huge black stone. Looking at some of the objects and decorations prepared by Yimu, Xia Tian knew that this was the place for sacrifice.

"It is really mysterious."

Xia Tian nodded, and couldn't help but sigh at the scene in front of him.

Especially the huge black stone in the middle, the whole black stone is round, as big as three or four football fields! And it is high, you have to walk up the stairs.

A solemn atmosphere began to spread among the crowd.

Is this the place where the world's nobles, the Celestial Dragons, worship? It is really strange and mysterious.

Even Garp had never seen this place before, and his eyes narrowed solemnly.

I don't know if it's because Garp is a person in the name of D, but he always feels uncomfortable.

"How about it, shocking, right, Xia Tian, the place above is the real place for sacrifice. You only need to sacrifice one person and throw it up there, and you can directly communicate with the God of Creation and become a true celestial dragon."

Yim's dark red eyes flashed with a different light, and he looked at Xia Tian and said as if introducing

"Sacrifice one person and throw it up?"

"This is too superstitious......."

Xia Tian couldn't help but frowned and said speechlessly,"Do I need to kill someone and throw him up when I come to offer sacrifices?"


At this time, with Yimu's faint"hmm", the third and fourth elders beside Kizaru suddenly burst out with a powerful momentum, and they were extremely fast. Before Kizaru could react, they grabbed Kizaru's body with armed color domineering.

At the same time, a pair of 100% pure seastone was directly handcuffed on Kizaru's arm!

""What are you doing?!"

Yellow Monkey Borsalino was shocked, and he couldn't help but think of what Xia Tian said while shouting.

This woman is really weird! Otherwise, why would she arrest him?

"The Five Elders! What...what are you doing?"

Sengoku, the four generals, Garp, and Vice Admiral Tsuru all looked very pale, not knowing what had happened. Why did they want to capture Kizaru?

The Five Elders looked indifferent, too lazy to even speak, and escorted Kizaru Borsalino directly to Im.

When Xia Tian saw Kizaru being handcuffed by seastone, the air around him began to distort in an instant.

His face and eyes were extremely cold!

How dare you attack my relatives!?

"Kill your brother as a sacrifice, and you will be qualified to sever the connection with the lower world and become a true celestial dragon."

Yim looked at Xia Tian beside him with emotionless eyes and said calmly.

However, when Yim's eyes met Xia Tian's eyes with endless anger, his heart could not help but pause.

"Ha ha ha ha...."

Then, Xia Tian laughed, a crazy laugh!

This is! A laugh of rage!

"I don't want to be a Celestial Dragon anymore, I don't want to be an admiral anymore, let my brother go, I'll take him away."

Xia Tian restrained his explosive impulse and said this sentence almost through gritted teeth.

If the Five Elders hadn't stood beside Kizaru, looking like they were ready to kill him at any time, Xia Tian would have been unable to hold back.

It seems that it's not as simple as controlling yourself, Yimu!

You will pay the price, for example, your life!

Xia Tian has never been so angry in the eight years since he came here.

"starting from today...No Celestial Dragon can survive!"

Xia Tian had already made up his mind to start a massacre! Once Kizaru was safe, he would kill all the Celestial Dragons in the world!

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