Alrita was furious and led her men to search the ship from top to bottom, but they couldn't find anyone. She guessed that the intruder had escaped.

She was ready to go to Luo Li's room. She walked to the window and was ready to climb in, but she saw that the bed was empty. She couldn't help but feel depressed.

"Asshole teacher, you ran away without saying hello again."

Thinking that her plan failed again, Alrita smashed the window frame in anger, turned around and walked towards the restaurant on the ship, ready to turn her grief and anger into food.

In the room, under the bed.

Hearing the footsteps fade away, Luo Li loosened her hand that was covering Tina's mouth.

This girl has completely lost her mind. As soon as she let go, she came up again. The small space can't hinder the two of them from performing at all.

You measure my size, I spy on your depth, the red thread of fate is entangled with each other, and it is getting more and more chaotic. The situation is just like this rampaging pirate era, the evil party is unscrupulous, the strong have their own intentions, and the evil party is unscrupulous.

The two wanted to suppress each other, but they were equally strong and could not decide the winner for a long time. They fought until they were exhausted. In the end, justice was trampled by the evil party and killed. But the partner of justice was unwilling to fail. After gathering his strength, he started the second round of fighting...

The battle was fierce and dangerous. Tonight was destined to be a sleepless night.

The other two women were also sleepless.

Alrita was full of resentment and ate like crazy.

In addition to her, the"sister" on Marijoa was tossing and turning in bed, as if she felt that something important had been lost.

"Come, bring me the dream slave."

The dream slave was the slave who ate the dream dream fruit. It was only after he was called to ask that he found out.

Two people who were connected in dreams would have a chance to have"sequelae" after waking up. For example, there were two people who had developed the ability to communicate with each other through this method.

These words made"sister" worried.

"Did Xiaoli encounter a powerful enemy? Didn't they say that even Crocodile was no match for him? Could it be that the damn Four Emperors were the ones who attacked Xiaoli?"She was extremely worried. Her people finally found Xiaoli in Alabasta, but after a while, she disappeared again.

How could this little enemy be so troublesome? Couldn't he just stay put?

She was so anxious that she couldn't sleep, and her"sister" kept urging Mengnu to connect to the dream.

But the ability of the Mengmeng Fruit is conditional to be triggered. The person who is pulled into the dream must fall asleep first.

As long as the connection is successful, she can confirm Xiaoli's safety through the dream.

However, she tried again and again, and failed again and again. She became more and more anxious, and couldn't help but shed tears. She was so anxious that she was running around but could do nothing.

Mengnu trembled on the side, fearing that this Tianlong man would get angry and shoot her. She hesitated for a moment and spoke out to comfort her for the sake of her life.

"Master, Meng Nu can sense that the spiritual connection mark on the young master is still there and has not been affected. If the young master is fighting with others, his mental state should also change with the situation of the battle, but the young master has not changed except that his spirit is a little excited."

"You mean, Xiaoli wasn't fighting with anyone?"


Meng Nu nodded, but she didn't say one thing. According to her past experience, a man's spirit is in a state of continuous excitement, usually at that time...

In other words, the celestial dragon in front of her... is likely to be cheated.

If she said this, the other party would be furious, and maybe he would shoot herself in a rage, so Meng Nu was very smart to conceal it.

After all... this was just her guess based on experience.

But as time passed, Meng Nu found something wrong. The young master had been... too long, it had been several hours, and he was still excited. Can her hands bear it?

Or is the young lady not doing that?

But fighting with others?

Meng Nu had heard before that some battle maniacs would also be in an excited state during the battle.

She couldn't help but worry.

After all, it was her job to connect the young lady and the master. If the young lady died, the master would no longer need her.

Looking back, the days spent with the previous master were simply hell.

Fortunately, the current master heard about her ability and pulled her out of hell.

Although she was still a slave here, her life was much better than before, except when she needed to connect to the dream world. , the master would not call her.

Because her abilities were needed, she was well fed and well fed every day. Her life was more comfortable than before she became a slave. She could eat and sleep well without working.

Her condition could actually be described as Stockholm syndrome.

Being in hell, if a demon treated her a little bit better, she would think that he was a good person and develop a good impression of him.

The comfort of the dream slave made the"sister" feel a little relieved, but she could not sleep without confirming Xiaoli's condition, so she could only wait anxiously.

She waited until the next morning before she connected with Xiaoli. In her dream, she saw that Xiaoli was just She was a little tired, but she was safe and sound, so she heaved a sigh of relief and went to sleep.

East China Sea, Kokosia Village.

Luo Li, who had just fallen asleep, woke up from his dream, looked at the girl in his arms who was as limp as mud, and closed his eyes and continued to sleep. He slept until noon, and Luo Li was awakened by the commotion in his arms. When he opened his eyes, he met Tina's big eyes. The two looked at each other and there was an awkward moment.

But who is Tina? She is a dignified naval captain. What kind of scenes has she not seen?

Well, this kind of scene is the first time, but haven't you eaten pork or seen pigs run?

She showed disdain on her face and sneered.

"Hey, man, your service last night was just average for Tina."

As she spoke, she took out a few Baileys from somewhere and placed them on the bedside.

"You are worth the price!"

Then he stood up calmly and prepared to put on his clothes, but Luo Li, who was provoked, would never agree. Which man could accept such a general evaluation?

Naturally, he would pick up his gun and kill seven times in and seven out.

"Let go, Tina no longer has any expectations of you."

Tina's face changed slightly, and she wanted to refuse. She remembered that she was the one who forced Luo Li last night. That's why she felt guilty and wanted to learn from those men, leaving money, patting her butt and leaving without leaving a cloud.

But after a night of tossing and turning, she was now weak all over and couldn't resist at all.

Even so, she was still stubborn, as if as long as she didn't admit it, she would be the winner of this free fight.

Luo Li was helpless about this. This woman was stubborn all over her body. Obviously her body couldn't bear it anymore, and she didn't even have the strength to move her fingers, but she was still holding on.

Obviously she was exhausted, but she said something like"Tina didn't have the slightest interest in resisting."

In the end, she didn't even have the strength to speak, but she still forced out two words.

"That's it?"

Luo Li was speechless. He even had an illusion that he was the one who suffered a loss.

Especially when she woke up again, this girl took out two more Baileys and put them on the bedside.

"You are worth this price at most!"

Luo Li:...

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