The extremely compressed air formed a cube cage that completely enveloped all the strong men on Im's side.

Garp, Sengoku and others could see with their naked eyes the terrified expressions of Golden Lion, Barrett, the Five Elders and others in the white barrier.

Under the strong pressure, the people in the cage could feel the compressed air around them constantly rising in temperature.

"Quick! Break this air cage!"

Having seen the horror of the living hell, Shiki shouted immediately.

Everyone attacked at the same time, domineering and rampant!

But this time they did not destroy the"hell" all at once.

Only Im's eyes were surprised, and a black hole force began to erupt, wiping out the whole body into a vacuum state, and continued to expand.

However, the rising temperature, in just a few seconds, made Kaido and others start to sweat, and their hearts became more and more panicked.

"Good boy, you actually have such a move!"

Feeling the powerful force bursting out from Xia Tian who was punching, Yimu's eyes were extremely serious.

Watching and���The feeling is completely different!


Xia Tian stared at Yimu indifferently, and in the form of a golden little giant, he punched out, and the power was more than ten times stronger!

The entire air cage rioted, and the invisible fist force instantly caused drastic changes.

""Hell" became brighter, and the next moment, a terrifying explosion broke out!

""Retreat! Retreat quickly!"

Garp's eyes changed drastically, and he picked up Vice Admiral Crane and suddenly moved back a distance.

Sengoku, Kong, Akainu, Aokiji and Fujitora all moved very quickly, and turned and retreated as soon as the light burst out.

During the retreat, everyone did not forget to look back. Before the light burst out completely, they could see Barrett, Blackbeard and others being blown away with smoke. Kaido and Charlotte Linlin did not even resist. When Xia Tian used this trick, they dodged backwards like crazy, but were still blown away.

In the range of the living hell, only Im was still in the center!

The shocking explosion broke out completely, and a mushroom cloud rose slowly.

The island of God Valley shook constantly, and the huge peaks shattered under the impact of energy. Many stones rolled down and were destroyed by the even hotter aftermath of the explosion. The powerful hurricane formed by it swept in all directions, and even the ocean was shaken out with waves as high as dozens of meters.

"Such a powerful explosion!"

Everyone in the navy held up their armed color domineering and blocked in front of them. The surging shock wave was too terrifying.

Not only was it a fierce impact, but it also had a very hot breath.

Slowly retracting his fist, Xia Tian looked at Yimu, the only one standing in the big pit created by the explosion, and was a little surprised.

"The power of the black hole is stronger than expected, and with the domineering aura, it can completely block the living hell."

Xia Tian muttered to himself.

The Golden Lion, the Red Earl and others were smashed on the huge mountain, spitting blood and looking miserable.

Yim slowly emerged from the black light with a smug smile.

"Nice move, but it doesn't pose a threat to me."

"I'll give you one more chance. Kill Kizaru and offer sacrifice to the gods, and you will become a noble Celestial Dragon."

Yimu's clothes were not even torn, and he shook his sleeves with a faint smile.

"Celestial Dragon? Ridiculous."

Xia Tian sneered. It was hard for Yimu to think of such a position in exchange for killing relatives.

In fact, she just wanted to do it herself and then kill herself.

Then, a wave that distorted the air emerged!

The domineering aura of the golden flowing cherry flowed through Xia Tian's body, and the aura changed dramatically again at this moment.

"Can a black hole devour and destroy the power of my punch? Then try it again."

"Eighth Form...Three thousand worlds. Collapse!"

Xia Tian's fury never stopped. One punch to kill Hell was not enough, so he punched three thousand worlds again!

The punch came out! Suddenly! The sky and the earth changed color!

Gray covered all the colors of the world.

And as Xia Tian's fist hit Yim, the whole space seemed to fall into stagnation.

The waves stopped, the wind stopped, and all the changes seemed to have stopped.

Everyone and their expressions fell into slowness, as if frozen.

"What's going on?"

Im had never thought that Xia Tian would be able to use another more powerful move so quickly, especially when he felt the sluggishness around him.

His eyes condensed, and the domineering aura and the power of the black hole were activated at the same time to break free from the confinement of the three thousand worlds by Xia Tian's punch.

However, the others did not have such strong power to break free from the power of Xia Tian's punch, until the invisible fist force began to descend.

Shiki, Barrett, Kaido, BIGMOM and others slowed down and used their own power to break free from the sluggishness.

"This is the punch...Run away!?"

Kaido panicked, his eyes were filled with fear, staring at Xia Tian who was raising his fist and falling in front of him. The powerful aura he brought made his scalp numb.

This was many times stronger than the living hell!

Im was strong enough to fight head-on, how could they resist?

""I can't escape!"

Blackbeard Teach, the last one to break free, shouted in despair.

The invisible fist force had distorted the space and was coming with violent momentum!

Unless all of them could find a way to move thousands of miles away in an instant, how could they escape? It took them a lot of time just to break free, and they had no chance!

""Attack together! Quick, if you can't hold on, everyone will die!"

Shiki, the Golden Lion, shouted in a hurry.

It was this punch that almost cost them their lives in the war. Now the familiar feeling came again, and they couldn't help but feel panic.

This punch was stronger than the previous one, and it was not a little bit stronger!

Everyone understood that this would break free from the shackles of hysteresis, and only by resisting together could they resist it!

Barrett was the first to attack, and the domineering color domineering was wrapped around the fist of the combined inorganic object, and he punched at Xia Tian's coming in the air.

Golden Lion, Red Earl, Kaido, Big Mom, Blackbeard and others attacked one after another, launching their strongest attacks to try to resist Xia Tian's powerful power that almost enveloped the entire Valley of God!

Crazy Lion, Black Moon Slash, Kaido and Big Mom's combined attack on the sea, the huge dark ball, etc., under the threat of death, everyone played an extremely powerful strength!

And Im's eyes were extremely solemn, his hands stretched out, and the black light swallowed everything around him!

"Black hole. Everything is destroyed!"

The power of the black hole shines with a strange black light like the sun, and it keeps expanding!

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