Pirate’s Infinite Awakening

Vol 2 Chapter 168: Deployment by all parties

"Boy, Malin Vandor is not that easy to break, especially the Navy has been prepared for a long time, are you confident in your plan...?"

"Don't worry, Tiger, do you think I'm going to die?"

"Of course not, anyway...just be careful!"

In the soul communication, knowing that Chu Yi was going to the navy headquarters, Malin Vandor, to kill the "king" on the navy side alone, Tiger, besides worrying, felt that he, Mihawk and others, could not help at all. Chu Yi, the mood is undoubtedly very depressed, even the "heart demon" has signs of attack, feeling that he is a useless person.

But Chu Yi discovered Mihawk a long time ago, and Tiger had problems one after another.

It's just that there are too many things he has to deal with recently, so he can't help Mihawk for a while, Tiger solves the hidden dangers in his body.

At this moment, when the soul was communicating, Chu Yi clearly felt Tiger's mood fluctuate, and he couldn't help but shook his head and gave a bitter smile. Immediately afterwards, recalling the previous incident that the ship of the "Killing the Sky" Pirate Group was approaching the Chambordian Islands, Chu Yi's eyes condensed, and he suddenly pointed at Mihawk. I need to trouble you guys."

"what's up?"

Mihawk, Tiger asked in unison.

"Well... it's what happened to the Chambord Islands after I went to Marin Vandor to open up the second battlefield."

After thinking for a while, Chu Yi slowly gave Mihawk, and Tiger expressed his own thoughts: "First of all, our war with the navy is likely to affect civilians in the Chambord Islands, so we must have someone to evacuate these civilians. , Keep them as far away as possible from our war zone."

"What about this..."

"I feel that it is the most appropriate to give it to Xia Qi. After all, she has been on the Chambord Islands for so many years. If you don't have any contacts, I definitely don't believe it."

So shrewd Shura.

Pulling Leily into the water is not enough, so are you still pulling me into the water?

There was a faint smile at the corner of her mouth. Xia Qi didn't think so derogatory, but she was a little relieved that Chu Yi could think about the civilians in the Chambord Islands.

That being the case, Xia Qi naturally did not refuse to evacuate civilians and refugees.

Then, Chu Yi explained to Mihawk and Tiger respectively the important task that they must complete: "Tiger, when I just used the domineering sense of sight and hearing to perceive, I found that Jinping and the others are already close to the Chambordian Islands. I think it’s a matter of time for the navy to discover them, and you have to find them in the navy, get in touch with Jinping and them as soon as possible, and constrain most of the navy’s combat power together."

"This is a very difficult task, Tiger, the person I trust most here is you, please do it!"

"Hmph, leave it to me!"

Although the task of containing most of the navy's combat power is very difficult, what Tiger needs is this difficult task, and what he needs is Chu Yi's newcomer.

But then?

In fact, the task of restraining most of the navy's combat power was the simplest that Chu Yi felt.

To evacuate the civilians in the Chambord Islands, the refugees need a certain amount of contacts, and they are more likely to be chased by the elite of the navy. Such a dangerous task is Xia Qi needs to complete.

As for Mihawk, his mission is the most dangerous of all missions. Chu Yi didn’t say for the time being. Mihawk who got him had a lot of opinions, but after Chu Yi said it, we must be the world’s number one swordsman in the future. It must be "burned"!

Instead, it was Tiger.

After confluence with Jinping, it was nothing more than to deal with some small fish and shrimps.

Moreover, like Raleigh and Dragons, they are all chased by some of the navy's elite officers. Therefore, after joining with Jinping, Tiger's helper is not only one more Jinping, but also the "Pluto" Raleigh and revolution. The two dragons of the army, if Tiger could be dangerous in this way, then Chu Yi would really be out of the question.

Immediately afterwards.

Just like what I said earlier, when I heard that Chu Yi had handed over a difficult task to Tiger, Mihawk was dissatisfied, and he was about to quarrel with Tiger.

Who would think that when Chu Yi temporarily interrupted the communication between Tiger and Xia Qi's souls, and instead told him about Mihawk's mission...


A gleam of light suddenly appeared in the sharp eyes, and he picked up the branch he used as a sword blade. When Chu Yi recovered Taige and Xia Qi's soul communicated, he listened to Mihawk's voice and said in the soul communication:

"Chu Yi, what are you doing there in a daze?"

"Hurry up to Marin Vandor!"

Uh huh.

That's it!

The target was targeted at Marine Headquarters Marin Fandor. Before leaving, Chu Yi took a deep breath. Immediately in order to save energy, Chu Yi directly opened the wings of Shura and quickly flew to the position of Marine Headquarters Marin Fandor.

As for the bear...

Chu Yi was not prepared to take care of it for the time being, anyway he had lost the ability to fight, and his life was not in danger for the time being.

If the bear was really affected by the battle and died tragically in this cave, then the revolutionary army would have no excuse even if it wanted to trouble Chu Yi.

Therefore, when flying to Marin Fandor, Chu Yi can be said to advance at full speed without any hesitation.

But just when Chu Yi flew out of the Chambord Islands...


Cap, Luchi, and Smogg, who were originally controlled by the soul servants and belonged to the navy camp, suddenly discovered that the manipulation of the soul servants has disappeared!

In an instant, the surging aura climbed out of the three people's bodies.

Karp was okay. After all, he was not far from where Chu Yi had previously confronted the Warring States and Xiong. He had recovered his freedom, but he couldn't cause Mihawk, Tiger and others to cause trouble.

On the contrary, Lu Qi and Smogg, their aura is rising steadily, and they are shocked by Mihawk and Tiger.

Only after hearing the news that the navy is about to start a full-scale war with Chu Yi, Lu Qi and Smogg did not have any intention of confronting Mihawk, Tiger and others, and even the two returned to their freedom, the reason for the steadily rising momentum. , All in order to escape the monitoring of Mihawk and Tiger as soon as possible.

Next second...


Lu Qi uses an improved version of the Navy Six "Shave", while Smogg uses the fruit ability to turn into white smoke, and disappears in front of Mihawk and Tiger in just an instant~www.readwn.com~ and At this time, using the domineering look and hearing to lock Smogg, the Tigers of the two Lu Qis actually had time to catch up with the two fleeing footsteps.

But when Tiger was just about to take a step forward and was about to go after the escaped Smogg and Lu Qi...


Mihawk's palm was slightly harder, and he gripped Tiger's shoulder tightly, and said:

"Fatty Red Murloc, you don't have to chase those two ten thousand year old captives. Right now our more important task is..."

"Complete Chu Yi's deployment!"


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