As a result, Aokiji did not make any move either, but watched quietly without being moved.

"Justice is justice, but it is really difficult to attack your own people."

Aokiji Kuzan shook his head helplessly, and even thought about staying away.

Neither Garp nor Aokiji actually had a good impression of the Celestial Dragons, and Garp knew that the Celestial Dragons had done a lot of bad things. So what if the Five Elders gave a stern order now? Garp didn't take it to heart at all.

At this time, Fujitora sat cross-legged on the beach, with his staff and sword on his legs, bowing his head and saying nothing.

His attitude was also very clear, not to take action! The World Government went back on its word and was not righteous.

This was not their justice, nor was it his justice.


The Five Elders gnashed their teeth.

They had never expected that none of their navy subordinates would make a move.

If they were included, they might have a chance to besiege Xia Tian!

And the most unexpected thing was that Akainu Sakaski also disobeyed the Celestial Dragon's order and walked to the side with his arms folded.

Yes, Sakaski meant that I can't hear.

The Five Elders burst out in anger from their gritted teeth.

"Have you forgotten that Tianlong is your immediate superior?"

"After returning this time, the navy needs to be reorganized!"

They were really angry, but the Five Elders could do nothing to them.

Im looked back at Garp, Sengoku, Akainu and others with a grim look.

Xia Tian also looked back at the people who were unwilling to attack him, and smiled. Even Kizaru, who dodged, laughed.

"Is that all you have prepared? Yimu.

Xia Tian looked at Yimu coldly. She looked like a fairy, but her mind was so vicious.

If Zhan Guo and others were forced to take action, he would be besieged by the strong men in the entire pirate world.

Although Xia Tian was not afraid, he would inevitably feel uncomfortable.

"Even without these rubbish, it would be enough."

Imu snorted coldly. He could not find Xia Tian's flaws in this close combat. Instead, he was beaten by Xia Tian's punches. He decisively jumped to distance himself and used the powerful power of the black hole fruit again.

Then he put his hands together, and a black spot appeared above the sky where the clouds were twisted and cracked!

And it kept getting bigger! A huge black hole hung in the sky!

Under the guidance of Im, the strange power instantly locked onto Xia Tian!

Moreover, it was specifically used against Xia Tian.

"Black hole. Attraction!"

A black light flashed in Im's clasped hands!

A terrifying attraction descended directly on Xia Tian, and it only affected Xia Tian without affecting the existence of other things.

Under this powerful force, Blackbeard Teach looked up at the magnificent black hole that almost filled his field of vision, and the whole person was extremely shocked.

"Dark Fruit...It's totally its inferior...."

Tiqi couldn't help but whispered.

Others also raised their heads to look at the black hole, some of them were dazzled by the pure black.

And the moment Xia Tian activated Im, a powerful force of attraction descended on Jin.

The confinement that was like the collapse of the three thousand worlds made Xia Tian's movements extremely slow.

What's more terrifying is that Xia Tian must use his domineering power and the Golden Buddha's ability to resist the suction from the sky, otherwise he will be sucked up and swallowed by the black hole. It must be said that under this restriction, Xia Tian really couldn't break free from the influence for a while.


Seeing that Xia Tian's movements were slow and the Heaven's Induction was effective, Yimu immediately shouted coldly.

In fact, she didn't need to call out, as Golden Lion, Kaido, Red Earl and others had already reacted and attacked again!

""Attack with points! Break his defense!"

Shiki and the Red Earl did not forget to remind the people around them, and at the same time, they burst out with an extremely powerful domineering aura that was wrapped around their weapons.

In addition to restricting Xia Tian's Im, the twelve top masters including Green Bull and the Five Elders all took out the most powerful attacks! And they were all point-attack moves! The two famous swords, Ying Ju and Ku Mu on Shiki's legs, pointed their tips at the chest of the golden little giant Xia Tian, and with the blessing of Liu Ying and domineering color, they stabbed at an extremely ferocious speed!


It collided with Xia Tian's golden armed color Ryuzakura, producing a huge domineering electric arc!

The next moment, the Red Earl's umbrella sword, Barrett's inorganic weapon, Kaido's mace, BIGMOM's emperor sword, Blackbeard's steel claws, and the Five Elders' blood spears, unicorn claws and other attacks all attacked Xia Tian's chest one after another!

Xia Tian's eyes became colder, but there was no fear at all!

Since there is no time to break free from Im's Black Hole Sky Attraction, let them attack.

But it is true that Shiki's attack point plan is very good.

Under the attack of everyone, the golden Ryuzakura was really broken into a gap, and was forced to spread.

""Good opportunity! He can't move yet!"

The elder was overjoyed and shouted excitedly.

The eyes of the others also flashed with light, and then they all attacked, constantly bombarding the armed color defense that Xia Tian had broken!

Even in the form of a golden body, under the continuous bombardment of twelve top masters, the entire area of the Valley of the Gods was in turmoil, not to mention Xia Tian who had been enduring it. No matter how strong the flesh is, it was still left with wounds by them!

The broken skin lost its golden light, and blood flowed!

Even the people all over the world who were watching the live broadcast of the Revolutionary Army were stunned, and swallowed their throats repeatedly.

"Is this the first time that Child Emperor Xia Tian has suffered such a serious injury?"

"My chest is about to explode..."

Even Sengoku and Garp at the scene showed an expression of pity.

This injury is already very serious!

If it goes on like this, Xia Tian will really lose. His chest is so broken that the bones are exposed. How can he continue to fight?

Kizaru Borsalino saw that his invincible brother was actually injured like this, and he burst into grief and anger.

His whole body burst into light and he was about to step forward to help.

However, Xia Tian, who was drowned in the attacks of Shiki the Golden Lion, Kaido and others, shouted to stop him.

"I'm fine, brother."

As soon as these words came out, Kizaru was stopped.

Even the Five Elders who were bombarding were shocked, and their expressions changed drastically as they quickly retreated.

That area was bombarded into slag, and Xia Tian still said he was fine!?

Yimu's expression also changed drastically, his clasped hands trembled slightly, and he frowned and stared at Xia Tian in the dust!

At the moment Xia Tian spoke!

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