Pirate’s Infinite Awakening

Vol 3 Chapter 503: Unreal (Part 1)

What Xia Qi said, Lei Li said in a cold sweat.

It's not that Xia Qi in front of him is really fake. Lei Li is afraid that he will be really indescribable with Xia Qi's substitute. Xia Qi himself knows what the consequences will be.

Fortunately, Xia Qi just made a joke. If the intelligence personnel of the "Killing" pirate group are replaced, the "Killing" pirate group is basically finished. After all, the intelligence system is the eyes of a party. If the eyes are blind, one force will naturally be unable to move an inch, and there will be no future at all.

Then, after a joke, Lei Li and Xia Qi got busy and began to capture the existence of the Chambord Islands that was likely to be replaced, so as to prevent the Chambord Islands from falling into danger in the future.

When Xia Qi and Raleigh got busy, Mihawk and others had already entered the new world smoothly.

With Tiger and Jinping murlocs, there is no need for Mihawk to worry about getting lost in the new world, especially when he can use his own soul energy to lock the fake Chuyi. Mihawk gives Tiger and Zhiping the way. However, Tiger and Jinping were looking for the most suitable way forward, which made the group of people move very fast, and it didn't take long for them to get close to the location of the fake Chu Yi.

But the closer to the fake Chu Yi, the more shocked Mihawk was, because when using soul energy to perceive, Mihawk discovered too many abnormal soul energy.

These soul energies seem to be stable, but in fact they are all pretending to be others. The basic situation is similar to that on the Chambord Islands. It seems that many people have been replaced unconsciously.

Moreover, not all islands are like Chambordian Islands, and there are dedicated people to gather intelligence. Many islands in the new world say that it is the territory of so-and-so. In fact, no one cares about it, such as "Beast" Kaido and "Aunty" Charlotte Lingling. At most one cadre can guard one. The island is only, how can it be like the "killing" pirate group, hoping that every one of their territory will become better?

Most of the "Four Emperors" in the new world are moths. They deprive the islands of the benefits to meet their own needs, so the situation of "Whitebeard" and Shanks is slightly better. They really want to shelter one party. , So the "white beard" and "red hair" sites in The Pirate's original work are basically in good condition. On the contrary, the sites of "Beast" Kaido and "Aunt Charlotte Lingling" are relatively bleak.

Coincidentally, the island that Mihok and others went to was the island of Kaido, the "Beast".

For Kaido, Mihawk and the others do not need to be afraid, after all, Kaido cannot be on the island where the fake Chu Yi emerged. There is at most one cadre of "Beasts" Kaido. On the contrary, it was the abnormal soul energy that made Mihawk a little uneasy.

Especially as Mihawk approached and discovered that these abnormal states of soul energy contained a kind of extremely high-quality soul energy, the worried Mihawk finally found Tiger and Jinping and prepared Talk to them about the abnormal situation in the new world to avoid losing them after landing on the island.

"The previous situation is complicated."

In front of Tiger, Jinping, Mihawk didn't have to worry about anything. Everyone was an old man of the "killing" pirates. Mihawk was directly with Tiger in front of him. Jinping said, "When I first started, I I thought that only one counterfeit of Chu Yi appeared, and I am going to take you to investigate it. Unexpectedly, there are more and more fakes in the new world, which makes the situation in the new world more complicated. Woke up."

"First of all, we need to think about who needs so many fakes? Why does he have to work hard to make so many fakes in the new world to replace the original genuine ones?"

"The second thing is to make these fakes. It must be a strong soul skill. Except for Chu Yi, I have never seen anyone in this world possess such a powerful soul energy. Therefore, if we meet the enemy, Fat red murloc and you fat blue murloc, you must run away quickly."

"The reason is that you don’t have the ability to resist at all in front of the powerful soul mystery holders, and with a little resistance to me, the current situation is not ideal. I really need to recuperate for a while to defeat a strong enemy. ."

"Finally, the fake Chu Yi is in the "Beast" Kaido site. We don't know whether it is possible to seek cooperation. It is also because of this, we pay a little attention to what "Beast" Kaido is doing recently. Red Fat murloc, can you contact Xia Qi a little bit and talk about our situation here?"

After listening to Mihawk, Tiger snorted coldly: "No problem, Idiot Jianhao, please contact Xia Qi for me."

"it is good."

It doesn't matter what the name is.

Anyway, the nicknames have been called for so many years, Mihawk and Tiger basically forget each other's names, only remember what their nicknames are.

In the case of Mihawk using soul communication~www.readwn.com~ Tiger quickly made it easy for Xia Qi to get in touch.

Then in the contact, when Tiger knew that many people on the Chambord Islands had also been replaced, Tiger's face suddenly became serious. Fortunately, the defenses on the Chambord Islands are much stronger than those on other islands, so after knowing the instructions given by Raleigh, Tiger, Mihawk and others do not have to worry about the situation in the Chambord Islands.

As for the situation of being replaced in the New World, after being known by Raleigh and Xia Qi on the Chambord Islands, the two of them are very clear. There must be someone who is going to make a ghost. Otherwise, there can be no such thing in the Great Route and the New World. So many people are replaced, it is impossible for so many fakes to appear.

So who was the first fake to appear?

The answer is Chu Yi.

It was Mihawk who sensed the existence of the fake Chu Yi, and so many substitutes appeared later.

In this way, Mihawk can easily infer that the person behind the scenes is probably a fake Chu Yi. That being the case, the first goal to choose the fake Chu Yi is definitely correct. Mihawk is going to let Tiger, Jinping take a rest for a night, and go to the trouble of finding the fake Chu Yi the next day. , To see if he is the source of so many fakes.

When night fell, Mihawk also needed to rest.

After the battle with "aunt" Charlotte Lingling, Mihawk's injury was still very serious and he needed a good rest period. But just as Mihawk fell asleep and fell asleep, Mihawk frowned tightly. The reason was that when he fell asleep, it seemed like...

Suddenly entered another world!

An illusory world!


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